Suite Japonaise (Lourié, Arthur)

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Sheet Music


PDF scanned by US-R
Emiles Mern (2017/2/4)

PDF scanned by US-R
Emiles Mern (2017/2/4)

Editor First edition
Publisher. Info. Paris: Rouart, Lerolle & Cie., n.d.(ca.1927). Plate R.L. 11747 & Cie.
Misc. Notes This file is part of the Sibley Mirroring Project.
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General Information

Work Title Suite Japonaise pour piano et chant (soprano)
Alternative. Title Japanese Suite ; Японская сюита
Composer Lourié, Arthur
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. IAL 27
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 4 movements:
  1. La cigale chante ; Cicada's sing ; Цикада поет
  2. Cerisiers en fleurs ; The cherry blossom ; Вишневый цвет
  3. Amour ; Love ; Любовь
  4. Printemps ; Spring ; Весна
Text Incipit see below
  1. Tu chantes, cigale ; Cicadas sing, all unwitting ; Цикада поет не зная
  2. Ne crois pas que du cerisier ; If upon our mountains ; Если б все лето (Man'yōshū, Book 8 No.1425)
  3. J'ai versé des larmes ; Bitterly I wept! ; Горько я плакал
  4. Vois ce tapis soyeux ; Spring's pasturelands are spread ; Шелком зеленым
Year/Date of CompositionY/D of Comp. 1915
First Publication. 1927? - Paris: Rouart, Lerolle & Cie.
Librettist No.2: Akahito Yamabe no (fl. 724–736)
Nos.1,3-4: Anonymous
Language Russian (with French and English translations)
Dedication à Marie Mouromtzeff
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Early 20th century
Piece Style Early 20th century
Instrumentation soprano, piano