
Nuvola apps edu languages.png This user is a Librarian.

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The IMSLP Star is awarded you for your wonderful work!
The IMSLP Cleanup Star is hereby awarded to you for your excellent work!
THe Hiram Sibley award is bestowed upon you for your uploads from Sibley itself!

Update December 2022: thankfully, employed, though on a very part-time basis, for the first time in awhile. But this also means I have less time.

Thanks to every lover of music who contributes here.

Biography below this indulgence. (Inserted February 2014)


\relative c'' {
\tempo \markup {\line {\normal-text \italic "Theme and Variations:"} {\bold " Tema"}}
\key a \minor
\time 4/4
\clef treble
\stemDown \slurUp \tieUp 
d2_\mp( f)
es( g4) g
cis,8[ fis] g[ bes] c?2
f,( g)
bes,2. d4
\time 3/4
e?8[ g] \stemUp a,4 f
\stemDown g' \stemUp bes, as


Also, fellow editors, countrymen... erm, editors. please, please, please please don't put in the date of composition on your workpages when all you actually know is the date of publication. you may not read this, but I can _assure_ you that someone is going to read your workpage and be thoroughly misled, and think that you have information and evidence that you don't. as writing teachers say: stick to what you know.



Using the Hofmeister database. Tutorial 1.

the Hofmeisters Monatsberichte is a journal published by the publisher Friedrich Hofmeister between about 1829 and 1947, the last of those years somewhat irregularly, and containing information about recent music publications - scores, journals, for instance- and their publishers and prices (not at all just Hofmeister's but many others'.) Now it is very useful as a way of determining approximately when something was first published. there are scans of every issue (just about?) from 1829 to 1947 at the Austrian National Library, here. moreover, a research project at a British university (I think) maintains a searchable collection of transcriptions made from some of those scans- those from 1829 to 1900 - at Hofmeister-at-Rhul.

However. that breathless bit was the basics (I'm by now so used to using those, as tools here, since it's very helpful for any number of reasons to know when something was published. For copyright reasons say. If something was first published before 1923 that has certain consequences for US copyright law, e.g.)

Anyhow. however. the point is. If you make a search at "Hofmeister-at-Rhul" and what you're looking for doesn't immediately turn up, it's a very good idea to learn a few additional tools and tricks before going and writing "niet in Hofmeister" (referring to a certain entry in a certain library database that has me rolling my eyes right now...) Click on the "transcript" or "facsimile" links of a few entries because the search engine only picks up your search word if it's actually on the line - and if e.g. Hofmeisters Monatsberichte in that month (Monats-berichte...) picked up several works by that composer in that category (it usually divides up the month into genres, e.g. works for orchestra, works for salon-orchestra, ...) - then it will list them in individual lines, with the name of the composer only on the first line- and RHUL's search engine will only pick up the first one. you'll have to go to their transcription or the ONB scan to see all the rest of the works, if you're searching by composer... anyhow, that's one, badly-phrased, run-on tutorial which will be improved in due course ;) E.

This user uses
GNU LilyPond.

Written back in January and earlier and later

RIP Milton Babbitt, who died today (1/29/11) - a good man and excellent composer.

I do have a Wikipedia page with some more information about me and projects I'm pursuing at that site. This page will be expanded; this stub was written of a Monday morn so that a redlink would not be a wholly lonely (or even extant) thing.

Edit: I also hope to be helpful, though not in a way that requires people to then undo my work overmuch I hope..., in minor maintenance (e.g. adding categories if I see they are missing, that sort of thing. I do that very often on Wikipedia, along with simple interlanguage wikilinks... habit of mine!)

Another edit, 1-28-09 - just by way of expressing a bit of gratitude for what people do with this site. I am by nature an editor and nitpicker but I put that energy (... usually) only into projects I very much want to see succeed :) - like this one. With all thanks then Eric 05:45, 28 January 2009 (EST)

(Um Babel: Auch Deutsch, aber es ist sehr schlecht schwach... (and I needed some help to be confident of some of those words... I hope that is from sleeplessness) - but my memory of my German classes, and some practice, has been enough to fill in when Babelfish and are producing patent nonsense, sometimes.)

Edit on 10-10-10: I can now create multipage PDFs from multiple image files (though I don't know if I have good software with which to edit them. Maybe.) Composer preference boxes... at bottom. :)

en This user speaks English at a native level.
fr Cet utilisateur parle français.

See also

Things I am curious about...

I spend a lot of time here transferring public-domain(ish) PDFs from Sibley Library and other online digital archives, and this requires of course sometimes checking that a name (person's, other piece's) that I think we don't have already here on IMSLP- we actually don't have. Also finding out more information about people and pieces before adding categories/pages. So for example Sibley Library has works by several composers who are hard to place, and I think I may waste space here- or maybe on a subpage instead, but for the moment here - listing people I need to find out more about.

