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- 1 Cabanilles, Juan Bautista (1644–1712)
- 2 Caccini, Giulio (1551–1618)
- 3 Caetani, Roffredo (1871–1961)
- 4 Cairanne, Marius (1859–1910)
- 5 Caldara, Antonio (1670–1736)
- 6 Call, Leonhard von (1767–1815)
- 7 Callaerts, Joseph (1838–1901)
- 8 Campbell, Brun (1884–1952)
- 9 Campbell-Tipton, Louis (1877–1921)
- 10 Canteloube, Joseph (1879–1957)
- 11 Caplet, André (1878–1925)
- 12 Carafa, Michele (1787–1872)
- 13 Carlez, Jules Alexis (1836–1922)
- 14 Caro, Paul (1859–1914)
- 15 Carrillo, Julián (1875–1965)
- 16 Casanoves i Bertran, Narcís (1747–1799)
- 17 Casella, Alfredo (1883–1947)
- 18 Casorti, August (1812–1908)
- 19 Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario (1895–1968)
- 20 Castillon, Alexis de (1838–1873)
- 21 Castro, Ricardo (1864–1907)
- 22 Catalani, Alfredo (1854–1893)
- 23 Catenhusen, Ernst (1833–1918)
- 24 Catherine, Georges (1872–1958)
- 25 Ceillier, Laurent (1887–1925)
- 26 Celega, Nicolò (1844–1906)
- 27 Cellier, Alexandre (1883–1968)
- 28 Centola, Ernesto (1862–1934)
- 29 Cervantes, Ignacio (1847–1905)
- 30 Chadwick, George Whitefield (1854–1931)
- 31 Chaine, Eugène (1819–1882)
- 32 Chaminade, Cécile (1857–1944)
- 33 Chansarel, René (1864–1945)
- 34 Chapí, Ruperto (1851–1909)
- 35 Chapuis, Auguste (1858–1933)
- 36 Charpentier, Marc-Antoine (1643–1704)
- 37 Chaulieu Sr., Charles (1788–1849)
- 38 Chausson, Ernest (1855–1899)
- 39 Cherubini, Luigi (1760–1842)
- 40 Chevillard, Camille (1859–1923)
- 41 Chinzer, Giovanni (1700–1749)
- 42 Chop, Max (1862–1929)
- 43 Chopin, Frédéric (1810–1849)
- 44 Choulet, Charles (1845–1868)
- 45 Chován, Coloman (1852–1928)
- 46 Chvála, Emanuel (1851–1924)
- 47 Chwatal, Franz Xaver (1808–1879)
- 48 Ciandelli, Gaetano (1791?–1840?)
- 49 Cilea, Francesco (1866–1950)
- 50 Cimarosa, Domenico (1749–1801)
- 51 Clapisson, Louis (1808–1866)
- 52 Clapp, Philip Greeley (1888–1954)
- 53 Clarke, Hamilton (1840–1912)
- 54 Clarke, Hugh Archibald (1839–1927)
- 55 Clarke, Jeremiah (1674–1707)
- 56 Claussmann, Aloÿs (1850–1926)
- 57 Clemens non Papa, Jacobus (ca.1510–1556)
- 58 Clement, Franz (1780–1842)
- 59 Clementi, Muzio (1752–1832)
- 60 Coccia, Carlo (1782–1873)
- 61 Coenen, Frans (1826–1904)
- 62 Coenen, Johannes Meinardus (1825–1899)
- 63 Coerne, Louis Adolphe (1870–1922)
- 64 Cohan, George Michael (1878–1942)
- 65 Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel (1875–1912)
- 66 Colombi, Giuseppe (1635–1694)
- 67 Concone, Giuseppe (1801–1861)
- 68 Coninx, L (1803–1879)
- 69 Conradi, August (1821–1873)
- 70 Conti, Francesco Bartolomeo (1681–1732)
- 71 Copland, Aaron (1900–1990)
- 72 Cords, Gustav (1870–1951)
- 73 Corelli, Arcangelo (1653–1713)
- 74 Cornelius, Peter (1824–1874)
- 75 Corrette, Michel (1709–1795)
- 76 Corteccia, Francesco (1502–1571)
- 77 Couperin, François (1668–1733)
- 78 Couperin, Louis (1626–1661)
- 79 Le Couppey, Félix (1811–1887)
- 80 Courlande, Gustave de (1780–1821)
- 81 Courvoisier, Walter (1875–1931)
- 82 Cowen, Frederic Hymen (1852–1935)
- 83 Cramer, Johann Baptist (1771–1858)
- 84 Crane, Helen C. (1868–ca.1930–1944)
- 85 Cras, Jean (1879–1932)
- 86 Crawford Seeger, Ruth (1901–1953)
- 87 Crawford, Thomas James (1877–1955)
- 88 Crémont, Pierre (1784–1846)
- 89 Cristo, Pedro de (1545–1618)
- 90 Cross, Michael Hurley (1833–1897)
- 91 Croze-Magnan, Jean-Baptiste de (1820–1891)
- 92 Crusell, Bernhard Henrik (1775–1838)
- 93 Cui, César (1835–1918)
- 94 Cutter, Benjamin (1857–1910)
- 95 Czerny, Carl (1791–1857)
- 96 Čart, Jiří (1708–1774)
- 97 Dachs, Michael (1876–1941)
- 98 Daffner, Hugo (1882–1936)
- 99 Dalberg, Nancy (1881–1949)
- 100 D'Alquen, Friedrich (1809–1887)
- 101 Damaré, Eugène (1840–1919)
- 102 Damcke, Berthold (1812–1875)
- 103 Damrosch, Walter (1862–1950)
- 104 Dancla, Charles (1817–1907)
- 105 Dancla, Léopold (1822–1895)
- 106 Daneau, Nicolas (1866–1944)
- 107 Dannehl, Franz (1870–1947)
- 108 Dannreuther, Edward (1844–1905)
- 109 Danzi, Franz (1763–1826)
- 110 Dargomyzhsky, Aleksandr (1813–1869)
- 111 Darke, Harold (1888–1976)
- 112 Dārziņš, Volfgangs (1906–1962)
- 113 Dauprat, Louis-François (1781–1868)
- 114 Daussoigne-Méhul, Alexandre (1829–1902)
- 115 Davenport, Francis Williams (1847–1925)
- 116 David, Félicien (1810–1876)
- 117 David, Ferdinand (1810–1873)
- 118 David, Karl Heinrich (1884–1951)
- 119 Dayas, William H. (1864–1903)
- 120 Debussy, Claude (1862–1918)
- 121 De Castéra, René (1873–1955)
- 122 Decourcelle, Paul (1854–1940)
- 123 Degner, Erich Wolf (1858–1908)
- 124 Deigendesch, Karl (1839–1911)
- 125 Delafosse, Léon (1874–1951)
- 126 De Lamarter, Eric (1880–1953)
- 127 Delannoy, Marcel (1898–1962)
- 128 Deldevez, Édouard Marie Ernest (1817–1897)
- 129 Delibes, Léo (1836–1891)
- 130 Delius, Frederick (1862–1934)
- 131 Delmas, Marc (1885–1931)
- 132 Delune, Louis (1876–1940)
- 133 Demar, Sébastien (1763–1832)
- 134 Demersseman, Jules (1833–1866)
- 135 Demessieux, Jeanne (1921–1968)
- 136 De Micheli, Giulio (1899–1940)
- 137 Depas, Ernest (1809–1889)
- 138 Derckum, Franz (1812–1872)
- 139 Déré, Jean (1886–1970)
- 140 Destenay, Edouard (1850–1924)
- 141 Dett, Robert Nathaniel (1882–1942)
- 142 Devienne, François (1759–1803)
- 143 Dickinson, Clarence (1873–1969)
- 144 Diémer, Louis (1843–1919)
- 145 Dienel, Otto (1839–1905)
- 146 Diener, Olga (1890–1963)
- 147 Diepenbrock, Alphons (1862–1921)
- 148 Dieren, Bernard van (1887–1936)
- 149 Dieter, Christian Ludwig (1757–1822)
- 150 Dietrich, Albert Hermann (1829–1908)
- 151 Dieupart, Charles (1667–1740)
- 152 Dimitrescu, Constantin (1847–1928)
- 153 Distler, Hugo (1908–1942)
- 154 Dittersdorf, Carl Ditters von (1739–1799)
- 155 Dobrowen, Issay (1894–1953)
- 156 Döhler, Theodor (1814–1856)
- 157 Dohnányi, Ernő (1877–1960)
- 158 Donath, Gustav (1878–1965)
- 159 Donizetti, Gaetano (1797–1848)
- 160 Donizetti, Giuseppe (1788–1856)
- 161 Dont, Jakob (1815–1888)
- 162 Dopper, Cornelis (1870–1939)
- 163 Doppler, Franz (1821–1883)
- 164 Dorn, Charles James (1839–1909)
- 165 Dorn, Heinrich Ludwig Egmont (1804–1892)
- 166 Dorner, Francesca (1912–1926)
- 167 Dotzauer, Friedrich (1783–1860)
- 168 Douay, Émile (1802–1882)
- 169 Dowland, Robert (c. 1591–1641)
- 170 Draeseke, Felix (1835–1913)
- 171 Dressel, Erwin (1907–1972)
- 172 Drew, Harry (1851–1895)
- 173 Driffill, William Ralph (1870–1922)
- 174 Drigo, Riccardo (1846–1930)
- 175 Drouet, Louis François Philippe (1792–1873)
- 176 Drozdov, Anatoly (1883–1950)
- 177 Družecký, Jiří (1745–1819)
- 178 Düben, Andreas (I) (1558–1625)
- 179 Düben, Andreas (1597–1662)
- 180 Düben, Gustaf (ca.1628–1690)
- 181 Düben, Martin (ca.1598–1650)
- 182 Dubois, Théodore (1837–1924)
- 183 Dufresne, Georges (1846–1918)
- 184 Dukas, Paul (1865–1935)
- 185 Duke, Vernon (1903–1969)
- 186 Dumonchau, Charles-François (1775–1821)
- 187 Du Mont, Henry (1610–1684)
- 188 Dunham, Henry Morton (1853–1929)
- 189 Dupin, Paul (1865–1949)
- 190 Dupont, Auguste (1827–1890)
- 191 Duport, Jean-Louis (1749–1819)
- 192 Dupuis, Albert (1877–1967)
- 193 Dupuis, Sylvain (1856–1931)
- 194 Du Puy, Edouard (1773–1822)
- 195 Durand, Emile (1830–1903)
- 196 Durante, Francesco (1684–1755)
- 197 Dussek, Jan Ladislav (1760–1812)
- 198 Duvernoy, Jean-Baptiste (1800–1880)
- 199 Dvořák, Antonín (1841–1904)
- 200 Ebel, Arnold (1883–1963)
- 201 Ebel, David (I) (ca.1500–1576)
- 202 Ebel, David (II) (ca.1576–1639)
- 203 Ebel, Hermann (ca.1550–1616)
- 204 Eberl, Anton (1765–1807)
- 205 Eberlin, Johann Ernst (1702–1762)
- 206 Ebers, Carl Friedrich (1770–1836)
- 207 Eberwein, Traugott Maximilian (1775–1831)
- 208 Eck, Johann Friedrich (1767–1838)
- 209 Eckhardt-Gramatté, Sophie-Carmen (1899–1974)
- 210 Edelmann, Jean-Frédéric (1749–1794)
- 211 Eder, Victor (1863–1933)
- 212 Egger, Max (1863–1962)
- 213 Eggert, Joachim Nicolas (1779–1813)
- 214 Ehrenberg, Carl (1878–1962)
- 215 Eichberg, Julius (1824–1893)
- 216 Eijken, Johan Albert van (1823–1868)
- 217 Eilenberg, Richard (1848–1925)
- 218 Eisler, Hanns (1898–1962)
- 219 Elgar, Edward (1857–1934)
- 220 Ellerton, John Lodge (1801–1873)
- 221 Ellicott, Rosalind F. (1857–1924)
- 222 Elling, Catharinus (1858–1942)
- 223 Elmas, Stephan (1862–1937)
- 224 Elsner, Józef (1769–1854)
- 225 Emborg, Jens Laursøn (1876–1957)
- 226 Emmanuel, Maurice (1862–1938)
- 227 Enescu, George (1881–1955)
- 228 Engel, Carl (1886-1944)
- 229 Enger, Nelly (1873–1951)
- 230 Erb, Marie Josef (1858–1944)
- 231 Erdmann, Eduard (1896–1958)
- 232 Erdmannsdörfer, Max (1848–1905)
- 233 Erdstein, Leon (1874–1953)
- 234 Erich, Daniel (1649–1712)
- 235 Erlemann, Gustav (1876–1936)
- 236 Ernest, Gustav (1858–1941)
- 237 Ertel, Paul (1865–1933)
- 238 Eschmann, Johann Carl (1826–1882)
- 239 Espona, Manuel (1714–1779)
- 240 Esposito, Michele (1855–1929)
- 241 Esser, Heinrich (1818–1872)
- 242 Ewald, Victor (1860–1935)
- 243 Eybler, Joseph (1765–1846)
- 244 Fabritius, Ernst (1842–1899)
- 245 Facius, Johann Heinrich (1760–1806)
- 246 Fährmann, Hans (1860–1940)
- 247 Fairchild, Blair (1877–1933)
- 248 Faisst, Clara (1872–1948)
- 249 Falconio, Placido (fl. 1549–1588)
- 250 Fall, Siegfried (1877–1943)
- 251 Falla, Manuel de (1876–1946)
- 252 Famintsyn, Aleksandr (1841–1896)
- 253 Fane, John (1784–1859)
- 254 Farinelli, Giuseppe (1769–1836)
- 255 Farjeon, Harry (1878–1948)
- 256 Farkas, Ödön (1851–1912)
- 257 Farrar, Ernest Bristow (1885–1918)
- 258 Farrenc, Aristide (1794–1865)
- 259 Farrenc, Léonce (1873–1903)
- 260 Farrenc, Louise (1804–1875)
- 261 Fasch, Johann Friedrich (1688–1758)
- 262 Fassbaender, Peter (1869–1920)
- 263 Fauchard, Auguste (1881–1957)
- 264 Fauré, Gabriel (1845–1924)
- 265 Fauth, Albert (1870–1931)
- 266 Feinberg, Samuil (1890–1962)
- 267 Fellenberg, Gottfried von (1857–1924)
- 268 Fellenberg, Reinhold (1848–1912)
- 269 Fenney, William (1891–1957)
- 270 Feo, Francesco (1691–1761)
- 271 Fernandez, Aires (fl. 1590)
- 272 Fernström, John (1897–1961)
- 273 Ferrandini, Giovanni Battista (1710–1791)
- 274 Ferrari, Carlota (1837–1907)
- 275 Ferretti, Vincenzo Cesare (fl1790-1801)
- 276 Ferroni, Vincenzo (1858–1934)
- 277 Fesca, Friedrich Ernst (1789–1826)
- 278 Fesch, Willem de (1678–1761)
- 279 Fétis, François-Joseph (1784–1871)
- 280 Fiala, Joseph (1748–1816)
- 281 Fibich, Zdeněk (1850–1900)
- 282 Field, John (1782–1837)
- 283 Fiévet, Claude (1865–1938)
- 284 Filke, Max (1855–1911)
- 285 Finger, Gottfried (ca.1660–1730)
- 286 Fink, Christian (1831–1911)
- 287 Fink, Hans (1859–1905)
- 288 Finke, Fidelio Friedrich (1891–1968)
- 289 Fischer, Carl August (1828–1892)
- 290 Fischer, Johann Caspar Ferdinand (1665–1746)
- 291 Fischer, Michael Gotthard (1773–1829)
- 292 Fitelberg, Grzegorz (1879–1953)
- 293 Fitelberg, Jerzy (1903–1951)
- 294 Fitzenhagen, Wilhelm (1848–1890)
- 295 Flackton, William (1709–1798)
- 296 Flament, Édouard (1880–1958)
- 297 Flaxland, Gustave-Alexandre (1821–1895)
- 298 Flégier, Ange (1846–1927)
- 299 Flesch, Carl (1873–1944)
- 300 Flor, Christian (1626–1697)
- 301 Floridia, Pietro (1860–1932)
- 302 Florio, Caryl (1843–1920)
- 303 Flügel, Gustav (1812–1900)
- 304 Flury, Richard (1896–1967)
- 305 Foch, Dirk (1886–1973)
- 306 Fodor, Carel Anton (1768–1846)
- 307 Foerster, Adolph Martin (1854–1927)
- 308 Foerster, Josef Bohuslav (1859-1951)
- 309 Fogg, Eric (1903-1939)
- 310 Foote, Arthur (1853-1937)
- 311 Forchhammer, Theophil (1847–1923)
- 312 Forgues, Émile (1823–1883)
- 313 Forino, Luigi (1868–1936)
- 314 Forneret, Xavier (1809–1884)
- 315 Fornerod, Aloÿs (1890–1965)
- 316 Foroni, Jacopo (1825–1858)
- 317 Förster, Alban (1849–1916)
- 318 Förster, Kaspar (1616–1673)
- 319 Forsyth, Cecil (1870–1941)
- 320 Förtsch, Johann Philipp (1652–1732)
- 321 Foulds, John (1880–1939)
- 322 Fouqué, Friedrich (1874–1944)
- 323 Fowler-Judd, Alice (1873–1940)
- 324 Fowles, Leonard Nowell (1870–1939)
- 325 Franchomme, Auguste (1808–1884)
- 326 Franck, César (1822–1890)
- 327 Franck, Eduard (1817–1893)
- 328 Franck, Joseph (1825–1891)
- 329 Franck, Richard (1858–1938)
- 330 Franckenstein, Clemens von (1875–1942)
- 331 Francmesnil, Roger de (1884–1921)
- 332 Franco-Mendès, Jacques (1812–1889)
- 333 Franz, Robert (1815–1892)
- 334 Freislich, Johann Balthasar Christian (1687–1764)
- 335 Freitas Branco, Luís de (1890–1955)
- 336 Frescobaldi, Girolamo (1583–1643)
- 337 Frederick II (1712–1786)
- 338 Frey, Michael (1787–1832)
- 339 Fricke, Richard (1877–1957)
- 340 Fried, Oskar (1871–1941)
- 341 Friedländer, Arthur M. (1868–1928)
- 342 Fröber, Christoph Gottlieb (1704–1759)
- 343 Fröhlich, Friedrich Theodor (1803–1836)
- 344 Frühling, Carl (1868–1937)
- 345 Fuchs, Albert (1858–1910)
- 346 Füchs, Ferdinand Karl (1811–1848)
- 347 Fuchs, Richard (1887–1947)
- 348 Fuchs, Robert (1847–1927)
- 349 Fuchs, Theodor (1873–1953)
- 350 Fumagalli, Adolfo (1828–1856)
- 351 Fumagalli, Polibio (1830–1900)
- 352 Funcke, Friedrich (1642–1699)
- 353 Fürstenau, Anton Bernhard (1792–1852)
- 354 Fürstenau, Kaspar (1772–1819)
- 355 Furuhjelm, Erik (1883–1964)
- 356 Fux, Johann Joseph (ca.1660–1741)
"Ave Maria" is spurious, actually by the Russian composer Vladimir Vavilov (1925-73) and copyrighted in Canada, the EU, and the US.
Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.
- 3 Piano Pieces, Op.9
- Piano Trio, Op.5 (held by a library in Chile, by RCM London, UDK Berlin, and elsewhere?)
- Violin Sonata in B-flat, Op.6 (published 1899) (RCM)
- Suite for orchestra, Op.10 (published ca.1901) (Fleisher?)
- La commedia d'un musicista for piano (poss. pub. ca.1914?)
- Hypatia. Azione liyrica in tre atti. (Schott, 1925. Republished? in German as Musikdrama in drei Aufzugen, 1928.)
- Die Sonneninsel (opera) - "L'isola del sole. : Novella musicale in due atti e un epilogo." (pub. 1943)
Most works self-published/published by eponymous firm? Some works digitized at Gallica, I think.
- Miss Maud, mazurka and Ricochets, polka for orchestra (also published for piano) (pub. by the composer in 1892)
- Prince fleur d'avril : opéra-comique en un acte (text by Eugène Blairat, published 1893)
- Spanish Maiden, waltz (Chappell, 1893) (may be the same as Juanita, valse espagnole, pub. 1890, or another work, first published under another title by the composer.)
- Sous le chêne. Romance (Paroles de B. Broux et d'Appy) (Paris : Albert Donnadey, [1888])
- Medea in Corinto (Cantata, 1711, manuscript or first edition)
- Santo Stefano, primo Re d'Ungheria (Oratorio, 1713)
- La Conversione di Clodoveo Re di Francia (Oratorio, 1715)
- Gioseffo che interpreta i sogni (Oratorio, 1726) (uploaded in manuscript score way back in 2015)
- Stabat Mater (Oratorio, 1726) (a Stabat Mater in G minor by Caldara has been uploaded, is this the same?)
- Cristo condannato (Oratorio, lib. Parlati, 1717)
- Sant'Elena al Calvario (Oratorio, lib. Metastasio, 1731)
- any Masses (D major and D minor scanned in by SBB I think, may upload soon.)
- Missa Matri dolorosa; Missa Laetere; Missa pro Defunctorum; etc. -- The first - Mass in B minor 'Matris dolorosae' - was also uploaded back in 2015.
- any Sinfonia concertantes
- Sonatas printed in Venezia 1700 and 1701
- 4 volumi di composizioni per clavicembalo
- 23 fughe con variazione (is this 23 Fugues, D-B ?)
- capriccio
- arpeggio
- Proba organistica
- IX Favorit Gesaenge für Vier Singstimmen (TTBB), Op.10 (Call was known for his men's choruses, and is said to have helped make the genre popular)
- Easy duos for guitare and flute / guitar (or lyre) and violin , Opp. 87 and 88 (Duhan)
- Canzonetta for pf., Op.9 (pub. by Schott, 1875)
- Piano Trio in a, Op.16 (Paris: Hamelle, ca.1884; reprinted MPH 2017)
- Piano Sonata, Op.3
- Symphony in C major (ca.1877) (there is a copy of the parts - manuscript? - at Artesis Plantijn Hoges. ...)
- Symphony, Op.13 (BSB has reduction, pub. by Schott. Not digitized as yet). This may be the Symphony in C minor performed from manuscript during the Fêtes musicales of 1880 in Brussels, see Le Guide Musical: Revue Internationale de la Musique (22 Janvier 1880 issue))
- Concertos: for organ and orchestra (pub. Schott, 1920s)
- also, violin concertpiece in E (ms. score and parts in Fleisher Collection)
- 15 Improvisations for organ, Op.1 (pub. Heugel, 1858)
Campbell, Brun (1884–1952)
- Tone poems for voice and piano, Op.3 (pub.1904?)
- Romanza appassionata : duo pour violon et piano, op.2
- Suite pastorale for violin and piano, Op.27 (©1911)
Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.
- Triptyque for voice and orchestra (1914); piano-vocal score: Deiss & Crépin, 1924; orchestral score: R. Deiss, 1929
- Myrrha, Prix de Rome Cantata
The following items are ineligible to be added due to copyright status:
- Quintet for Winds and Piano (pub. 1996) (dated 1899 autograph manuscript is at BNF)
- Trio for piano, violin and organ (performed 1868, published 1871 by Choudens)
- 2 Fantasies for piano, op.29 (Jacquot, 1864)
Quite a lot of his works @ CHAMO. Also @ ÖNB (which has quite a few of his autograph scores.) SBB has a fair number of published scores too, but again none digitized yet.
- Violin sonata in F, Op.2 (pub.1883, dedicated to Prof. Door.)
- Ballades for piano, Op.5 (@ CHAMO)
- Piano trio in E, Op.8 (pub.1886)
- Piano Trio in B-flat (manuscript @ ÖNB)
- String quartet in B, Op.6 (pub.1886)
- String quartet in B♭ minor, Op.7 (ded. Hellmesberger.) (pub.1886. At BSB undigitized- request??)
- String quartet in D minor, Op.19 (pub.1896 by Robitschek. Ms dated 1894 - same work? @ ÖNB)
- String quartet in F♯ minor, Op.20 (pub.1896)
- String quartet in A minor (manuscript @ÖNB)
- String quartet in F (manuscript dated 1901 @ÖNB)
- String quintets in E minor and F major (")
- 8? violin sonatas (at least some published, some in manuscript @ÖNB)
- Piano sonata in F♯ minor, Op.41 (ca.1910)
- Piano sonata in B-flat minor (Robitschek?)
- Cello sonata in D minor, Op.42 (pub.1910-or-11)
- Sinfonietta in A-flat (manuscript @ÖNB)
- Berg-Symphonie (")
- Symphony in C minor and D major (")
- Piano Quintet in A-flat (manuscript dated 1902 @ ÖNB)
- Opera Hero und Leander (3 acts) (pub. 1898 in a reduction by Robert Schwalm, publisher Robitschek, to a libretto by Grillparzer (after Das Meeres und der Liebe Wellen))
- Ein Ländler-Cyclus : für Pianoforte : Op. 21 (pub.1898, available digitally from CHAMO)
Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.
- Pasos, probably in Catalonian libraries
- Serenata (published 1928), parts
- Ricercare sul nome Guido M. Gatti (1942), for piano
- Frescobaldi editions - eg Keyboard Sonatas (ed. Casella)?
- A Notte Alto, Op.30a, version for piano and orchestra (pub. Ricordi 1923, plate 126436)
- Pagine di guerra, orchestral arrangement (pub. J. & W. Chester, 1921)
One source has 1830-1867. MusicSack has d.1908. However: Wikipasdecalais has born 1812, as does the Peters Catalog. fl.1905 seems a reasonable concluding flourishing date. So: 1812-fl./ca.1905; and one omits fl. in Cat lines here.
- N.B. August Casorti (fl.1830–1905; above are floruit dates) is apparently distinct from Casorti, Alessandro (1830–67). “b.1908” cannot be a birth year; Bogentechnik is apparently 19th century. PML 1 February 2011
- Alessandro apparently was his nephew, yes. A history of their common birthplace(?) gives 1812-1908 for August C, and going with that for now. Eric 21:54, 8 November 2021 (CET)
Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.
- Coplas
- Girotondo dei Golosi (©1920)
- Stelle Cadenti (©1919) (Hathitrust)
- Violin Concerto No.2, Op. 66 I Profeti (The Prophets; for Jascha Heifetz) (pub.1954 or n.d.[1954])
- String Quartet in G (comp.1929, ©1931) (first of 3 numbered quartets, others are in ms.)
- Concerto italiano : in sol minore (©1926)
- Cello Sonata, Op. 50 | Publisher: Florence: Forlivesi (1929)
- Paraphrase du 84e psaume. Paroles françaises de Louis Gallet (Op.17) (published 1912)
- Fugues dans le style libre, Op.2
- Cello Concerto in C minor (1895), Full score and Orchestral Parts.
- Oithana, Op.55
- La Wally, full score (not sure when published - 1946 apparently from Worldcat, but this is available for purchase from MPH (2070). This does not mean it's public domain.)
- Scherzo-Tarantella - Piano score
- Variazioni di bravura sull: Nel cor più (published 1864 at age 10 - could this be a different A. Catalani?)
(German Wikipedia has 1841 to 1918, but VIAF gives 1833)
- Psalm 88 in D minor
- Concert overture in G major (both manuscripts at Landesbibliothek Coburg, the overture an autograph (that is, not a fair copy). Attribution of the overture not definite.)
Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.
- Scale Study, 2 Vol. (cited by A. Bachmann; probably not under copyright in the US)
- Pièces pour Anne-Marie : 6 petites pièces à 4 mains pour de grands enfants (pub. 1913)
- Minuet for strings, op.240
Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.
- Suite Symphonique
- Eglises et Paysages
- Pelerinages
- Trois Chorals
- Prelude et Fugue
- Choral-Prelude sur Psaume 65
- Theme et Variations sur le Psaume 149
- Op.51 Concertino, pub.1909
- Violin Concerto No.1, Op.18 (Richault, 1856)
- Violin Concerto No.2, Op.19 (Richault, 1856)
- Piano Quartet (performed in Paris, August 1878)
- Messe brève, Op.31 (Lebeau, 1864)
- Loin du pays, Op.28 (Vialon, 1856)
- Wind quintet, Op.8 (l'auteur, 1863)
- Nocturne for cello and piano (pub. 1905, Grus)
- Suite "En Toscane" for piano
- Cello Sonata (pub.1919)
- Enguerrande. Drame lyrique en quatre actes d'après le poème dramatique de Emile Bergerat. Poème de Victor Wilder. (pub.1892)
- Les Demoiselles de St. Cyr. Comédie Musicale en quatre actes d'après la pièce d'Alexandre Dumas. Poème de A. Lénéka. (pub.1921)
- Messe des morts à quatre voix, H. 7-7a - H.7 score uploaded
- Te Deum à quatre voix H 147 (1693) - score uploaded
- Te Deum à 4 voix H 148 (1699) - score uploaded
- Mors Saulis et Jonathae, H.403 - score uploaded
- Sans frayeur dans ce bois, chaconne for soprano & continuo, H. 467 (first edition if possible)
- Epitaphium Carpentarii H. 474 (cantata for 6 voices & continuo, manuscript or first edition if possible) (ms uploaded, and typesets)
- In honorem Sancti Ludovici regis Galliae, H. 332 (manuscript or first edition if possible) (typeset uploaded)
- In nativitatem Domini Nostri Jesu Christi Canticum, histoire sacrée for 4 voices, chorus, 2 treble instruments & continuo, H. 414 (manuscript or first edition)
- Sacrificium Abrahae, H. 402 (manuscript or first edition)
- Judicium Salomonis, H.422
- Le Jugement de Pâris (1690)
- Tristes déserts, sombre retraite, H. 469
- La Pierre philosophale, H.501
- Variations brillantes sur la Sicilienne de Robert [le Diable], Op.135
- Morceau de concert sur le Chœur des Buveurs(?) der Robert-le-Diable, Op.136 (both for piano, both probably by Chaulieu Sr. rather than Jr. given date - ca.1838 - and opus nos. Both listed in Nouveautés musicales, 1838, Maurice Schlesinger, p.4.)
- Les Abencérages (1813; Vocal Score or Full Score)
- "Je ne t'aime plus" (duet, published 1818 by Boieldieu jeune)
- Le chène et le roseau: poème symphonique, d'après la fable de la Fontaine, Op.7 (pub. 1901)
- Reznicek, sein Leben und seine Werke (p1920)
- Führer durch Franz Liszt’s sinfonische Dichtungen (p1894)
- Suite Der Heimat for orch. (p1901)
- Andantino animato (1845)
- Prelude in F (1845)
- Nocturne Opus 9 no. 2 in Eb Major (Arranged for Guitar) full score (1830-1832)
- Mazur in G (Jakiez kwiaty, jakie wianki) (On the setting of a poem by Ignac Maciejowski) (August 22, 1829) ([1][2])
- Preludes opus 28, edited by Paderewski.
