The Road to France (Lund-Skabo, Signe)

Sheet Music


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Schissel (2013/6/9)

Publisher. Info. New York: G. Schirmer, 1917. Plate 28049.
Misc. Notes This file is part of the Sibley Mirroring Project.
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General Information

Work Title The Road to France
Alternative. Title The Road to France, for Unison or Mixed Chorus
Composer Lund-Skabo, Signe
I-Catalogue NumberI-Cat. No. ISL 2
Key E-flat major
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 1 (3 verses)
First Publication. 1917 – New York: Schirmer
Copyright Information Possibly public domain in EU and other 70 pma territories.
This item, which is in the public domain in its country of origin, is likewise in the public domain in countries which apply the rule of the shorter term. All EU countries apply the rule of the shorter term in general.
Note that in some cases this rule may be overridden by a treaty with the source country (especially the United States) and/or may not apply to works which fell into the public domain in their source country due to a failure to renew copyright or comply with other formalities.
Librettist Daniel MacIntyre Henderson (1880–1955)
Language English
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Romantic
Piece Style Early 20th century
Instrumentation SATB chorus , or Unison chorus, and piano

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Sibley has this attributed to Daniel McIntyre Henderson, who died in 1906, but by their own account it is a WWI song, and the lyrics attest to this, WWI did not start until after Daniel McIntyre Henderson was deceased. VIAF explains all! (Only "Daniel M. Henderson" is given on the score.) The piano part contains music not in the chorus and while the chorus part could be performed as an entity of itself, the work probably makes more sense with the rhythmic interludes and impetus given it by the extra material in the piano, especially at the beginning few bars, repeats and end.

Also exists (either arranged as, or arranged from?) a march for orchestra, according to Wikipedia.