  • Miron Levin (Miron Arkadievich Levin? according to a bit of Russian-translating-and-Google-searching, early 20th century Soviet- may have been a composer, seems to show up in a list otherwise mainly? of composers on one website. Not Miron P. Levin poet friend of Marshak who died of tuberculosis in 1940. There is also a Miron Isaakovich Levin 1896-1957, but not sure his occupation- composer or otherwise- however..)
  • Martin Levy, not the same composer as above of course, wrote at least two string quartets, one of them, in D minor is at Sibley (composed around 1900? 1910?) - almost nothing else I know about him - except for the other quartet, in C major, published in 1877 according to HMB (page 139, 1877 HMB). This suggests that Martin Levi/Levy was not still alive in 1961, though it does not prove it... (note: also, a Quartet in F published in 1882 :) )
  • Mentor Crosse. Probably William Mentor Crosse - see this PDF - born 1867 in Dunedin, New Zealand (other details match the few we have about him- such as that he wrote for John Church Co.) Death date unknown at this time so can't use here.
  • Charles Strony. A friend of Ravel's. Arrested for allegedly causing a fire in Toronto in 1916, but released; well-known as a pianist and conductor at the time. Belgian. Rapsodie héroïque at Sibley. published in 1910. Joseph Jongen dedicated a work to him in 1930. Around that time I think he was the head of the Opera of Lyon. Can't seem to find a death date, however, and claims online that he premiered the Schoenberg Handel-arrangement are not supported by - it was premiered by Jirak in Czechoslovakia, I think. Maybe something else was meant...
  • R.H.L. Watson. Composer of some songs, piano pieces and liturgical works, some of the former at NLA (e.g. Naida pub. Sydney betw. 1869-1873, My silent grief (song, text by composer I think) pub. Sydney sometime between 1870-1887, two other works (songs with lyrics by E.B. Parnell, published 1873? and ca.1879) also at NLA, and at the US LoC, Erin Aroon pub. Montreal 1877.) Prob. not alive 1960 since music by him was published ca.1869-73...
  • J.H. Franz, pseudonym for Hans Heinrich Bolko, Graf von Hochberg (see Hans Heinrich Bolko von Hochberg), 1843-1926. Bote & Bock published a symphony in C major, op.26 of his (under J.H. Franz) in 1879 according to HMB (1879,p.194.) An op.28 symphony in E is mentioned in Hofmeisters Handbuch der Musikliteratur, Volume 11 (1900), also...
  • Flora Woog. Her "Inspiration Waltz, op.2" is at the Library of Congress. The New York Times mentions her as a pianist, I think- if that's not a scanning error... The cover seems to say pretty clearly Flora Woog, Woog does seem to be a not unknown surname... but I can't seem (well, ok, I've only just been trying right now... give it time... but still) to turn up a thing about her except that this work, downloadable from LoC, was published by Rockar in 1890...
  • C? (Carl Gottlob?) Schumann - 3 string quartets (opp. 20, 24, 25 in G, G, C by Vieweg in Quedlinburg in 1888) - here (see Karl Schumann)

Just a good tip in general for people here :):)

" it's just a good idea to go into preferences and increase your default search to include lots of things, or you may miss what you're searching for :)" - found myself writing that on someone's talk page, but it's true.

Another tip: editing PDFs to remove pages that make bogus claims of copyright: this works if you have Preview on a Mac- the result is not always wonderful, but it's worth a try. If you do, select all the pages in the right hand side, then deselect the offending page, then print selected pages; choose the print as pdf option, then save as pdf. Another tip, for taking a collection of images and saving as PDF: on a PC, you may need to use CutePDF or similar. On a Mac, select the images in Preview, and print selected images 'as PDF'. (Edit: select the following options to optimize, i think. Before printing, check each page for proper rotation, and use the preview function that rotates - easy to find... - to get it there. Though it might be better to have them 'as is' as they'll fill the pages better if in their original alignment and not re-rotated to left-right since this can be done after printing, whereas what I suggest may change page size too much.. I don't know. It's debatable? ... -
Now select all pages (command-A) and choose the print all selected pages option. Then look for paper size and choose "letter (borderless)." Turn off auto-rotate or you'll have different pages at different angles (some left-right, some up-down) when you might not want them that way.) Now go to the bottom left of the window(?), pull down the options, select 'print as pdf', choose an appropriate name for the PDF file and a similar internal name for the PDF too :), and save away :). Then especially the first few times, open the new PDF to make sure it's what you want. If my instructions are incomplete, please tell me. I may not be writing down everything I remember doing.-ES, 27 October 2010