- Piano Sonata No.2, Op.35 arranged for 2 pianos, 4 hands by Camille Saint-Saëns (Durand, 1907)
- Mazurek Dabrowskiego (refrain and reconstruction)
- [title page:]
(flourishing dates)
- String Quartets No.1 Op.19 (1850s, Richault), Op.23 in F (1854, Hofmeister)
- 6 Marches hongroises des Guerres de l'Indépendance (piano duet) (pub. 1911, Rozsnyai)
- Lugosana, 2 popular Romanian danses for piano duet, Op.39 (pub.1908)
- String Quartet in C minor (published 1898)
- Piano Duet Sonata, Op.15 (pub.1839 or ca.1832? by Schuberth)
- 3 Sonatines, Op.64 (Heinrichshoften, pub.1848)
- Introduction and Var. on a theme from the opera "Der Bergmönch", Op.11 (pub.1836, repub.2005)
- Weihnachts-Symphonie, Op.183 (toy symphony) (pub.1864)
- Basso Concerto Di Violoncello (1811)
- Composizioni strumentali in G Major for cello (1791)
- Concerto Ciaudelli Concerto per Violoncello Solo and Orchestra in C Major (1811)
- Scherzo for Cello and Orch (Piano) (Sopra alcuni pensieri della Linda di Chamounix)
- Gloria (1907, opera), vocal score
- Concerto for two flutes in G major
- Keyboard works
- Il matrimonio segreto, full score [Kalmus reprint (K-A4593)]
- Il matrimonio segreto, Ricordi vocal score
- Il maestro di cappella, full score
- Il Pittore parigino, vocal score
- Missa pro defunctis in sol minore per soprano, contralto, tenore, basso e orchestra (San Pietroburgo, 1787)
- Requiem in fa maggiore per soprano, contralto, tenore, basso e orchestra
- Messa in do minore per soprano, contralto, tenore, basso e orchestra (1799)
- Messa in do minore per soprano, contralto, tenore, basso e orchestra
- Messa in re minore per soprano, contralto, tenore, basso e orchestra (Vienna)
- Messa per l'Avvento in sol maggiore per soprano, contralto, tenore, basso e organo
- Magnificat in D full score
- Dixit Dominus (1797) for soloists, chorus and orchestra (apparently there are several in different keys, per Worldcat- as many as possible but especially those corresponding to ones that have been recorded :))
- Horn and piano duo, Op.55 in E♭ (pub.1831 by Richault)
- Ave Verum in B (H-dur) (4 voices) (ms copy at Brussels)
- Nocturnes (Je n'ai rien; Les poltronnes...) and other songs pub. 1839 by Lemoine (1 June 1839 BdlF)
- Fantaisies de Salon Op. 12 (collab with Henri Ravina)
- O Gladsome Light (pub.1908)
- Suite for Brass (pub.1938, PD-CA?)
- Opera The Flaming Brand (pub.1954, PD-CA?)
- Symphonies (12+2 unnumbered early?) (published? or all only in manuscript? Broadcasts exist of several of them.)
- A Chant of Darkness (pub.1934, song to words by Helen Keller) (PD-CA?)
- Suite for Trombone Quartet (pub.1939)
- Flute Sonata n.2, Op.153 (p.1883?)
- String Quartet in A op.246 (ca.1895)
- Music to Aristophanes Acharnians, pub.1886 (in vocal score) (possibly digitized by Hathitrust or elsewhere)
- Jerusalem, an oratorio (Philadelphia: Presser, © 1890)
- Ode on the Death of Henry Purcell
- Organ works / Œuvres pour orgue
- Missa pastores quidnam vidistis (first? published in a 20th century edition, possibly post-1950, - part of his opera omnia? - by Karel Philip Kempers, also in a 16th century choirbook at National Lib. Spain with copies at UIUC and California libraries)
- Violin Concerto, Op.4 ( (recently reissued and collected into full score in a 2005 A-R Editions pub.)
- Piano Quartet "Grand Quatuor" (
- Piano Concerto Op.5 (pub.1803)
- Symphonies - we have the Op.18. The other 4-and-a-fragment are possibly in-copyright-everywhere except maybe for their extremely messy manuscripts (if even those)?
- La donna selvaggia (full score and parts)
There are two Dutch composers this could refer to: Franciscus Henrikus Coenen (1826-1904) and Frans Coenen (1866-1936), his son. (Sometimes referred to as Frans Coenen Jr. but this usually implies that both are "Franciscus Henrikus Coenen"; the full name of the son has not been given.)
- Psalm 32 (pub. Roothaan, 1865)
- Maria Magdalena dramatisches Gedicht (Roothaan, 1874)
- Violin Sonata, Op.19 (de Vletter, ca.1856. Downloadable? - Sonata in G minor, Op.19)
- Swedische Sonate, Op.60 (©1901. Dedicated to Walther Schulz in Stuttgart. 3 movements.)
- Hiawatha, Op.18, symphonic poem (p.1894)
- Nancy Thatcher, Op.40, opera (ms, 1897 @ Connecticut College)
- 2 Songs, Op.35/69?, p.1895
- Mass in D minor, Op.53 (pub.1902)
- String Quartet in C minor, Op.19 ("Aria" pub.1894, likewise "Fugue on a Theme of Joseph Rheinberger" movement) and organ arrangement of "Alla menuetto" movement too.
- Excalibur for orchestra, Op.180 (pub.1931 though poss. "n.d." Orch. score at LoC, materials at FLP. Some libraries have ©1931 (Syracuse eg). Was recorded on LP in 1968.)
- Star Spangled Spectacular (full score and parts)
Certain posthumous works may be copyrighted in Canada, and works first published in 1930 or later may be copyrighted in the United States. See public domain.
The following items are ineligible to be added due to copyright status:
- Chiacona a Basso Solo (1st piece ever written for solo cello) (1670)
- Toccata da Violone Solo (1670)
- 25 Melodious Studies; Easy And Progressive, Op. 24 (pub. by 1892 at latest so PD. - Schissel)
(Should really be "L."...)
- Fantaisie sur la somnambule et les Puritains de Bellini, Op.35 (pub.1851, Boieldieu)
- Symphony in A minor (once advertised in arrangement in Nov.1876 by Bote & Bock)
Works by this composer can only be added to the US server. Works published in 1929 or earlier are in the public domain in the US, as well as potentially certain other works depending on publication and registration details. See public domain.
- Pastorale for voice (1921, apparently published by Boosey & Hawkes in 1921 acc Worldcat??)
- Honkytonk Blues (1921) (? unpublished?)
- Sonata in G Major for piano (1921) (unpublished??)
- Passacaglia for piano (published in 1922 by Salabert, so PD-US-only)
The following items are ineligible to be added due to copyright status:
- Alone for voice (1922, published 1993)
- As It Fell Upon a Day for voice, flute, and clarinet (1923, published 1929) (PD-US from 2025)
- Cortege Macabre for orchestra (1923) from Grohg. Published 1978.
- Four Motets for mixed voices (1921, published 1979 by Boosey)
- Help us, O Lord
- Sing ye Praises to our King
- Have Mercy on us, O My Lord
- Thou, O Jehovah, Abideth Forever
- Three Moods for piano (1921, first published 1981)
- Petit Portrait for piano (1921, published 1981 in piano album)
- Schulerkonzert Op.41 (pub.1913)
- Trio Op.61 (pub.1927)
- Violin trio Op.46 (pub.1924/5)
- Student concerto for cello and piano Op.60 (pub.1925, Vieweg)
- Concerto grosso Op. 6 No. 8, (Christmas concerto) parts
- Trio sonata Opus 2 No. 12, Chaconne, parts
- La Folia, Milstein Edition
- op. post.: Sinfonia in D minor, WoO 1
- op. post.: Sonata a Quattro, WoO 2 (Rogers, Amsterdam, 1699)[12]
- op. post.: Sonata a Quattro, WoO 3 (Rogers, Amsterdam, 1699 – incomplete/dubious)
- op. post.: 6 Sonate a tre, WoO 5–10 (Amsterdam 1714)
- 4 String Quartets (1841-1842, in manuscript?)
- Mass in D minor (CWV 71) (published by Schott- may be (c) everywhere? but asking)
- Les Méthodes (Lesquelles? On trouve déjà:
- Méthodes pour apprendre à jouer de la contre-basse à 3, à 4, et à 5 cordes (Corrette, Michel)
- L’art de se perfectionner dans le violon (Corrette, Michel)
- et puis d'autres , sous "books": L'école d'Orphée, Op.18 (Corrette, Michel), Le Maitre de clavecin (Corrette, Michel), Méthode pour apprendre à jouer de la Vielle (Corrette, Michel) , &c
- the 25 Concertos Comiques
- Op. 3 and Op. 4 Concertos
- Le Berger Fortuné, 1737
- Les Récréations du Berger Fortuné, 1737
- Les Voyages du Berger Fortuné aux Indes Orientales, 1737
- L'Asne dort, 1740
- Op. 26 Concerti
- Le Phenix, Concerto pour quatre Violoncelles, Violes ou Bassons, c. 1735
- Concerto Spirituel, 1731
- Pastorale, 1732
- III Concerto de Noëls, 1735
- Noëls Suisses, 1737
- Noël Allemand "Lobt Gott, ihr Christen, alle gleich", 1741
- Concerto de noëls, 1754, perdu
- Les Ages. Ballet Pantomime, œuvre X (28 juillet 1733)
- Concert de Simphonies, œuvre XV, incomplet, 1735.
- Six Symphonies en Quatuor sur les Noëls, 1762
- Carillon, ajouté à la Messe des Morts de Gilles, 1764.
- Harpsichord Sonatas, Op. 12 and Op. 25
- Les Amusemens du Parnasse. Méthode courte et facile pour apprendre à toucher le Clavecin, avec les plus jolis airs à la mode, où les doigts sont chiffrés pour les Commençans (all 8 books)
- Divertissements pour le clavecin ou le forte piano, avec le Combat naval, 1779
- Noëls avec des variations, l'O Filii et un Carillon.. qui peuvent s'exécuter sur l'orgue et le piano-forte, 1782, perdus.
- Leçons de Ténèbres à voix seule avec accompagnement de l'orgue, pour la premier de chaque jour, le Mercredi, le Jeudi et le Vendredi Saint, 1784.
- Op. 6
- Passione secondo Giovanne 1527
Also Gustaw Kalikst, Kurlandii, etc.
- Piano Quartet in C minor (Breitkopf & H, ca.1804) (digitized by CBNPolona under Kalikst. There is also a copy @ Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt / Zentrale .)
- 5 Songs for Chorus, Op.34 (published in 1931)
- Signa (1893) - vocal score (Sibley, not yet digitised)
- 2 Morceaux pour orchestre (Mélodie & À l'espagnole) (Gutmann, 1888, repub. 1901)
- Studio per il pianoforte, Op. 50, in first edition (or autograph?!)
- Piano Sonata in E Major, Op. 62 ("Le retour à Londres")
- Piano Sonata, Op. 63, 1821. For these there are 1984 reprints by Garland Publishing, London piano school series.
- Piano Sonata, Op. 69, 1824
- Piano Sonata, Il Mezzo, Op. 74, 1827.
- String Trio in G minor, Op.21 (pub.1908. "H.C. Crane" -attribution to Helen C. Crane also a guess, via MusicSack. HMB 1908 p.136 does give "Helen C. Crane" though they might also be guessing...)
Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.
- Scherzo & 2nd Romance for organ, published 1904 by Bosworth
- Violin Concerto No.1, Op.1 (composed and premiered 1815, pub.1815 or 1816) (wrote at least 11, according to Worldcat) (WorldCat- parts at Free Lib. Philadelphia)
- Clarinet Concerto Op.4 (1817 or other early edition, not modern of course)
- Fantasy on Au clair de la lune, Op.8 (published 1820 by Boieldieu)
- Salva nos, Domine a 8
- Osanna Filio David
- Sanctorum meritis
- Piano Trio in A minor, Op.25 (pub. Schirmer, 1893)
- Liebeslied (for cello and piano) (pub. Breitkopf, 1893)
- Piano Quintet (manuscript in Musical Fund Society of Philadelphia Collection of Music, 1894 April-May. "M. H. Cross" on score but probably Michael Hurley under the circumstances)
- Cello Sonata, Op.28 (mss, 1895)
- 6th & 7th Messes solennelle (pub.1862, 1879)
- Introduction et Air varié Opus 12 (Introduction and variations) (premiered 1804, rewritten, then published 1831/32, Richault)
- Rondo for 2 clarinets and piano (Dresden, 1822, republished, with a quartet-accompaniment arrangement, 1885)
Noten beim Amadeus Verlag erhältlich.
- Full scores of operas (manuscript or engraved):
- Prisoner of the Caucasus
- The Mandarin's Son
- William Ratcliff
- Mlada (Act 1)
- Angelo
- Le Flibustier
- The Saracen
- Feast in Time of Plague
- The Snow Bogatyr' (At least a full score of the introduction was made.)
- Mateo Falcone
- The Captain's Daughter
- Musorgsky: The Fair at Sorochintsy
- Prisoner of the Caucasus -- 2nd Russian edition (ca. 1885)
- The Stone Guest (Complete Opera)--Full Score (collaborated with Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov, completion of original by Alexander Dargomyschski).
- Piano trio in A minor (no.2), Op.24 (pub.1894)
- Mass in D (cop 1898)
- 3 Rondos for Flute and Piano, Op. 374 (nos.2&3)
- Variations on "Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser" (with Quartet or Orchestral Accompaniment), Op.73
- Sonate Pastorale for Piano 4-Hands, Op. 121
- "O salutaris hostia" (possibly 3 or 4 different settings by the composer?)
- 8 or more masses?
- Introduction & variations concertante on a Tyrolienne in F minor for Piano & Cello Op.248
- Piano Concerto in C major, Op.78
- Requiems in c and f
- All symphonies (only no.1 (2 really) in C minor was: published in his lifetime and hasn't been uploaded here yet as no.2 (3) in D has.)
- All organ works
- Mass in c
- Piano Concerto no. 1 in a minor, Op. 214 (full score)
- La Douceur, Rondo Op.290 (Die Sanftmut)
- Duet sonatas in F minor (Op.178- Probst edition @ BNF), no.2 @ ??, no.3 Op.331 (@ SBB) (numbering doesn't count Opp.10, 120. We don't have Op.121 so that would be neat too.)
(actually ca.1774/1780 or so... also known as Georg Czarth, Georg Zarth, etc. Jiri Cart is the VIAF-preferred name.)
- 2 flute sonatas in G (at Berlin SBB)
- Flute sonata in G (mistaken for, or actually by and once attributed to Zarth but now etc., but also having the designation GraunWV D:XVII:90 - @Sing-Akademie zu Berlin
- Requiem for middle voice and organ, Op.1 (pub. 1900 by Coppenrath. 3rd edition in 1912?)
- Missa in honorem St. Jacobi ("Missa in honorem S[anc]t[i] Jacobi : ad 2 voces inaequales (für vereinigte Ober- u. Unterstimmen)"). Op.4. Coppenrath, 1901. (@ BSB . 1901 date from HMB.)
- Piano Trio in F, Op.10 (mss 1908; ©1910 by Junne)
- Piano Trio in E minor, Op.21 (1909 in mss)
- Organ Sonata in D minor, Op.1 (pub. 1911, Coppenrath)
- 3 Pieces for piano 4 hands, Op.9 (pub. by Junne, 1909 or 1910?)
- 7 Songs, Op.25 (pub. Wunderhorn-Verlag, 1913)
- 15 Songs, Op.29 (pub. Wunderhorn-Verlag, 1913) (Monatsbericht (1913), p.177)
- String Quartet no.2 in B minor, Op.6 (1906)
- 1st , 3rd and 4th symphonies (mss) (sym.1 in F minor, Op.7 (1908); sym.3 in A minor, Op.75 (1935); sym.4 in E minor, Op.103 (1934) "fantastische"
- Violin Sonata in A minor, Op.4 (mss, 1905)
- Violin Sonata No.2 in E-flat major, Op.22 (mss, 1910)
- Piano Quintet No.1, Op.16 in E minor (mss, 1909)
- Piano Quintet No.2, Op.17 in C (mss, 1909)
(much of her music has been digitized by DKB (especially her unpublished manuscripts, but some of her later published scores also), perhaps because it's now PD-EU. However, not much of it is PD in the US. It's possible that as with her teacher Carl A. Nielsen's later music, some of that is now being made available by license in the US, but make no assumptions without checking :) )
Earlier published scores:
- Der sidder en munk i bure (Hansen, pub. 1919)
- Luk dine Øjne ; Ung Sommer ; Zigeunersang (3 songs). Skandinavisk Musikforlag, 1922.
