- 2 Gavottes, Op.39 (Prochaźka, J. O. von)
- 2 Mazurkas, Op.33 (Bartlett, Homer Newton)
- 2 Morceaux, Op.104 (Egghard, Jules)
- 2 Offertory Songs (Runcie, Constance Owen Faunt Le Roy)
- 2 Piano Pieces, Op.157 (Raff, Joachim)
- 24 Charakteristische Etuden, Op.17 (Kiesewetter, Guenther)
- A Fair Good Morn (Hammer, Marie von)
- A Love Song (Nicholson, Mary)
- A Media Noche (Ariles, José)
- Adelaide, Op.46 (Beethoven, Ludwig van)
- Ah! Never Deem My Love Can Change (Thomas, John Rogers)
- Aida Galop (Maylath, Henry)
- Aimee Waltz (Hoffman, Edward)
- Alas! My Love's Away (Tucker, Henry L.)
- Albion Polka (Poulton, George R.)
- All Aboard for the M. G. P. (Braham, David)
- All in the Mist of the Morning (Tucker, Henry L.)
- All the Year Round (Thomas, John Rogers)
- An der Quelle (Joseffy, Rafael)
- An Evening Prayer (Kleber, Henry)
- Angels, Roll the Rock Away! (Thomas, John Rogers)
- As I was a-Wandering (Brandeis, Frederick)
- As Long as the World Goes Round (Braham, David)
- As Through the Park I Go (Lingard, William Horace)
- As We Wander in the Orange Grove (Braham, David)
- Autumn Song, Op.29 (Raff, Joseph Kaspar)
- Ave Maria (La Villa, Paolo)
- Ave Maria, CG 89 (Gounod, Charles)
- B. P. & C. Polka (Kleber, Henry)
- Baby Mine (Brown, Francis Henry)
- Baby's Greeting (Graham, R. E.)
- Badinage, Op.27 (Mason, William)
- Ballade et barcarole, Op.15 (Mason, William)
- Ballade No.1, Op.12 (Mason, William)
- Barbara Frietchie (Sloman, Elizabeth)
- Barcarolle (Jannotta, Alfredo Antonio)
- Barcarolle No.2, Op.28 (Mills, Sebastian Bach)
- Baur's Favorite Clog (Baur, Albert)
- Be Near to Me (Thomas, John Rogers)
- Be of Good Cheer (Woodbury, Isaac Baker)
- Beatrice (Kottaun, Celian)
- Beautiful Dreamer (Foster, Stephen)
- Beautiful Highlands! (Thomas, John Rogers)
- Beautiful Isle of the Sea (Thomas, John Rogers)
- Bedouin Song (Pease, Alfred Humphries)
- Berceuse, Op.57 (Chopin, Frédéric)
- Beside the Sweet Shannon (Tucker, Henry L.)
- Beware! (Perring, James Ernest)
- Billee Taylor (Solomon, Edward)
- Bird of the Greenwood (Wallace, William Vincent)
- Blow the Bellows, Blow! (Braham, David)
- Blue Beard Is My Name (Connelly, Michael)
- Blue-Eyed Bell (Thomas, John Rogers)
- Boulanger's Grand March (Desormes, Louis César)
- Bridal Polonaise, Op.30 (Prochaźka, J. O. von)
- Bright Be Our Parting (Tucker, Henry L.)
- Budding Leaves, Op.160 (Müller, Julius E.)
- Caliph of Bagdad (Bellak, James)
- Call Me Not Back from the Echoless Shore (Tucker, Henry L.)
- Camp Meeting Songs of the Florida Freedman (Hutchinson, Abby)
- Caprice 'Album Leaf', Op.37 (Brandeis, Frederick)
- Captain Jinks (Maclagan, T.)
- Carmen (Bizet, Georges)
- Carnaval de Venise, Op.22 (Schulhoff, Julius)
- Cash! Cash! Cash! Schottische (Braham, David)
- Cello Suite No.3 in C major, BWV 1009 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)
- Chaconne in G major, HWV 442 (Handel, George Frideric)
- Chaconne, Op.62 (Durand, Auguste)
- Chantilly, Op.171 (Waldteufel, Emile)
- Chilpéric (Hervé)
- Chiquita (Hoffman, Richard)
- Chiquita (Pease, Alfred Humphries)
- Christ the Lord is Risen Today (Warren, George William)
- Cinderella (Bellak, James)
- Clara Jenkins' Tea Schottische (Braham, David)
- Claude Duval (Solomon, Edward)
- Climax Galop (White, Gaylord B.)
- Cobwebs on the Wall (Braham, David)
- Colibris et zéphyrs, Op.171 (Egghard, Jules)
- Columbia, Op.34 (Gottschalk, Louis Moreau)
- Come Again, Sweet Love (Tucker, Henry L.)
- Come Willie Dear I'm Weeping Now (Tucker, Henry L.)
- Coming from the Matinee (Fuller, Charles A.)
- Coming Home from Meeting (Braham, David)
- Constance Polka (Brown, Francis Henry)
- Constancy (Rizzo, Giuseppe)
- Coral Schottisch (Kleber, Henry)
- Croquet (Thomas, John Rogers)
- Crotchets & Quavers (Kleber, Henry)
| C cont.