Another tip- for finding out whether a score you want to scan or upload already exists in digitized form online somewhere (Sibley, SLUB-Dresden, Australia, U Michigan, BSB, Library of Congress, etc. etc. etc.)- : go to , search for information about the score (brahms symphony 3 - or something :) ), home in on the score (by clicking 'musical scores' or similar to the left of worldcat- or internet resources if it's there, though that can be misleading and refer sometimes to recordings available to people at universities- but anyway)- and check the resulting library catalog listings patiently, the ones published before 1960 (1923 if you're in the USA) to see if they mention digital links (like , or others.) (12 Oct 2010)


Have noticed that BSB only allows you to use their PDF-maker about 12 times every 24-hour period (presumably? beginning around 0000CET? so will try again next I can- today after 6pm EDT, as I have compiled on my HD - I might put it up here for general use, indeed perhaps it might benefit from sharing, I begin to think so the more I give that thought!... a backlog/list of compositions I want to download, and given the quality and diversity of their scans, it will only increase. On Wikipedia I'd create a subpage for that... hrm... Eric 17:20, 27 October 2010 (UTC)


If you have an RSS reader- I use , the one that's built-in to my "google account" - you can be automatically notified of new uploads to Sibley Library (subscribe to Sibley's recent acquisitions feed ) and to BSB's 'Aesthetica' (which includes Music) division (subscribe to this XML feed.) You can also go to this BNF page (BNF - French National Library) and add the RSS feed for BNF Scores to Google Reader, Yahoo's RSS Reader, or NetVibes, or just subscribe using the XML directly. - ES 27 Oct 2010

April 2016 edit- first BNF link nonfunctional; have tried and failed to find replacements?

Composers and Works to Add when I can

  • Paul Graener quartet on a Swedish folksong op.33 (pub.1910) (28 pages) Graener (California Google) done by C

Will add very much more to this list later of course. (still to do)

  • note the link HathiTrust for online - mostly but I think not entirely Google - scans. Very searchable.
  • J.D. Kümin. a Missa Dixit Maria is at LoC. who this?
  • Now that there's a PD-US server, can upload such things as Egon Wellesz' (d.1974) string quartets 1 and 2 (from Sibley) to it. (Haven't heard those quartets - except for the finale of one of them, of which I created a MIDI a decade ago - but 9 symphonies and violin concerto, I rate :) )

  • Vítězslav Novák's serenade opus 36 (1905, pub. 1913, 100 pp. via U California libraries. Orchestral score.) Also here. -- now at Serenade in D major, Op.36 (Novák, Vítězslav). (check)
  • Sinowi/Zinovii Petrovich Feldman (ФЕЛЬДМАН, ЗИНОВИЙ). (may have been dedicatee of Myaskovsky's 8th quartet 'to the memory of ZP Feldman' - had died that year.) (1893–1942)
  • Rutland Boughton - two works: birth of Arthur, from Sibley (which only has libretto, but it is at here) (if I can find out death date of librettist, since fl. may not be sufficient -though this may have been the last work Reginald R. (Ramsden) Buckley wrote, in 1914, poss. revised 1926, poss. just republished then); also The Immortal Hour, vocal score to his most famous work.
  • also see here; Rheinberger opera Poor Henry (vocal score), oh, also his duo op.15 for 2 pianos, arr. for piano 4-hands by Alois Reckendorf , etc.
  • Max Trapp (1887–1971) : could be made PD-US as his opus 3 piano quintet in C minor was published by Steingräber of Leipzig in 1912.
  • Georg Schumann’s oratorio Ruth, Op.50 published by Leuckart, v.s., plate FECL 6249, in about 1908 (link.) also by Georg Schumann at HT:
  • Totenklage : aus Schillers Braut von Messina, Op.33 (©1903), Leuckart, vocal score, FECL 5648. Totenklage
  • English adaptation of G. Schumann’s Ruth (given opus number 20?) at Ruth_Chapman
  • The first (1898, Hainauer) edition of 6 Poems after Heine, Op.31, by Edward MacDowell (at this link)
  • This interesting-seeming book about Anton Rubinstein by Zabel (they have two copies scanned in, another from U Michigan, this one from NYPL)- actually, has this one...
  • The Tower of Babel, Op.80 by Anton Rubinstein, ed. by Fitz William Rosier (not Rosner, as the listing at Hathitrust misreads it... I mean... that’s pretty clearly an I, and confirms it) - vocal score, Schirmer, ©1883. (not sure when Rosier died, though doubt it was >1960.) (ah.also already at Internet Archive, so I will get it -Tower of Babel (btw Der Thurm zu Babel, Op.80, by Anton Rubinstein - now uploaded from
  • Ferdinand Hiller - A Song of Victory identified as op.151 (English translation more or less of Israels Siegesgesäng, 1871, Leuckart? Pub. Ditson, 1880s.)
  • Gyula Major - A szombatosok énekei : Bözödujfaluban a szombatos község véneinek éneke után = Lieder der Sabatharier : nach dem gesange der Dorfältesten in Bözödujfalu / kottára tett és összhagositotta Major J. Gyula ; ins deutsche übertragen von Irene Gerö-Cserhalmi. (7 pages; pub. Budapest : Orpheus, Magyar Zeneműterjesztő Táraság ; c1907.)
  • Erik Furuhjelm (1883–1964)- (bio @ Wikipedia - Wikipedia (Swedish) -- string quintet in C minor (pub. Apostol, 1909). PD-US unless something happened?... - but would have to go on the US server assuming I can find this at all.
  • has the following 2 works by Benedict: his book Weber in 4 forms and his opera Cinderella in some form... - also his oratorio St. Peter but we already have that from Sibley.
  • Une vie d'artiste by George Templeton Strong poss.?
  • Ein Märchen by Josef Suk - which is on the Suk wishlist...