- Scherzo grazioso, Op.8 (København : Borups Musikforlag, c 1927)
Later (post-1924-published) scores: (some of it possibly out of copyright unless specifically renewed- Op.14 might be checked eg)
- String Quartet No.2, op.14 in G minor: pub. by Tischer & Jagenberg/Wunderhorn-Verlag (without publication date judging from library listings anyway?) ca.1925 or 1926 - see Monatsbericht (1926), p.7) (Republished/retypeset/... 2019 by Edition S. Wishlisting the early edition.)
(I) do not know copyright status:
- String Quartet No.1 (1915. manuscript copy parts @ DKB)
- Fantasistykke No.1 for violin og klaver (ms copy, @ DKB, 1921)
- To Orkesterstykker, Op. 9 (ms. musical instrumental parts (40) @ DKB)
- Scherzo for string orchestra, Op.6 (composed 1914. Available in abschrift at DKB)
- String Quartet no.3, Op.20 (composed 1927) (Edition Dania, ©1950)
- Tre danske duetter (København : Skandinavisk og Borups Musikforlag, ©1931)
- - - - - -
2020-12-21: All string quartets are available from along with a few other works, and have some of her songs. However, I have digitized most of her production, and look forward to get it published; for specific needs I can be contacted on
Brother of Franz Maria D'Alquen and Johann D'Alquen. Sometimes called Frédéric.
- 2 Morceaux de Genre pour Violoncelle (ou Violon) avec Piano. (Romance & Tarantelle.) Pub. 1883 by Schott. (HMB 1883 p.317.)
- Caprice, Op.174 (pub.1893)
- Concertino (pub.1893)
- Piano Trio No.1, Op.42
- Piano Trio No.2 in G minor, Op.48
- Cello Sonata in D, Op.43
- Die Himmelsthräne, Op.19 (Nachtwache, von Rückert). Nagel, pub.1844.
- Violin Sonata, Op.6 "At Fox Meadow" (published 1899 by Church)
- School Of Mechanism, Op. 74
- Violin Concerto Opus 78 full score and reduction for violin & piano
- Piano Trios Op.22 (#1), 40 (#3) (pub. by 1846, 1847 acc. HMB, BdlF respectively)
- String Quartets 2-4 (no.4 is not actually uploaded on the so-named page, so this could use fixing), 8-11, 13
(Jean-Pierre-Léopold Dancla, younger brother of Charles; they also had a sister, Laure, who was a fairly well-known pianist (and composer??).)
- String Quartet, Op.27 (Richault, 1858)
- 3e air varié pour le violon, avec... de piano, sur la Dernière Pensée de Bellini, Op.4 (Schonenberger, 1850)
- 3 petits (piano) trios, Op.59 (published by Legouix, the 3rd in 1882) (no.2 upload)
- String Quartet in D (published by Cranz, 1921)
- Piano Quintet in C (pub. Cranz 1921)
- Piano Sonata in A major, Op.74 (pub. ca. 1920-22??)
- Slow waltz (Langsamer walzer), Op.76 No.2 for piano (also published 1922 by Zierfuss)
- Cello sonata in A-flat major, Op.103 (©1939 - non-PD-US probably)
- Gebet, Op.80 or Op.80 No.3 (©1923)
- 4 Ballads, Op.50 ; 2 Lieder, Op.54 (1910, Schmid Nachf.)
- 3 songs from Shakespeare's Twelfth Night
- Cello Concerto in A major
- Konzert für zwei Tasteninstrumente
- Horn Concerto
- Piano Concerto in E♭ major
- 4 Bassoon Concertos
- Flute Concerto No. 1 in G major, Op. 30
- 3 Quartets for bassoon and strings, Op. 40
- Flute Concerto No. 3 in D minor, Op. 42
- Flute Concerto No. 4 in D major, Op. 43
- 3 Potpourris for Clarinet and Orchestra, Op. 45 (1814)
- Symphonie concertante in E♭ major for wind quintet and orchestra (1785)
- Symphonie concertante in B♭ major for flute, clarinet and orchestra, Op. 41
- Opera "Der Quasi-Mann" (1789)
- Opera "Der Berggeist" (the score is in Bayerische Staatsbibliothek)
- Esmeralda (c. 1840/1847)
- Mazeppa
- The Triumph of Bacchus
Works by this composer can only be added to the US server. Works published in 1929 or earlier are in the public domain in the US, as well as potentially certain other works depending on publication and registration details. See public domain.
- Communion Service in F (the one pub. by Stainer 1913?)
- Rhapsody, Op.4, pub.1908
- Te Deum & Jubilate, pub.1910
- 3 Songs of Innocence, pub.1911
- Quartet for Piano and Winds (premiered by 1909)
Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.
- Horn Concertos 3 and 4 opp.18, 19 (pub.1824 by Zetter)
- Violin Sonata, Op.98, pub.1895 (by Durdilly)
- 1st Symphony in D-minor (Unsure if published, entered in competiton in which it came ahead of Stanfords 1st)
- 2nd Symphony in G
- Overture "Twelth Night"
- Prelude & Fugue for Orchestra
- Piano Trio in B-flat, Op. 5
- Six Pieces for Piano & Cello
- Symphony in E♭ (full score, pub.1846) (see WorldCat, BdlF 1846 p.572)
- String Quartet No. 1, f minor (1868), Paris: Editions Gérard
- String Quartet No. 2, A major (Manuscript, BNF)
- String Quartet No. 3, d minor (Manuscript, BNF)
- Concertino for Trombone and Orchestra, Op. 4
- Violin Concerto No.4, Op.23 (any edition incl. 1908 Breitkopf edition ok...)
- Piano Trio in G minor, Op.7 (pub. 1911 (1910?), Hug. Dedicated to Hans Huber.)
- Das hohe Lied Salomonis, Op.12 (pub. 1914?)
- Violin Sonata 1939 (published 1940? - see Monatsbericht (1940), p.20, Hug) (PD-CA). Library entries have [1940] except for some that have "1939?"...)
- String Quartet, Op.9 (published 1889, Kistner)
- (NY Public Library has this but in library only, not circ.)
- Violin Sonata, Op.11 (composed March 1898 and published 1898, Kistner)
- Cello Sonata, Op.12 (composed and published 1901, Kistner)
Certain posthumous works may be copyrighted in Canada, and works first published in 1930 or later may be copyrighted in the United States. See public domain.
Posthumously published works with copyright issues
- Le Printemps (cantata for the Prix de Rome)
- Is this the work? Printemps (Debussy, Claude) --Lisztrachmaninovfan 01:20, 29 March 2013 (EDT)
- Sonatas 4 (for oboe, horn, and harpsichord), 5 (for clarinet, bassoon, trumpet, and piano), and 6 (for flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, horn, trumpet, violin, viola, cello, harp, harpsichord, and piano)
- These were incomplete as of Debussy's death in 1918, but if anyone knows where there are fragments or sketches of them, that would be very helpful. --Reiny 12:56, 4 April 2013
- Orchestral version of 5 Poèmes de Charles Baudelaire
- Orchestral version of Trois ballades de François Villon --Reiny 5:04, 31 January 2014
- Rêverie arranged for organ by Palmer Christian (BMC, 1919)
- La Flûte de Pan ou Syrinx (Revised by A. Ljungar-Chapelon), La Flûte de Pan (MS. Brussels) (Autographus Musicus AM037)
- This work was first published on 1927 as Sylinx. Only Score parts are required.
The following items are ineligible to be added due to copyright status:
- Nocturne and Scherzo for Piano and Cello, L. 26 – first publ. 1995, copyright in Canada until 2046
- Intermezzo for Cello and Orchestra (or piano), L. 27 – first publ. 1944 ed. by Gregor Piatigorsky (1903–1976), copyright in Canada until 2047
- This is really more of an arrangement by Piatigorsky anyway.
- Orchestral score of Pelléas et Mélisande that includes his revised orchestration
- Fantaisie for Piano and Orchestra, 1st Version (Orchestral Part Scores)
- Fantaisie for Piano and Orchestra, 2nd Version (Full Score and Orchestral Part Scores)
Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.
- Piano Trio in D (pub.1905, 1908 - two versions) (dedicated to V. d'Indy)
- Concert pour piano, violoncelle, flûte et clarinette, ou violon, etc. (1922), pub. 1924 by Rouart, Lerolle & Cie.
- Serenade for small orch. (pub.1909)
- 3 Vortragsstücke für Holzblasinstrumente mit Pfte. (Aus dem Nachlass hrsg. v. H. Kundigraber.) (Capriccio for flute, rondo for oboe, rondo for clarinet.) (published by Siegel, 1912.)
- Die Errettung des Moses, Op.58 (
- 3 Marienlieder, Op.93 (pub. Böhm & Sohn, 1908)
- Festkantate, Op.84 (pub.1903)
- Violin Sonata (pub. 1900, Heugel)
- Piano Concerto A-dur
- 20 preludes pour piano( pub. 1898, Heugel)
- Barcarolle pour piano ( pub.1900, Heugel)
- Organ Concerto No.2 in A (1921 September, premiered by February 24 1922)
- Perhaps Symphony No.1 in D (premiered 1914- published 1930s poss.?) (materials @ Fleisher but hopefully not only there)
- Symphony No.2 in G minor after Walt Whitman (premiered by 1926 August 23, NYPO)
- Symphony No.3 in E minor (pub. 1934, premiered 1932 (Chicago sym.))
Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.
- État de veille : cinq mélodies sur des poèmes de Robert Desnos, op. 48 (pub. 1946, Max Eschig)
- String Quartet in E major (pub. 1931, Durand)
- Rapsodie for trumpet, alto saxophone, cello and piano (pub. 1934, Heugel)
- Sérénade concertante for violin and piano (pub. 1938, Associated Music)
- String Quartets, Op.10 (pub.1857, 1879 (score))
- String Quintet, Op.22 (pub.1864, 1879 (score))
- The Sea
- Koanga, Act II: La Calinda
- Romance (for cello and piano) (1896)
- Caprice and Elegy for Cello and Piano, (1930)
- Stefano, drame lyrique en un acte (after text by Albert Boucheron), Choudens, 1910
- Violin sonata, Lemoine, ©1927
- Idylle printanière for piano, Philippo, pub.1928? (BdlF, 1929, but "1928" is given as
- Symphony in C (perf. in 1906 in Boston)
- String Quartets
- Piano Quintet
- Keyboard Concerto "des Dames" (No.3?) (published 1824 according to Cäcilia Intelligenzblatt for that year, p.72 as by Démar) (not listed in Worldcat?)
- Keyboard/Harp Concerto No.1 "La chasse" (listed in Worldcat) (Op.48 which we have is concerto no.2 for piano or harp)
- op.81 Grand solo de concert no 5 flute & piano
- op.60 6 fantasies flute and piano
- op.53 6 petits fantaisies flute and piano
- op.50 6 fantaisies fl and pf
Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.
- Nativité, op.4 (1944; dedicated to Mr. & Mrs. Dupré. Ms @ BNF. Not published until 2005?)
- "Chanson de Roland" for chorus, mezzo soprano, and orchestra
- Poème for organ and orchestra, op.9 (published in score and reduction in 1952)
- Ballade for horn and piano (published 1962)
- Terza piccola suite, Op.39 (©1926; dedicated to Volkmar Andreae)
- Grand Duo (in E♭) for piano and violin, Op.80 (pub.1862)
- Remaining piano trios
- String quintet, Op.15 (pub.1866)
Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.
- String Quartet in C minor (1905, unpub.?)
- Air de ballet, Op.6 (pub.1906)
- Violin Sonata, Op.31 (published 1907)
- Piano Quintet No.1 (published 1899)
- Piano Trio in A minor (published 1910)
- Quintet No.2 Op.12 (strings and harp) (published 1905)
- Tropic Winter (piano)
- Cinnamon Grove (piano)
- Enchantment (piano)
- After the Cakewalk (piano)
- Cave of the Winds (piano)
- Inspiration Waltzes (piano)
- Nepenthe and the Muse (piano)
- The Ordering of Moses (piano)
- 6 Duets, Op. 82
- Flute quartet (for flute, violin, viola, cello) in b minor, opus 16 number 3
- Presto for 2 flutes
- Quartet for Bassoon and strings Opus 73
Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.
- An evening prayer: when quiet night (©1923 by HW Gray, text translated by Helen Dickinson)
- In Bethlem's manger lowly : Christmas : traditional XVI century (©1923, HW Gray)
- Earth and man (©1923 by HW Gray, text by Stopford Brooke)
- Reverie : for violin, violoncello, harp and organ (©1923, may related to Reverie for organ (1917))
- Cello Sonata, Op.22 (pub.1878)
Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.
- String Quartets (54 of them? autograph scores @ Schweizerische Nationalbibliothek, Bern. Unpublished?)
- Missa duobus choris vocum virorum cum organi concentu cantanda (early version of Missa in die festo, RC 27) (pub.1896)
- Impromptu (Fantasiestück) for solo violin (published 1909)
- 3 Lieder, Op.4 (published 1908)
- Canzonetta in E minor for violin and piano (Lichtenauer, 1909)
- Romance for 2 flutes
- Rondo in G major for 2 flutes
- Cello Concerto in G minor, Op. 32
- Symphony in D minor, Op.20 (ded. to Johannes Brahms) (pub.1870 by R-Bied.)
- Rheinmorgen, Concertstück for soprano, chorus and orchestra, Op.31
- 6 Sonates pour flûte à bec et basse continue (Londres, 1717)
- environ 30 Airs entre 1729 et 1731, dans The Musical Miscellany
- Select Lessons for Harpsichord or Spinett (Walsh, London)
- Concerto à 5 pour violon, cordes et basse continue
- Concerto à 5 pour hautbois, cordes et basse continue en la majeur
- Concerto à 5 pour flûte, cordes et basse continue en la mineur
- 2 Concertos grossos
- 2 Concertos pour deux chœurs en mi mineur, en si bémol majeur
- Concerto pour trompette, deux hautbois et basse continue en si mineur
- String Quartet No.5, Op.42 (pub.1890)
- Cello Concerto No.1
- Cello Concerto No.2
- Rustic Dance for cello and piano (as well as any other arrangements)
- Mörike-Chorliederbuch
- Geistliche Gesänge op.12
- Harpsichord Concerto
- Die Weihnachtsgeschichte op.10 (full scores)
- Wie der Hirsch schreit nach frischem Wasser
- Complete Organ Works
- Neues Chorliederbuch op. 16
Note: PD-CA but even the 2-piano sonata opus 1 is from 1931 so only unpublished works - if those - are PD-US. BSB has works by Distler (so they may scan some.) (Schissel)
- (An exceptionally large number of requests for works by Dittersdorf, Carl Ditters von were removed to: the composer’s discussion page. Please read the wishlist guidelines on what constitutes unreasonable requests.)
- Piano Concerto, Op.20 (©1928, poss. earlier editions exist)
- Märchen für Violin & Piano, Op.16 (published 1923 by Universal Edition)
- Piano Concerto, Op.7 (p.1835)
- Andante for Violin and Piano, Op.71 (p.1850) (conf. BdlF, HMB)
- 11th and 12th nocturnes (Opp.69, 70) (p.1850, Brandus)
Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.