- Darling (Millard, Harrison)
- Darling Bessie of the Lea (Tucker, Henry L.)
- Darling Little Blue-Eyed Nell (Buckley, Frederick)
- Darling, Kiss Mine Eyelids Down (Pease, Frederick Henry)
- Das Schloss am Meere (Brandeis, Frederick)
- Dashing Dolly Varden (Fiske, William Orville)
- Dixie's Land (Manns, Jean)
- Dixon Schottische (Baur, Albert)
- Dodelinette, CG 610 (Gounod, Charles)
- Does He Love Me? (Pease, Alfred Humphries)
- Dolce far niente (Mattei, Tito)
- Don Pasquale (Bellak, James)
- Don't Forget the Old Folks (Tucker, Henry L.)
- Don't Leave Your Mother (Beverley, Maude)
- Down in Sweet Wyoming Vale (Tucker, Henry L.)
- Dreaming of Thee (Thomas, John Rogers)
- Drums and Cannon, RO74 (Gottschalk, Louis Moreau)
- Fairy Footsteps, Op.71 (Wollenhaupt, Hermann Adolf)
- Falling Leaves, Op.133 (Müller, Julius E.)
- Farewell (Graham, W. H. J.)
- Fatinitza (Suppé, Franz von)
- Faust Lanciers (Helmsmüller, F.B.)
- Faust Up to Date (Lutz, Meyer)
- Faust, CG 4 (Gounod, Charles)
- Feuilles d'or, Op.242 (Egghard, Jules)
- Finigan's Wake (Glover, Charles William)
- Fishes in the Sea (Thomas, John Rogers)
- Five o'Clock in the Morning (Barnard, Charlotte Alington)
- Forget not the Loved Ones at Home (Woodbury, Isaac Baker)
- Frolic of the Fairies, Op.49 (Sudds, William F.)
- Full Moon Union March (Braham, David)
- Garlands of Peace (Loretz, John M.)
- Gavotte, Op.31 (Mills, Sebastian Bach)
- Gavotte, Op.53 (Brandeis, Frederick)
- Gavottina (Brandeis, Frederick)
- General Grant's the Man (Tucker, Henry L.)
- Gentle Words and Loving Smiles (Woodbury, Isaac Baker)
- Go Forget Me, Op.23 (Schlotter, Franz)
- God Reigns! Our Country's Safe (Tucker, Henry L.)
- Going Out with the Tide! (Pease, Alfred Humphries)
- Good Night, My Love (Woodman, Raymond Huntington)
- Grand galop chromatique, S.219 (Liszt, Franz)
- Grand polka de concert, Op.1 (Bartlett, Homer Newton)
- Grande marche de concert, Op.19 (Wollenhaupt, Hermann Adolf)
- Grande tarantelle, Op.5 (Blanck, Hubert de)
- Green Backs (Emmett, Daniel Decatur)
- Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah (Pattison, John Nelson)
- Gunpowder (Schubert, Camille)
- Halt! Boys halt! (McNaughton, John Hugh)
- Happy as a King (Hime, Edward Lawrence)
- Happy Hours (Maylath, Henry)
- Harmonieuse, Op.33 (Mills, Sebastian Bach)
- Hip! Hip!! Hurrah!!! (Schoenbrun, S.)
- Horace Greeley's Grand March (Glover, Charles William)
- Hotel Brighton Waltz (Levy, Jules)
- How Are You Green-Backs (Glover, Charles William)
- Hungarian Serenade, Op.502 (Fradel, Charles)
- I Come to Thee for Rest (Pease, Alfred Humphries)
- I Love My Darling Lassie (Pease, Alfred Humphries)
- I Love My Love (Graham, W. H. J.)
- I Would We Had Not Met Again (Woodman, Raymond Huntington)
- Il bacio (Arditi, Luigi)
- Impromptu (Marckwald, Grace)
- Impromptu-Polka, Op.63 (Wollenhaupt, Hermann Adolf)
- In Days of Yore (Woodbury, Isaac Baker)
- In der neuen Heimath, Op.112 (Kéler, Béla)
- In My Father's House (Blount, Charles B.)
- In the Highlands (Holst, Eduard)
- Investigation (Braham, David)
- It's All Up in Dixie (Tucker, Henry L.)
- L'esperance (Bartlett, Homer Newton)
- La Bayadere (Bellak, James)
- La Coquette (Janon, Charles de)
- La grâce, Op.68 (Bartlett, Homer Newton)
- Lanigan's Ball (Bryant, Neil)
- Le carillon, Op.214 (Egghard, Jules)
- Le champ de fleurs, Op.223 (Egghard, Jules)
- Le crépuscule, Op.30 (Bartlett, Homer Newton)
- Le pardon de Ploërmel (Meyerbeer, Giacomo)
- Le tre nozze (Alary, Giulio)
- Leave Us Not (Tucker, Henry L.)
- Les Belles du Nord (Herz, Henri)
- Les pages du roi (Vilbac, Renaud de)
- Les étoiles filantes, Op.222 (Egghard, Jules)
- Let Thine Hande Help Me (Warren, George William)
- Lieder ohne Worte, Op.62 (Mendelssohn, Felix)
- Limerick is Beautiful (Anonymous)