  • Trout polka op.57 by Jacob (Jakob) Stolz (1832–1919) (at Library of Congress) (published 1884) (link here) (also wrote a sonata for piano four-hands op.70 worth seeking out ca.1877?)
  • Items by his son, Robert Stolz (wrote much, PD-US-only since 1880–1975 - up to op.338 in 1919. Born Styria, died Berlin) (archived bio here)
  • Anders Rachlew (1882–1970) - violin sonata op.1 at Sibley scanned in - PD US only Norwegian composer-violinist - op.9 legend for violin and piano published 1919 (by Hansen) would be interesting too if it's scanned somewhere.
  • Dancla opus 128, which or part of which seems to be at LoC here.
  • James Cartwright Macy (1845–1918), used pseudonym Collin Coe (under which pseudonym some 57? works of his appear at

Works by Taubert to add from LoC

(Since I can't right now, not from this computer, will have to wait until I'm back "at home")

  • The Goldfinch and the Peasant - here - identified on the score as being a translation of a work from the 3rd volume of Klänge aus der Kinderwelt, that is, op.79 -- The Lied, Art Song, and Choral Texts Archive. Specifically, it's op.79 no.6 according to's search engine and the first line (Bauerlein, bauerlein...). Text by Friedrich Gull, translated by L.L. Scaife. here is another translation of op.79 no.6 (different translator etc.; published by Carl Prufer in 1873.)
  • this translation of op.88 no.4.

Also, also...

  • Figure out how to download this work (see RISM 455018564) from the University of Tubingen website...
Try pdf download at [1]. --Homerdundas 19:18, 8 July 2014 (EDT)

Also... since it's 2011

Died in 1961 - can I find any works by any of these composers digitized online?

quite a few others also. (Jan.6 2011 early morning.)

Composers who died in 1963? (aside from Poulenc, Hindemith, Bachmann)

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Johann Sebastian Bach.
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Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach.
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Ludwig van Beethoven.
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Alban Berg.
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Béla Bartók.
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Havergal Brian.
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Johann Christian Bach.
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Wilhelm Friedemann Bach.
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Franz Berwald.
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Dietrich Buxtehude.
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This user enjoys music by
Frédéric Chopin.
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This user enjoys music by
Claude Debussy.
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Antonín Dvořák.
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Edward Elgar.
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Alfred Einstein.
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This user enjoys music by
Gabriel Fauré.
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Joseph Haydn.
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This user enjoys music by
Johann Nepomuk Hummel.
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Gustav Holst.
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Impressionist music.
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Franz Liszt.
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This user enjoys music by
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
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Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy.
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Elizabeth Maconchy.
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Gustav Mahler.
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Gian Francesco Malipiero.
This user enjoys music by
Henry Purcell.
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Sergey Prokofiev.
M ravel.jpg
This user enjoys music by
Maurice Ravel.
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Sergei Rachmaninov.
This user enjoys music by
Max Reger.
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Renaissance period.
This user enjoys music composed during the Romantic era.
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This user enjoys music by
Domenico Scarlatti.
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Robert Schumann.
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Aleksandr Scriabin.
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Arnold Schoenberg.
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Camille Saint-Saëns.
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Dmitri Shostakovich.
This user enjoys music by
Jean Sibelius.
This user enjoys music by
Georg Philipp Telemann.
This user enjoys musicological works by
Sir Donald Francis Tovey.
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Heitor Villa-Lobos.
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This user enjoys music by
Anton Webern.
This user enjoys music by
Stefan Wolpe.
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This user enjoys music by
Christoph Ernst Friedrich Weyse.
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Jan Dismas Zelenka.