- Fugue in D Minor for piano, left hand alone, WoO (1913)
- String Quartet No.3 in A minor, Op.33 (published 1926)
- Piano Concerto No.1, Op.5 (Orchestral Part Scores)
- Piano Concerto No.2, Op.42 (Orchestral Part Scores)
Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.
- Prelude and fugue in D for piano duet (published 1925)
- Violin Sonata in G (published and copyright 1928, Doblinger plate D 6579)
- L'assedio di Calais (melodramma lirico, 1836; publ. Ricordi); copies at the Library of Congress, Eastman School of Music, and Harvard University, and unavailable through interlibrary loan; no other known copies in North America
- Sonata in C major for flute and piano
- Solo Viola Part from Viola Concerto in D Minor
- (An exceptionally large number of requests for works by Donizetti, Gaetano were removed to: the composer’s discussion page. Please read the wishlist guidelines on what constitutes unreasonable requests.)
- Concerto for Violin and Cello
- 24 Preparatory Exercises, Op. 27
- Cello Concerto (composed 1910, revised 1923) (autographs at NMI. ded. to Gerard Hekking)
- Symphonies (7. Published? Many of the mss. at NMI. Syms. 2, 3 published 2001. According to HMB, no.7 published in 1932: Monatsbericht (1932), p.104 - Leuckart. Very few libraries have the first edition. Republished by MPH in 2020 with permission from the copyright-holders, I believe.)
- Opera "Judith" in 4 Acts (Auszugen) after Mosenthal (Lewy, 1870/71)
- Tramore Waltzes (for guitar and 2 mandolins; pub.1895 by J. White)
- Die Nibelungen, opera, Op.73 (pub.1855/6?)
(both are flourishing dates. Listed as an associate of Trinity College in Musical Times Mar. 1 1912 p.152.)
- Variations to Nel cor piú-Mich fliehen alle Freuden from the Opera La Molinara by Paisiello for Cello solo, Op.183
- Piano Trio Op.180 (Damköhler, 1851)
- Quartet for Bassoon and Strings Opus 36
- Cello concerto op.66
- Cello concerto op.72
- Cello concerto op.81
- Cello concerto op.82
- Cello concerto op.84 in e minor
- Cello concerto op.93 (pub. by A. Farrenc and by N. Simrock, by 1829. Mentioned in volume 4, 1829, of Revue musicale)
- Cello concerto op.100
- Cello concerto op.101 in F major
- 3 Preludes and Fugues for Cello Op.178
ca.1802 to after 1882? Death date seems to be unknown... Treated as alive in a 1882 biographical dictionary. For a lengthy biography, see Blog entry. Cousin of Albert Douay (1809-70). Perhaps related to Georges Douay?
- String Quartet, published 1859 (@BNF, also noted in BdlF p282)
- 2 string quintets, published 1859 (BdlF p.94 eg)
- At least three piano trios, in D, F and in C minor (and possibly one in E minor), published by Choudens in 1858 (the E minor one mentioned in BdlF, . The F major one appears to have been somewhat popular.
- A MVSICALL BANQVET - Furnished with a varietie of delicious Ayres, Collected out of the best Authors in English, French, Spanish and Italian - By Robert Douland 1610
- Serenade, Op.49 – orchestra parts
- Der gebundene Styl. Lehrbuch für Kontrapunkt und Fuge (©1902)
- Scene for Violin, Op.69
- Psalm 93, Op.56
- Psalm 23, Op.59
- Grosse Messe in F# minor, Op.60
- Grosse Messe in A minor, Op.85
The following items are ineligible to be added due to copyright status:
- Symphony No.4 "Symphonia Comica," WoO 38 (pub. 1996)
Works by this composer can only be added to the US server. Works published in 1929 or earlier are in the public domain in the US, as well as potentially certain other works depending on publication and registration details. See public domain.
1909-1972 according to WorldCat.
- Piano Sonata in C, pub.1927 by Hofmeister (c in US until 2023, in CA and EU until 2043. WorldCat.)
- Symphony in D-flat major, pub.1928 by Hofmeister (c ... until 2024, in CA until 2043) (see Monatsbericht (1928), p.88. Maybe the symphony he composed when 14 (1923?)) (at Free Library of Philadelphia, - WorldCat -other places. One of the relatively few in this key.)
- Suite for violin and piano (Hofmeister, 1928) (Monatsbericht (1928), p.118; WorldCat (Chicago Public Library) - among other places listed at Worldcat. PD-US only.)
- (Dressel is also slightly known because of Shostakovich's contribution to his opera "Armer Columbus".)
- Toccata in F minor (from Suite No. 1) (we have suite no.1)
- The Talisman (1889) Piano reduction
- The Magic Flute (1889) Piano reduction
- The Awakening of Flora (1894) Piano reduction
- Pas de Trois from "The Fairy Doll" (1903) Piano reduction
- La Perle (1896) Piano reduction
- Method of Flute Playing (London, 1830) (version in French has been uploaded)
- Concertino in G for flute and orchestra, Op.125
- 3 Trios concertans for 3 flutes, Op.33 (in C, a, F) (1817 in London, 1818 by either Schlesinger or Breitkopf)
- Flute Concerto No.3, Op.19 (pub.1817, Richault)
- Flute concertos Nos. 1 and 2 (opp.13&14) (Pleyel) (BNF lists at least 10 flute concertos by Drouet.)
- Piano Quintet, Op.11 (Universal Edition/Muzgiz, 1928. At Sibley, NYPL, elsewhere)
- Concerto for 6 timpani and orchestra
- Cantilène for violin, cello (or horn) and piano (or organ) (pub.1903, Heugel)
- Adonis, poème symphonique (pub. Heugel in reduction at least, 1901, 1907 in full score)
- 42 Pieces pour Orgue
- Entrée for Organ
- Concert-capriccioso for Piano and Orchestra c-moll (1876) - Piano Score or Full score/Manuscript
- Allegro, for piano (1925)
- Ariane et Barbe-bleue, piano solo transcription
- Fanfare pour précéder la Péri, any arrangement for piano
- Götz de Berlichingen (overture? 1884 manuscript. first published 2007. unless performed before 1961, may not be hostable?-Schissel)
- L'apprenti sorcier (The sorcerer's apprentice), arrangement pour orgue seul (organ solo transcription)
- Modéré, for piano (published posthumously in 1936)
- Polyeucte, any arrangement for 1 or 2 pianos
- Vocalise-étude (alla gitana)
Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.
. AKA Vladimir Dukelsky.
- Three Caprices for piano (pub. 1944)
- Parisian Suite for piano (pub. 1956)
- Surrealist Suite for piano (pub. 1940)
- 6 Sonatines, Op.15 (ca.1807?)
- Piano Trio, Op.29 (published 1808)
Dates ap.
- Organ Sonata No.3 in D minor, Op.22
- Organ Concerto in D minor (manuscript copy @ Stabikat. May be related to Op.22?)
- Passacaglia in G minor, Op.23 (©1911)
- Jean-Christophe..., for piano and voice/piano (pub. E. Demets, 1908)
- Poëmes, for string quartet (pub. M. Senart, 1909) (we have suite 1)
- La Payse à Jean, for voice, violin and piano (pub. Durand, 1918)
- Dentelles, for piano (pub. Costallat, 1927)
- Sept noëls familiers (pub. R. Deiss, 1928)
- Trois noëls, for voice and piano (pub. M. Eschig, 1935)
- L'offrande à la danse: danse de caractère pour piano à 4 mains (pub. Durand, 1921, Plate D. & F. 9932)
- String Quartet, Op.38 (published by Richault in 1863)
- Fantasy and Fugue for piano, Op.39 (also Richault, 1863)
- 3 Duos, 2vc, (1782)
- Cello Concerto No.1 in A Major,(1785 by)
- Cello Concerto No.5 in D Major,(ca.1814)
- 3 Duos for cello and harp, Op.40 (1818)
- 3 Nocturnes, Op. 70, vn/vc hrp (see 3 Nocturnes, Op.70 by Bochsa)
Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.
- Violin Sonata (published 1922 or 1923? by Maurice Senart)
- Macbeth for orchestra (pub.1913)
- Bassoon concertos in C minor and A major
- Traité de composition musicale (pub. Durand, 1899)
- (An exceptionally large number of requests for works by Durante, Francesco were removed to: the composer’s discussion page. Please read the wishlist guidelines on what constitutes unreasonable requests.)
- 3 Violin Sonatas Op. 13, a French or English edition, ca. 1810
- Armida, opera in 4 acts, Op.115 (pub. 1941 by Orbis. Excerpts published in 1921 by Hudební matice.)
- Král a uhlíř (King and Charcoal Burner), comic opera in 3 acts, Op. 14 / B.21/B.151 (same op.14 as "symphonic poem" which is its overture) (pub. 1915 Hudební matice)
- String Quartet No.6 (5 is a reconstruction by Günter Raphael) (pub.1948 (op.2), 1962 (B-flat), 1964 (no.3 in D), 1982 (op.12))
- String Quartet No.6 op.12 was reconstructed by Jarmil Burghauser (d.1997) whose editorial work—which includes composing several bars—probably meets a standard of originality & would be ineligible for upload
- Songs my mother taught me (from Gypsy songs), Op.55 No.4 (violin and piano version by Louis Persinger) - Persinger d.1966 so only PD-CA (US?)
- String Quartet No.12, Op.96 (Black-and-White Full Score)
- Forget-me-not Polka, B.1 (Piano Score)
- Interludes for Orchestra, B.15 (Full Score and Orchestral Part Scores)
- Prague Waltzes, B.99 (Orchestral Parts)
- Polonaise in E-flat major, B.100 (Orchestral Parts)
- Rusalka, Op.114 (Complete Opera) (Orchestral Parts - we have parts of some excerpts, watch page for more of work over time?)
Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.
- Symphonische Ouverture : (Appassionata), Op.13 (pub.1914)
- Requiem after Hebbel, Op.17 (pub.1912)
- [titles unknown] compositions in the songbooks of the Danish court chapel of 1541 ms Royal Library Copenhagen
- [rem: the year 1541 seems incorrect because David Ebel sr was at the Danish court from 1551. If the year is correct, these compositions are by yet another David Ebel, possibly the father of David sr. This would also explain the unrealistic alternate death dates of David sr and the unrealistic lifespan of David sr and David jr of before 1520 to 1639]
- In dulce jubilo (Fuga 6 vocum). Motet. Voices. c1556 ms ascribed to Dav. Abell
- Fantasia Komm heiliger geist. Organ ? comp by David sr or David jr in the Pelplin tablature, Poland c1630
- Praeambulum (Preludium) in d. Organ attr to David Abel jr Christoph Krummacher at Gercke-Herbst organ Basedow. Berlin Classics 1075
- Praeambulum (Preludium) pedaliter in d. Organ attr to David Abel jr idem
- Currant Ab., Anno 1626. Organ. 1626 ms 376 Copenhagen
- Praeludium ex clave G ab Org. Organ ms 376 Copenhagen
- Praeambulum in d. Organ attr to David Abel jr Christoph Krummacher at Gercke-Herbst organ Basedow. Berlin Classics 1075
- Praeambulum pedaliter in d. Organ attr to David Abel jr idem
- Fantasia Komm heiliger geist. Organ ? comp by David sr or David jr in the Pelplin tablature, Poland c1630
- Piano Sonata in F minor, Op.12
- Russian Variations, Op.17 (for cello and piano)
- Symphony in D minor, Op.34 (pub. 1808 ca.) We have only manuscript
- Sextet in E-flat major, Op.47 (for clarinet, horn, violin, viola, cello, piano)
- Requiem Full Score
- Passion Oratorios and other Oratorios (other than ones in library, full scores)
- Bassoon Concerto, Op.41 (
- Flute Duos, Op.55 (
- Grosse Sinfonie (Concertante), Op.40 (
- Overture, Op.45 (
- Beethoven Sym. 3 arr. for double quintet
- Concertante for oboe, horn and bassoon, Op.47 (notice of publication 1820)
- 5 Violin Concertos (in E, G, D minor, E, A) (not including the one attributed to Mozart pub.1882 and possibly by not by Eck either) (these 5 published by Sieber in the 1790s in parts, except no.5 pub. 1804.)
Works by this composer can only be added to the US server. Works published in 1929 or earlier are in the public domain in the US, as well as potentially certain other works depending on publication and registration details. See public domain.
Early works published as Sonia C. Friedman, her birth name.
- Vision and etude no.4 in F-sharp minor (Mercier, 1911)
- Violin sonata Op.12 No.1 (pub. 1912)
- Piano Sonata No.1 (Simrock, 1924)
- Partita 2 for violin (Simrock, 1924)
- 3 caprices for violin (Simrock, 1925)
- String Quartet no.1 in C-sharp minor (Canadian Music Centre, 1938)
The following items are ineligible to be added due to copyright status:
- probably: Piano Sonatas 2 - 6 (published various dates and by 1980) (no.5 definitely published in 1977 though a manuscript fac was distributed dated 1950-52 too. Sonata no.2 "Biskaya sonate" published 1962. no.4 published in the 1970s? The set was published in 1980 as a volume of her collected works, including a photoreproduction of the Simrock edition for no.1 - WorldCat.)
- Liturgical works very many (900-odd?) in autograph at Metten, some works published (by Pustet eg) would interest
Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.
- Frau Holda, opera (pub.1908)
- Piano Quartet Op.3 (, B&H)
- Symphony (not sure which?) (was, B&H. Poss. no.3 in E♭ major?)
Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.
- Nachtlied, for violin and orchestra Op. 14 (p.1911)
- Sinfonisches Suite, Op.22 (p.1925)
- Organ works
- Ouvertüre, Entr’-Acte u. Chöre zum Trauerspiel "Lucifer" (after Vondel), Op.40 (pub.1860)
- Violin Sonata Op.18, dedicated to Moritz Hauptmann (@ Nederlands Muziek Instituut Muziekbibliotheek)
- Op.254. Der Müller und der Schmied. Charakterstück für kleiner Orchester oder Salon-orch. Cranz, 1925? 1926.
- Op.296. Die Alpenpost. Galop for piano trio. Leipzig: Cranz, 1925? 1926?.
Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.
- Solidaritätslied (Solidarity Song)
- 18 Petits Morceaux op. 31
- 7 Petits Morceaux op. 32
Certain posthumous works may be copyrighted in Canada, and works first published in 1930 or later may be copyrighted in the United States. See public domain.
- Laura Valse (1887) for piano
- Froissart Overture Op. 19 (full score [London (Novello) 1890]). Jerrold Northrop Moore (p.347) mentions a "revised" version played in 1901
- Pastourelle "Air de Ballet" for Violin and Piano, under pseudonym "Gustav Francke, Op.10" (1882, published by Boosey 1903), several arrangements, including for piano solo, for two violins and piano, and a set for Military Band. Not to be confused with the other "Pastourelle", Op.4 No.2
- Offertoire "Andante Religioso" for Violin and Piano under pseudonym "Gustav Francke, Op.11" (1883, published by Boosey 1903)
- The Mill Wheel, song
- Muleteer's Serenade, song
- XTC (1930), song, written for soprano Joan Elwes
- Smoking Cantata (1919), song
- The King's Way (1910), song, voice & piano (need version in A-flat). Also Military Band version arr. M.Retford
- Pleading, song, arranged for military band by D. Godfrey, Novello 1910
- Follow the Colours (Marching Song), arranged for military band by Capt A. Stretton, pub Novello 1908
- With Proud Thanksgiving. Military band arr. by F. Winterbottom, Novello 1910
- A Song of Union, from "Pageant of Empire", 1924
- Soliloquy, for Oboe and Piano
- 3 Quartets, Op.70 (nos.44–46) (pub.1873/74?, Schott)
- 3 Quartets, Op.71 (nos.47–49) (likewise)
or Rosalind Frances Ellicott.
- Piano Trio No.2 (
- Elysium : for soprano solo, chorus, and orchestra
- Henry of Navarre : a choral ballad : with orchestral accompaniment ad. lib. (poss. avail. at Google or Hathitrust?)
- 6 Pieces for Violin and Piano (pub. 1891)
- Violin Sonata (published?)
and other works published before 1923.
- Improvisation for violin and piano (published 1919 or ca.1919)
- 4 Danske sange, Op.44 ( by Brødrene Hals, plates 553-56, digitized by KB.DK)
- String Quartet in D major (published 1920 by Oluf By.)
- Oratorio, Męka Pana Naszego Jezusa Chrystusa (The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ)
- Masses
- Requiem
- 8 Symphonies
- Keyboard sonatas
- Polonaises with Orchestra
Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.
- Nocturne for cello and piano, Op.1
- Concerto grosso für Oboe, Violine und Violoncell mit Streichorchester und Klavier, Op.51 (pub.1924?)
- Organ concerto, Op.49 (pub. 1926. PD-CA)
- Kammerkoncert, Op.57 (pub.1945, PD-CA)
- Sankt Laurentius, Op.99 (pub.1953, PD-CA)
- 3 Gesänge, Op.52 (pub.1925 or 1926) (Monatsbericht (1926), p.7.)
- Salamine ("tragédie lyrique en trois actes d'après les Perses d'Eschyle", pub. Choudens 1926 (vocal score: A.C. 16019), PD-CA presumably)
- In memoriam: Poème pour voix, piano, violon et violoncelle (pub. ca.1909, no publisher noted/by the composer (later taken up by Durand))
Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.
- Piano Quartet No. 2, Op. 30 (1944; first perf. 1947; pub. 1968)
- Piano Quintet Op. 29 (1940; first perf. 1964; pub. 1965)
- Cadenza for the Brahms Violin Concerto (Salabert)
- Three Lyrics from the German; G. Saerchinger, 1906 (voice and piano)
- We Met; W. Maxwell, 1907 (voice and piano)
- Four Lyrics by C. Fabbri; G. Schirmer, 1908 (voice and piano)
- Chansons intimes; G. Schirmer, 1910 (voice and piano)
- Two Lyrics; G. Schirmer, 1911 (no. 2: A Trout) (voice and piano)
- Deux simples chansons; Boston Music Co., 1912 (voice and piano)
- Trois sonnets; G. Schirmer, 1914 (voice and piano)
- Dawn; C. C. Birchard, 1915 (choir)
- Christmas Call; Boston Music Co., 1916 (voice and piano)
- Chant Nuptial; C. Fischer, 1917 (violin and piano)
- Perfumes; C. Fischer, 1917 (piano)
- Three Songs; C. Fischer, 1917 (voice and piano)
- Chanson frivole; G. Schirmer, 1922 (violin and piano)
- Three Poems of Amy Lowell; G. Schirmer, 1922 (nos. 2 and 3) (voice and piano)
- God Rest Our Glorious Land; C. C. Birchard, 1932 (choir)
- Lisette; Choudens, 1935 (voice and piano)
- Charms of Love; Boston Music Co., 1939 (choir)
- Presque valse; G. Schirmer, 1946 (piano)
- Smaa pianostykker, Op.8 (pub.1920, Norsk musikforlag)
- Suite Op.29 for orch. (Pub. Gebrüder Reinecke, 1894)
- Der Heimweg : Balletspiel in einem Aufzuge, Op.40 (Straube, 1920?)
- Gondoliera for piano (1922 or 1925, Gallet)
Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.
- Symphony No.1, Op.10 (pub. by Steingräber, 1920)
- An den Frühling for violin and piano, Op.1 (pub.1921, Ries & Erler)
- Choral-orchestral (piano) works including
- Prinzessin Ilse (Seitz, 1872)
- Traumkönig und sein Lieb, Op.24 (Seitz, 1875)
- Selinde die Nixe des Spring, Op.28 (Fürstner, 1880)
- Sonnenscheinchen, Op.30 (Ries&Erler, 1882)
- Capriccio, Op.18 for piano (Steingräber, 1928)
- Der junge Rhein, Op.2, self-pub.1902
- Geistergruß, Op.6, pub.1905 by Kahnt
- Lieder und Gesänge, Op.10, pub.1920?
- Die Waise. Lieder und Gesänge für eine Singstimme mit Pianoforte, Op.34 (pub.1920?).
- Missa in Es, Op.55 (pub.1935)
- Richard Wagner, sein Leben und Schaffen (©1915)
- All the year round : cantata for female voices (suitable for school use), op.19 (©1892)
- Beethoven : Persönlichkeit, Leben und Schaffen. Mit fünf Bildnissen und einer Schriftprobe. (1922)
- 6 Pièces caractéristiques pour violoncelle et piano. Op.20 (1892)
- Sinfonie Harald (1908 at the latest)
- Quatre impressions de la Suisse, op. 27 (Leipzig: Rob. Forberg, 1913)
- Fantasiestücke, Op.9 (1852, Luckhardt)
- Sonatas for keyboard (tecla)
- Violin Sonata No.2 in E minor, Op.46 (1907)
- Piano Concerto No.2, Op.68 (composed 1912)
- Symphony no.4 in D minor, op.44 (1854)
- String Quartet in G minor, Op.5 (1840, Simrock)
- Piano Trio in E, Op.6 (1842)
- Symphonies 1-3
- Operas (Opp.10, 15 uploaded - others?)
- Piano Sonata Op.36
Certain posthumous works may be copyrighted in Canada, and works first published in 1930 or later may be copyrighted in the United States. See public domain.
- Brass Quintet No.1 in b♭, Op.5 (score)
- Brass Quintet No.2 in E♭, Op.6 (score) (first pub. 1977, but uploaded with restriction)
- Brass Quintet No.3 in D♭, Op.7 (score)
- Brass Quintet No.4 in A♭, Op.8 (score)
Full scores or manuscripts of:
- HV 8 \ Missa Sancti Bennonis in C minor
- HV 9 \ Missa Sancti Caroli in C minor
- HV 10 \ Missa Sancti Joannis in C minor
- HV 26 \ Missa Sancti Ferdinandi in G minor
- HV 28 \ Missa Sanctae Elisabethae in A minor
- HV 34 \ Gloria & Incarnatus for Michael Haydn's Missa in D minor (voice parts available, a question being whether might have been an independent bc)
- HV 35 \ Kyrie ad Missam in Coena Domini in E minor
- HV 46 \ Graduale: Os justi meditabitur sapientiam in C minor
- HV 94 \ Offertory: Tremit mare in D minor
- HV 123 \ Hymn: Tristes erant apostoli in C minor
- HV 124 \ Hymn: Iste confessor in D minor
- HV 125 \ Hymn: Ecce quo modo moritur justus in F major
- HV 133 \ Laudate Dominum in A minor
- HV 134 \ Miserere in D minor
- HV 137 \ Die vier letzten Dinge
- HV 138 \ Die Hirten bei der krippe zu Bethlehem
- HV 139 \ Dich Schöpfer sanfter Harmonie
- HV 140 \ Il sacrifizio
- Cello Concerto No.1
- Cello Concerto No.2
- Cello Concerto No.3
- 6 Cello Sonatas, Op.2 (1802)
- 3 Duos for 2 Cellos, Op.1 (1805)
- Double Concerto for Cello and Oboe (lost?)
Note Wikipedia page - some of this composer's works may simply no longer exist (except as libraries purchased items &c... &c); his main publisher was destroyed in World War II along with all their plates.
- Piano Sonata, Op.6 (Leipzig: Klemm, 1895). @SLUB though not scanned
- Organ Sonata No.6 in G major, Op.24 (Leipzig: Junne, 1904).
- Piano Trio in B (H) major, Op.37 (Leipzig: Junne, 1907). Copy @ Austrian National Library. Copies of both trios @ SLUB.
- String Quartet in E minor, Op.41 (Leipzig: Junne, 1913)
- Piano Trio in C♯ minor Op.43 (Leipzig: Junne, 1912)
- Organ Sonata No.11 in B-flat (B) Op.63, Organ Sonata No.13 "Münster Sonata" in C Op.73, and Organ Sonata No.14 and Transcendental Fugue in G Op.78 were never published and are presumed forever lost (see above comment re publisher plates).
- Toccata, Introduction und Fuge, Op.69 (Leipzig: Junne, 1932)
- 3 Ernste Lieder, Op.85 (Leipzig: Junne, 1935)
- Violin Sonata, Op.16 (©1908)
- Rapsodie for piano quintet, Op.21 (©1909)
- A bel-ebat : trois tableaux symphoniques pour orchestre (©1937) (PD-CA-only) (also, 3 Pieces for piano, ©1925 - probably the same piece - don't know if orchestration is by the composer, merely published posthumously?)
- A Love Symphony (©1904)
- 6 Psalms, Op.33 (©1913)
- East and West, poem for orchestra (published 1908, Hayet)
- The rest of Op.34?
- Shah Féridoûn : tableau musical pour orchestre d'après une légende Persane, Op.39 (©1915)
- Deutsche Suite, Op.22 - violin part needed.
- 5 Lieder, Op.3 (Leipzig: F.E.C. Leuckart, 1896) - Nos.1, 2, 4 needed.
- Melodie nach einer alten Ballade, Op.5 (Gebr. Reinecke, 1900)
- Introitus et Alleluia per omnes festivitates totius anni 1575 (supposed to be the first basso seguente)
- String Quartet, Op.9 (p.1919)
Certain posthumous works may be copyrighted in Canada, and works first published in 1930 or later may be copyrighted in the United States. See public domain.
- Serenata, for piano (1901)
- Jota (from 7 Canciones populares españolas) transcribed for violin and piano
- Suites populaires espagnoles for violin and piano
The following items are ineligible to be added due to copyright status:
- Vals Capricho – first publ. 1996, under copyright worldwide
- Cortejo de Gnomos – first publ. 1996, under copyright worldwide
- Allegro de Concierto – first publ. 1986, under copyright worldwide
- Mazurca en Do Menor – first publ. 1992, under copyright worldwide
- String quartet no.2 (serenade), op.7 (
(See Wikipedia. Composer and patron of music. Worldcat lists 4 dozen items/musical-score "matches" under "Fane, John"; COPAC, RISM and other databases can be searched as well...)
- Symphony No.1 (in ms, premiered by Lenschow's Germania Orchestra. A reduction was published ca.1846 by Schlesinger.)
- Mass (in ms?) (is this the Missa solenne by him that was published in 1846)?
- Requiem (pub. Welsh & Hawes, ca.1824) (possibly part of 7 Requiems in Memory of Samuel Webbe pub. 1826 by the same publisher...?)
- "Gran sinfonia : esprimente und battaglia nell' opera L'Eroe di Lancastro" (pub. Ricordi, 1830)
- Catherine, or the Austrian captive, an opera in three acts (ca.1830)
- Il Torneo : opera seria (published 1839 ca., Boosey)
- I riti d'Orfeo
- Messa in re a 4 voci
- Messa in re a 5 voci
- Messa pastorale a 4 voci
- Messa pastorale in sol a 2 voci
- Dixit in do a 2 voci
- Dixit in re a 4 voci
- Te Deum in la a 4 voci
- Te Deum in re a 2 voci
- Improperia per il venerdì santo a 4 voci
- Stabat Mater a 2 voci
- Tobias, oratorio
- 3 Duets, Op.62 (for piano 4 hands) — London: Oxford University Press, 1925
Once called Edmund Farkas (Germanization)
- Prelude and Variations on a Ground Bass
- Three Chorale Preludes
- Fantasy Prelude
- Elegy
- A Wedding Piece
- Op.17 (in Farrenc's worklist)- (Hünten, Fr.: Variations brillantes sur la Cavatine du Barbier de Rossini : Ecco ridente il Cielo, arr. p. Pfte seul p. A. Farrenc.") (published by Hofmeister, 1833)
(flourishing dates? please replace with better information when available)
- Op.42 Air de ballet pour orchestra (
- Horace et Lydie, scène (translated from Horace, pub.1893)
- Complete Piano Works (some of these published - e.g. op.7 in 1832, op.9 and op.12 in 1834, op.17 in 1836, op.21 in 1838, op.41 in ca.1858, op.42 in 1856, "La grand mère" in 1837)
- 3rd symphony (1847) ("first finale" - manuscript - at BNF. not yet scanned as of mid-12-2010.) (BNF; there are, I think, 2 recorded versions of this symphony? both, I believe, use the other finale. ) (and other two symphonies?)
- Violin Sonatas (possibly not published until the 1990s?)
- Clarinet Trio Op.44
- Piano Trio Op.33
- Piano Trio op. 34
- Sextet for Piano and Winds, Op. 40
- Six Fugues for piano (unpublished), op. 22?
- FW F: 1 \ Passio Jesu Christi "Mich vom Stricke meiner Sünden" (Brockes-Passion) Full score/Manuscript
- Fwv G:e 1 \ German Mass in E minor Full Score/Manuscript
- Fwv G:g 1 \ Missa brevis in G minor Full Score/Manuscript
- Fwv I:L 1 \ Laetatus sum in F sharp minor Full Score/Manuscript
- Fwv K:a 1 \ Suite for 2 flutes, 2 oboes & bassoon in A minor Full Score/Manuscript
- Fwv K:a 2 \ Suite for 2 oboes & 2 bassoons in A minor Full Score/Manuscript
- Fwv K:a 3 \ Suite for 2 oboes & 2 bassoons in A minor Full Score/Manuscript
- Fwv K:a 4 \ Suite for 2 oboes & bassoon in A minor Full Score/Manuscript
- Fwv K:d 3 \ Suite for chalumeau, 2 oboes & bassoon in D minor Full Score/Manuscript
- Fwv K:d 5 \ Suite for 2 oboes & bassoon in D minor Full Score/Manuscript
- Fwv K:d 6 \ Suite for 2 oboes & bassoon in D minor Full Score/Manuscript
- Fwv K:e 3 \ Suite for 2 oboes & bassoon in E minor Full Score/Manuscript
- Fwv K:g 1 \ Suite for 2 oboes & bassoon in G minor Full Score/Manuscript
- Fwv K:g 1a \ Suite for 2 flutes & bassoon in G minor Full Score/Manuscript
- Fwv K:g 2 \ Suite for 3 oboes & bassoon in G minor Full Score/Manuscript
- Fwv K:g 3 \ Suite for 2 oboes & 2 bassoons in G minor Full Score/Manuscript
- Fwv K:g 5 \ Suite for 2 oboes & bassoon in G minor Full Score/Manuscript
- Fwv K:g 7 \ Suite for 2 oboes & bassoon in G minor Full Score/Manuscript
- Concerti in minor keys not already in library
- Violin solo sonata, Op.48 (©1904, Hug. Copy at U. Calgary Library.)
Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.
- Première Symphonie en mi pour orgue (1925)
- Deuxième Symphonie en ré pour orgue (1928-29)
- Le Mystère de Noël pour orgue, variations sur «Jesu redemptor omnium» (1940)
- Troisième Symphonie pour orgue dite «Symphonie mariale» (1941)
- Quatrième Symphonie pour orgue dite «Symphonie eucharistique», sur des thèmes grégoriens au Saint-Sacrement (1944-45)
- Messe Sainte Thérèse de l'Enfant Jésus pour choeur et orgue (1947)
- Choral pour orgue (publié en 1951)
- Choral et fugue sur Ave maris stella
- Vexilla regis pour orgue
- In memoriam pour orgue
- Barcarolle no. 10 in A Minor, op. 104, no. 2
- Chant Funéraire - Full Score, and if possible parts
- Nocturne no. 11 in F- sharp Minor, op. 104, no. 1
- Also Nocturnes nos. 1-3, 6, and 8 missing in separate editions, but present in edition of the first eight
- Libera Me from Requiem (Original 1877 version for Baritone and Organ) - Full Score/Manuscript
- Elfenreigen, Op.8 (Leuckart, 1903)
- Die zertanzten Schuhe ein Märchenspiel (nach Grimm), Op.10 (pub. 1910)
Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.
Piano Concerto No.1, Op.20 (Full Score)
(re PD-US status: Worldcat, anyway, only seems to list 3 works published in 1922 - opp. 5, 8 and 9. op.1, 2, 7, 10, 11 came out in 1923 or 1924 (as did a revised edition of op.5?). opp.13, 15 - which are not on this list, I know- listed in July 1925 HMB. worth checking HMB and scores to do a better and closer study than the cursory one I've done though, opp. 2,7,10 and 11 might still be PD-US. - Schissel
- 2 String Quartets, Op.30
- String Quartet, Op.42 (all 3 in ms?)
- Doh ha 'meer der Rään, Karnevals-Marschlied, Op.4711 (?) Pub. 1906 by Tonger
Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.
- Dawn, Op.16, poem for orchestra (pub.1915)
- In Shadow, Op.15, poem for small orchestra (pub.1915)
- Fieldside, Suite for piano, Op.28 (pub.1921)
- Pastoral for orchestra, Op.5 (pub.1915)
- Tragic Poem for small orchestra, Op.11 (pub.1916)
- Passio secundum Joannem (St. John Passion)
- Missa defunctorum (1718)
- Stabat mater
- Masses
- Andromaca, complete score
- Te lucis ante terminum
- Circundederunt me
- Alma redemptoris mater
- Benedicamus Domino
- Nunc dimittis
- Posuerunt super caput
Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.
- String quartet no. 3, op.23 (pub.1944??)
- Chaconne for cello and piano, op.31 (©1940)
- Cantatas for Passion
- Op. 25 Sinfonias
- Messa da Requiem
- Ave Maria in chiave del sol (with piano)
- Operas
please improve dates
- L'endimione. Opera (in ms. Dedicated to Napoléon Bonaparte.) 1801.
- Rhapsodie espagnole p. Orchestra, Op.8 (pub.1895 by Oertel, Hanover) (exists at least in a 1918 Schirmer edition "Spanish Rhapsody" edited? by Otto Langey (1851–1922))
- Fieramosca : dramma lirico in tre att ( (librettist Massimo d'Azeglio - 1798–1866))
- Ouv. "Ariosto" for orchestra, Op.7. (Pub. Oertel, 1903. May have been published earlier, perhaps noted in Italian magazines- not in HMB?)
- Symphonies (no.3 has been digitized @ Karlsruhe)
- Cantemire (libretto- text by Alexander von Dusch I - has been scanned by SLUB, but opera is lacking online?...)
- Op.6, Sonaten für Soloinstrument und B.c. (1730)
- Fétis edition of some CPE Bach piano works ( by Schonenberger)
- Concerto in B minor for Flute and Orchestra (1869); full score / piano reduction
- Symphonies (have been digitized)
- Divertimento for Keyed Trumpet and Orchestra
- Symphony No.1 in F, Op.17 (Urbanek, 1883) (full score & orchestral part scores)
- Symphony No.2 in E♭ major, Op.38 (Urbanek, 1893; full score 1911 (available at 35 libraries or so) - used as the basis of MPH's 2004 reprint. Would be nice to have this well-known work in score?) (full score & orchestral part scores)
- Symphony No. 3 in E minor, Op.53 (1898. Urbanek, 1904 in reduction, possibly not published in full score until 1955? 1958?) (full score & orchestral part scores)
- Christmas Day, Op.9
- Le printemps, Op.1, for piano solo
- Vesna (Spring), Op.13, for orchestra (full score & orchestral part scores)
Othello, Op.6, for orchestra - Othello, Op.6 (orchestral part scores)
- Zaboj, Slavoj a Luděk, Op.37, for orchestra (orchestral part scores) (full score & orchestral part scores)
- Bouře (The Tempest), Op.46, for orchestra (symphonic poem, F minor.) (full score & orchestral part scores)
- Toman a lesní panna (Toman and the Wood Nymph), Op.49, for orchestra (full score & orchestral part scores)
- Oldřich a Božena, Concert Overture for Orchestra, Op.52 - full score needed
- Rondo in A-Flat Major, H. 18: preferably for solo piano only (which is in Miceal O'Rourke's album Field: Works for Piano), but piano and orchestra is also good.
- Méditation, for string quintet (published 1904 by Gallet)
- Mariengruss for soprano, women's chorus, violin, harmonium (or organ) (ad lib.), cello and bass, Op.114. Bohm&Söhn, 1911 or 1912
- Missa "Stella Maris" in D minor, Op.133. Bohm & Söhn, 1911.
- 7? Organ sonatas (numbering is confusing. op.83 "no.5"? from 1898. Others may be from 1901-1911 of course, bears research.) (we have nos. 1 & 3.)
- Eg organ sonata no.4, Op.55, Zumsteeg 1889.
- Motette No. 2: „Herzlich lieb hab’ ich dich Herr“. f. vierstimm. Männerchor m. Org., Op.34. Leipzig: Licht, 1888.
- Piano Sonata No.1 in A, Op.11 & No.2 in E-flat, Op.21
- Rausche, rausche, froher Bach. Chorus Op.8 for women's voices (Robitschek, ca.1907)
- Silhouetten for cello and piano, Op.3. Wetzler, 1886/1887 (2 volumes)
- Romanze für Pianoforte, Op.5. Rebay & Robitschek, 1889.
Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.
- Schauspiel-Ouvertüre (premiered? 1920) (?. NZM 1920 p324. maybe published later though.)
- Gesichte: 7 Klaviermusiken for piano (pub. 1921)
- Klaviermusiken fur Kinder for piano (pub. 1921)
- Marionetten-Musiken for piano (pub.1922)
- 10 Kinderstucke for piano (pub. 1927)
- Sonata for flute and piano (pub. 1931)
- 3 Lieder after R. M. Rilke for voice and piano (pub. 1931)
- 3 Lieder after Carl Bayer for voice and piano (pub. 1931)
- 3 Early Lieder for voice and piano (pub. 1931)
- Piano Trio (pub. 1933)
- Lehrer und Schuler for piano 4 hands (pub. 1935)
- Die Jakobsfahrt, opera (vocal score pub. 1936)
- Egerlander Strausslein for piano (pub. 1939)
- Sudetendeutsche Volkslieder for voice and piano (pub. 1940)
- 19 Kleine Klavierstucke for piano (pub. 1940)
- 7 Chorale Preludes for organ (pub. 1940)
- Sonata for horn and piano (pub. 1946)
- Schein und Schein for alto voice and piano (pub. 1948)
- Sonata for clarinet and piano (pub. 1951)
- Weihnachtskantilene for women's choir and instrumental ensemble (pub. 1951)
- Klavierstucke nach Slawischen Volksliedern for piano (pub. 1952)
- Capriccio uber ein polnisches Volkslied for piano and orchestra (pub. 1953)
- Suite No. 3 for orchestra (pub. 1953)
- Das Gottliche for choir (pub. 1953)
- Chor der Toten for choir (pub. 1953)
- Freiheit und Friede for choir (pub. 1953)
- Bauernballade die Erde war uns eine Last (pub. 1953)
- Harpsichord Suites
- Pièces de Clavessin (1696)
- Musicalisches Blumen-Büchlein (1698)
- Musicalisches Blumen-Strauss (vor 1736)
- Musikalischer Parnassus (ca. 1738)
- Complete organ works („Classische Orgelcompositionen zum Studium und zum Gebrauche beim öffentlichen Gottesdienste. Neue correcte Gesammtausgabe“ (9 Hefte), Gesamtausgabe der Orgelwerke, Musikalienhandlung von Körner, Erfurt), after 1840
- Piano Duet Sonata, Op.12 (published 1809 (announced October 1809 Intelligenz-Blatt, AMZ, 18 Oct. 1809) by Breitkopf&H.)
- 48 kleine Orgelstücke Op.13 (source of our “Allegro in D” and perhaps other standalone works)
- Piano Trio, pub.1903
- Prelude for piano and Lied for voice and piano, Op.10 (pub.1906 by Stahl)
(son of Grzegorz)
- String Quartet No.2 / Concerto for String Orchestra (1928, pub.1931)
- Quintet for winds and trombone (pub.1931)
- Violin Concerto No.1 (1928, pub.1931?)
- Violin Concerto No.2 (1935, pub.1938/39)
- Piano Sonata No.1 (pub.1933)
- Nocturne for Orchestra (4/1945; premiered 3/28/1946, New York; published 1950)
- Piano Concertos (1928, 1931 (1934/50?, pub.1950))
- String Quartets 3-4, 6 (in ms only? 1935-6, 1936, 1945, 1950)
- String Quartet in D-minor, Op. 23 (Full score and parts)
- 3 Pieces for Cello Quartet and Piano, Op.38
- Die Spinnerin (Spinnlied) No.2 for 4 Cellos, Op.59
- Sarabande by J.S.Bach for 4 Cellos, Op.64
- Dämon-Fantasie über Motive aus Rubinsteins Oper "Der Dämon" für Violoncello solo mit Begleitung des Pianoforte op. 34 (Leipzig, Bartholf Senff)
- Overtures, Op.3 (pub.1771)
Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.
- 1st Cello Sonata in G minor, Op.14 (1903, pub.1915? by C.Selva)
- 3 Mélodrames for small orch. (pub.1919 or so)
- Elegie pour orchestra (Evette & Schaeffer, [1920])
- Fantaisie pour basson, violon & violoncelle, Op.54 (©1922)
- 10 Piano Pieces (
- Rêverie for violin or cello & piano (pub.1895/6, E. Baudoux)
- Prélude & danse for violin and piano (pub.1873, Durand)
- Passion Oratorio 1667
- any Cantatas
- any Keyboard works
- Opera Paoletta (Romantic opera in 4 acts, ©1910)
- Symphony No.1 in G (manuscript, 1887-09, at Free Library Philh. & NYPL.)
- Symphony No.2 in C minor (manuscript, 1887-12. Arrangement of Quartet No.1.)
- Piano Concerto in A♭ (1875/1915)
- String Quartet No.1 in C minor (1877)
- String Quartets 2 in F, 3 in D
- Organ works including Organ sonata Op.83 in E (pub.1881)
- Collections of op. 72 (Präludienbuch), only parts are currently available online
- Piano Sonata No.2 in B minor, Op.7 (first pub.1846, soon republished in a new edition, seems lost?)~
- Sonatine No.7, Op.54 in C (pub.1859)
Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.
- Piano sonata in D minor, op.7 (Zürich : Kommissions-Verlag Musikhaus Hüni, [1921])
- String Quartet No.1 in D minor (1926, parts published in 1928 by Hug (Monatsbericht (1928), p.198 parts, HMB page 241 score.))
Works by this composer can only be added to the US server. Works published in 1929 or earlier are in the public domain in the US, as well as potentially certain other works depending on publication and registration details. See public domain.
Son of statesman Dirk Fock Sr.
- 3 Bagatelles, Op.3 (published 1913, dedicated to Ferruccio Busoni)
- 2 bagatelles for violin and piano: Le rêve (in G♭ major) and aria espansiva (plates 29922-3, pub. 1920, Schirmer. Le rêve downloadable from Google.)
- Piano Sonata in F sharp major, Op.2 No.2, ed. J.J Hummel, 1793 (we have a different edition)
- Piano Sonata in F sharp major, Op.2 No.2. Scan of the cover of the Longman & Broderip edition we have
- Piano Sonatas Op.2 No.1 and 3.
- Thusnelda, Op.10 — full score needed
- String Quartet No.1, Op.33 — modern typeset needed
- Symphonic Ode to Byron, Op.35 — modern typeset needed
- Suite, Op.36 — second movement needed
- 2 Cavatinas, Op.39 — no.2 needed
- Piano Quartet No.2, Op.40 — modern typeset needed
- Suite No.2, Op.47 (New York: Carl Fischer, 1915)
- Prelude to Goethe's 'Faust', Op.48 — viola part needed
- Violin Concerto, Op.52 — modern typeset needed
- At Twilight, Op.59 — modern typeset needed
- Suite, Op.79 — modern typeset needed
- Love Visions, Op.80 — horn 1 part needed
- American Ode, Op.81 — trumpet 1, trombone 2, bass drum/cymbals parts needed
- Lyric Suite, Op.82 — modern typeset needed
- The Enchanter's Dream, Op.85 — engraved score and parts
- A Legend, Op.86 — modern typeset needed
- String Quartet No.1, Op.15 (p.1898, Junne ; 1899, Eulenburg)
- Ballata for violin and orchestra, Op.92 (published 1917, UE)
- Meine Jugend. Symphonisches Stimmungsbild für Orchester, Op.44 (published 1910, UE)
- Trio III : a-moll, pro klavír, housle a violoncello, Op.105 (published 1929 Hudebni, though one Worldcat listing has 1923??)
- Symphony No.2 (1892-3), Op.29 (reduction published by Hudeb. ©1922)
- Symphony No.3, cop. 1921 (Praze: Foersterova Spolecnost)
- Symphony No.4, cop. 1911
- Fantasia in C for organ, Op.14 (published 1903 by Beyer & Söhne)
- Some One To Love, op. 33; Hopwood, 1919 (voice and piano)
- 4 Pieces, op. 44; Bosworth, 1920 (piano duet)
- Phantasy, op. 48; Bosworth, 1920 (cello and piano)
- Piano Album; Bosworth, 1920
- Sea-Sheen, op. 17; Hopwood, 1920 (piano)
- A Faded Violet; Curwen, 1921 (choir)
- The Little Folk, op. 34; Bosworth, 1921 (voice and piano)
- Song of Prosperine; Curwen, 1921
- Songs of Love and Life; Elkin, 1921 (voice and piano)
- A Summer Song; Curwen, 1921 (voice and piano)
- Arabesque; Murdoch, 1922 (piano)
- The Centipede; Curwen, 1922 (choir)
- Dawn-Song; Elkin, 1922 (voice and piano)
- The Isle; Novello, 1922 (choir)
- Poem; Novello, 1922 (violin or cello and piano)
- To Blossoms; Curwen, 1922 (choir)
- When Passion's Trance is Overpast; Elkin, 1922 (voice and piano)
- Caprice; Elkin, 1923 (violin and piano)
- The Dove; Elkin, 1924 (voice and piano)
- Evening; Elkin, 1924 (voice and piano)
- A Happy Blossom; Stainer & Bell, 1924 (choir)
- Tomorrow; Curwen, 1924 (voice and piano)
- A Widow Bird; Curwen, 1924 (voice and piano)
- The Devon Maid; Curwen, 1925 (voice and piano)
- The Empty House; Elkin, 1925 (voice and piano)
- Hunting Song of the Seeonee Pack; Elkin, 1925 (voice and piano)
- Quartet in A-Flat; Elkin, 1925 (string quartet)
- Two Songs of William Blake; Elkin, 1925 (voice and piano)
- Meg Merrilies; Elkin, 1926 (choir)
- The Hillside; Elkin, 1927 (voices and orchestra)
- Spindrift; Elkin, 1927 (voice and piano)
- Spring; Elkin, 1927 (choir)
- If I Had But Two Little Wings; Stockwell, 1928 (voice and piano)
- In Service; Elkin, 1929 (voice and piano)
- Peace; Elkin, 1929 (song transcribed for cello and piano by Cecil Sharpe)
- The Grizzle Grumble; Forsythe Bros., 1930 (voice and piano)
- The Seasons; Elkin, 1931 (choir and orchestra)
- 3 Traditional North-Country Songs; Elkin, 1931 (voice and piano)
- Lullaby; Elkin, 1934 (voice and piano)
- Youth; Peter Maurice, 1934 (voice and piano)
- Bassoon Concerto; Elkin, 1949 (bassoon and orchestra/bassoon and piano)
- Ode to a Nightingale; Elkin, 1949 (voice, string quartet and harp)
- A Night Piece for Flute and Strings (1922)
- The Wreck of the Hesperus, op. 17 (Boston: Arthur Schmidt, 1888) -- copies at U Chicago, U Illinois - Urbana/Champaign, U Michigan, Carnegie Library (Pittsburgh), Carnegie Mellon U, Westminster Choir College
- 3 Clavierstücke, Op.21, for piano 4 hands (Boston: A.P. Schmidt, 1891); piece titles are: Air, Intermezzo, Gavotte
- Les Pathétiques: 12 grandes études de concert, for pf., (Paris: Flaxland, 1862?). Containing Opp. 10-21.
- This work is available from the Research Division at New York Public Library:
Call number: *MYD | Forgues, Emile, 1823 | [Les pathetiques] Les Pathetiques: 12 Grandes etudes de concert.]
- Fantaisie sur le Stabat de Rossini, for pf., (Paris: E. Troupenas, 1844)
- 4 Preghiere (Prayers) for 4 cellos, op.27 - (note: does opus 27 contain all 4 or just no. 3 which is here? a search for scores by Forino detects only no.3 but that could mean anything. - Schissel Answer to Schlissel'note: surely opus 27 contains 4 "Preghiere", as the line under the composer's name on the score reads "Op.27 N.3" which I'm sure means that it is the third piece of opus 27 considered as a whole of four pieces; if you were right, the line would have instead read "N.3, Op.27", or "Op.27 (N.3)". - Ashaam) (answer in the composer's category page - Schissel)
(See Wikipedia)
- Pluie, valse (violin & piano) (pub.1873)
- La musette, duo (violin & piano) (pub.1872)
Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.
- 3 Motets, Op.2 (pub.1920)
- Violin Sonata in B, Op.11 (pub.1926) (@ Sibley but restricted for some time)
- Concert pour deux violons et piano, Op.16 (ca.1942)
- Cello Sonata, Op.24 (ca.1950)
- Margherita, melodramma semiserio in due atti. (Paris: Chabal, 1849.)
- Symphony in E (pub.1888/89, Richter & Hopf; 1899, Lehne. Copy at Schlossmuseum, Sondershausen, elsewhere, NYPL offsite...)
- Piano Trios (in C, G and A (the last in autograph, the first two published)) - in C Op.61 we have? No.2 Op.172 is in D, no.3 is as noted unpublished. No.5 in F we do have.
- Trio No.4 in light style in F, Op.174 (pub.1906)
- Concert overture Frühlingsklänge Op.80 (ÖNB has a copy)
- 3 Oratorios
- 35 Sacred Concertos (Cantatas)
- Sonata a 7
- Viola Concerto in G Minor: Score, orchestral parts and/or piano reduction. A set with the orchestral material can be found in the Fleisher Collection at the Free Library of Philadelphia (, should anyone in the vicinity be kindly able to scan it. -- we have part of this now, increasingly..
- Kubla Khan. Cantata for men's voices, unaccompanied, the words selected from Coleridge's poem (©1913?)
- The luck of Eden Hall (choral ballad. ©1922) (also set by Robert Schumann)
- Sacred Concertos
- 32 Canons on Christ, der du bist der helle Tag, 1680
- Canon perpetuus a 4 on the same chorale
- Counterpoint studies
- Triple fugue
- Musicalischer Compositions Tractat
- Von den dreyfachen Contrapunkten
Certain posthumous works may be copyrighted in Canada, and works first published in 1930 or later may be copyrighted in the United States. See public domain.
- Sonata for Cello and Piano, Op. 6
- Lento e Scherzetto for cello and orchestra, Op. 12
- Cello Concerto in G major, Op. 17
- Two Concert Pieces for Cello and Piano, Op. 25
- Badinage for Orchestra
- Violin Sonata in B minor, Op.18 ("UA" (according to NZM p.263, 1941) in Greiz. pub. maybe 1930s?)
- Piano Trio in E-flat, Op.38 (Wolfenbüttel : Verlag für Musikalische Kultur und Wissenschaft, 1938)
- String Trio, Op.10 (Wolfenbüttel : Verlag für musikalische Kultur und Wissenschaft, 1937)
- String Quintet, Op.31 (Berlin : Afa-Verlag, [1932])
- Piano Trio, Op.5 (Wolfenbüttel : Verlag für musikalische Kultur und Wissenschaft, 1934)
- Cinderella-A Fairy Tale (Century Music Publishing)
- In the Month of Roses (Century Music Publishing, 1913)
- The World Requiem: Vocal and Full Score
- A memory, for violin and piano or for organ (pub.1913/1917)
- 2 Viola Sonatas (No.2 premiered Dec.1896, London, Hobday (viola)/Fowles (piano). Ms if not lost?)
- 2 sketches for the organ (pub.1914)
- Nocturnes Opus 15 for two cellos (or solo cello with accompaniment of a second cello?)
- Morceau de Concert sur des Motifs de Chopin op. 42 (posth.) for Cello and piano (or orchestra)
- Fantaisie sur Don Giovanni de Mozart op. 44 (posth.) for Cello and piano (or orchestra)
- Caprice sur des Airs Écossais op. 46 (posth.) for Cello and piano
- Hommage à Mr. George Onslow. Fantaisie sur des Motifs des Quintettes de G. Onslow pour violoncelle avec accompagnement de orchestre ou de pianoforte op. 28
- Grande valse. Morceau de concert pour violoncelle avec accompagnement d'orchestre ou de pianoforte op. 34
- Fantaisie sur une Mélodie de Schubert pour violoncelle avec accompagnement de quatuor ou de pianoforte op. 39
- Quae est ista FWV63 (we have arrangement)
- Messe Solennelle FWV59
- Piano duet arrangement (Hamelle) of String Quartet
- Les djinns (full score)
- Ce qu´on entend sur la montagne
- Cello sonata op.6 (Stern, 1846)
- Piano Trio op.11 (Guttentag, 1848)
- Piano concerto in D minor op.13 (Guttentag, 1850) (new edition (urtext) issued 2013, accessible for browsing online)
- String quintet op.15 in E minor (Bote & Bock, 1850)
- Fantaisie for orchestra, op.16 (Schlesinger, 1851)
- Piano trio no.1 in E♭ op.22 (Schloss, 1860)
- Symphony no.1 op.47 in A (Trautwein, 1860?, pub.1882)
- Symphony no.2 op.52 in B♭ (composed 1883?, poss. unpublished)
- String Quintet no.2 op.51 in C (pub.1897, Lienau)
- String Quartet No.2 in E-flat
- String Quartet no.3 op.55 in C minor (pub.1899, Lienau)
- Violin concerto no.2 op.57 ( poss. unpublished)
- Piano trio op.58 in D (pub.1898, Lienau) (plate 8094)
- Concerto No.2, Op.41 (published 1861 or earlier by Richault)
- Choix de 8 Motets av. Orgue et Quatuor, Op.1. Aachen: Hensen, 1852.
Certain posthumous works may be copyrighted in Canada, and works first published in 1930 or later may be copyrighted in the United States. See public domain.
- Violin sonata no.2 Op. 35
- Piano trios Op. 20, Op. 32 (Op.32 @ÖNB)
- Cello sonata Op. 36 (1903) (@ÖNB)
- Piano Concerto Op. 50 (pub.1910)
- Piano Sonata No.3, Op.51 (pub.1910?)
- Violin Concerto Op.43 (pub.1906)
- Concert-Ouverture (Wellen des Meeres und der Liebe) für grosses Orchester Op.21 (@ ÖNB)
- Liebesidyll Amor und Psyche Op.40 (@ÖNB)
- Suite for orchestra Op.30 (ditto)
- Symphonic fantasy Op.31 (ditto)
- Dramatic overture Op.37 (ditto)
- Festliche Musik, Op.35 (published 1913 by Kistner)
- Arabesken zu einem russischen Tanz für Klavier, Violine und Violoncell, Op.36 (published 1914)
- Variations on a theme by Meyerbeer, Op.45 (Simrock, 1925)
- Violin sonata Op. 25 (p1911)
- Evocation symphonique
- String Quintet No.1, Op.16 in D (pub. by 1851) (Hofmeister 1851 p22) (B minor acc. to entry in Royal Dutch Library)
- String Quartet No.2 Op.31 (pub. Richault, plate 6520R, around 1841? (Worldcat)- later if the dates in the Richault table around there are right, but they really need double-checking.) (parts at Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg, Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam )
- String Quintets 1 & 2
- Psalm 117 (Lobet den Herrn) for 2 choruses, Op.19 (published by F. Whistling, 1855)
- 6 Gesänge, Op.22 (Senff, 1855)
- Passio Christi (Brockes-Passion)
- Matthäus-Passion
Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.
- Violin Concerto (1916)
- Alentejo Suite No. 1 (1919)
- Alentejo Suite No. 2 (1927)
- Violin Sonata (pub. 1927?, Sassetti)
- Cello Sonata (©1927)
- String Quartet (pub. 1927)
- Earlier? violin sonata, pub. 1909/10, Pabst (Monatsbericht (1910), p.4)
- Liber secundus diversarum modulationum singulus, binis, ternis, quaternisque vocibus (Rome: Andrea Fei, 1627)
- Flute sonatas
- Flute and other Concertos
- 4 Symphonies
- Hohenfriedberger Marsch
- Various orchestral works (some in ms at BSB)
Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.
- String Quartet in F (major?), Op.1 (pub. 1906 by Friedrich Hofmeister)
- Tanzidyllen for piano, Op.9 (pub. 1906 by Tanner)
- Requiem (for the German fallen) Op.61 (pub.1915, C.F.W. Siegel)
- Messe in G : für gemischten Chor [4- und 5stimmig] und Solostimmen [Sopran I und II Alt]; a cappella, Op.130 (published 1939, selbstverlag (self-published)) (PD-CA)
- Hirtenmusik, Op.91, für 2 clarinets (or oboe and English horn) and organ. Oppenheimer, 1928.
- Prelude and Fugue, Op.10
- Adagio & Scherzo for winds, harp and timpani, Op.2 (published 1905)
Verklärte Nacht, für Mezzosopran und Tenor mit Orchester, op.9 (pub.1904) uploaded
- Hänsel und Gretel fantasy for orchestra (pub.1895)
- Romance pastorale for violin and piano. Schott, [1905] (HMB 1906 p.60; WorldCat has [1905].)
- Totenfeier (1829)
- Stabat mater (dt.) (1829)
- Weihnachtskantate (1830)
- Passionskantate (1831)
- Sonata, op. 22, for cello and piano
- String Quartet in E-flat major, op. 25
- Piano Trio in E-flat major, op. 32
- Watteau, Ballet-Pantomime (ÖNB has a copy)
- Schlummerlied: „Schlaf’ du, mein Söhnchen, so schlafe doch ein“ (pub.1899 by Gutmann. Plate 16205?)
- String quartet in E minor, Op.40 (pub. Kahnt in 1904) (LoC has, BSB has, Sibley/Rochester has just received as a gift)
- Piano Sonata, Op.11 (pub.1887)
- Violin Concerto, Op.25 (pub.1904 by Siegel)
(Also Ferdinand Carl Füchs, F.C. Füchs/Fuechs)
- Opera "Guttenberg" (overture published 1847)
- Souvenir à Mdlle Thérèse Milanollo. Chant for violin and piano, Op.35 (pub.1844)
- Concertino p. Cor chromatique, Op.17 (pub.1843)
- Tarantelle for violin and piano, Op.79 (1901) (possibly by a different Richard Fuchs?)
(Other works at Richard Fuchs compositions but seem to have been published too recently?)
Certain posthumous works may be copyrighted in Canada, and works first published in 1930 or later may be copyrighted in the United States. See public domain.
- Eglogue, Op. 5
- New improvisations, Op. 30 | uploaded partially
- Preludes Op. 34
- In der Dämmerstunde (four hands), Op. 38
- Sommermärchen, Op. 39 | now both 2 volumes uploaded
- Herbstblätter, Op. 43
- Miniaturen (four hands), Op. 44
- 7 Lieder Op. 52
- Nine fantasy pieces, Op. 89
- Marienblumen (womens' choir and harp or piano)
- String Quartet No.5 (Amont-Quartet, 1925) (may not exist, but listed in the ONB catalog. Someone want to have a look?)
- Op.116 - Mass (pub.1926)
- Op.108 - Mass (pub.1924?)
- String Sextet in F major (uploaded by Sibley, pub. date ??? [Self-published and without much info. Sibley upload page gives 1900 which is their way of saying "19??". It's PD-CA and PD-EU, though, probably...)
In general looking for all his piano works
- École Moderne du Pianiste : recueil de 24 morceaux caracteristiques for piano, Op. 100: pieces Nos. 13-18 (pieces 19-24 where never composed).
- Le prophete : grande fantaisie de bravoure for piano, op. 43
- Grande Fantaisie Militaire for piano, Op. 60
- Trostvolle Geschichte der sig- und freudenreichen Auferstehung Jesu Christi, 1665
- Die geschichte von dem selig machenden Leiden und Sterben unseres süssesten Heilands Jesu Christi (Lukas-Passion), 1683
- Litania divisa in 8 v. et Instr. in duos Choros
- 43 Melodien des Stadt-Lüneburgischen Gesangbuchs von 1686
- Janua latino-germanico ad artem Musicam, clavibus facilioribus in usum scholae, 1680
- Flöten-schule, Op. 42 (1826)
- 5 Little Duets
- 4 Little Duets
Works are generally in the public domain in Canada, although not in the EU. US copyright status depends on publication and registration details. See public domain.
(bio at Wikipedia (Finnish). Sibelius' first? biographer)
- String Quintet in C minor (pub.1909)
- Any Masses (K 1-50) for Christmas, Holy Week, or in minor keys
- K 51 Requiem et Kyrie a 5
- K 52 Dies irae a 5
- K 53 Domine Jesu Christe a 5
- K 54 Libera me Domine
- K 55 Requiem
- K 56 Requiem
- K 57 Dies irae
- Any Vespers or Psalms in minor keys (K 58-114)
- Any Litanies or Completorien in minor keys (K 115-136)
- K 137-148 (Graduals)
- Any Offertories in minor keys (K 149-172)
- Any Motets in minor keys (K 173-184)
- Any hymns in minor keys (K 185-290)
- K 291 La fede sacrilega nella morte del Precursor S. Giov. Battista, Oratorium 1714
- K 292 La Donne Forte nella Madre de' Sette Maccabei, Oratorio 1715
- K 293 Il Fonte della salute, aperto dalla grazia nel Calvario, Componimento sacro 1716
- K 294 Il Trionfo della Fede. Oratorio in 2 parti 1716
- K 295 Il Disfacimento di Sisara. Oratorio a 5 1717
- K 296 Cristo nell' orto. Oratorio 1718
- K 297 Gesù Cristo negato da Pietro. Oratorio 1719
- K 298 La Cena del Signore. Oratorio in 2 Parti, L'anno 1720 1720
- K 299 Il Testamento di nostro Signor Gesù Cristo sul Calvario. Oratorio in 2 parti 1726
- K 300 La Desposizione dalla Croce di Gesù Cristo Salvator nostro. Componimento sacro per Musica al SSmo Sepolcro 1728
- Any Partitas, Sinfonias, Overtures, or Sonatas or Septet in minor keys (K 319-397)
- K 395-397 Sonatas pastorale a 3
- Gradus Ad Parnassum in English
- Oratorium Germanicum de Passione 1731
Composers A–B | Composers C–F | Composers G–K | Composers L–M | Composers N–R | Composers S | Composers T–Z