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General Information
Work Title
Study for 2 Pianos (on the Impromptu by Franz Schubert, Op.90 No.2)
Alternative. Title
Studie für 2 Klaviere (über das Impromptu von Fr. Schubert, Op.90 No.2)
Poldini, Ede
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No.
IEP 24
E-flat major
1 (Allegro)
First Publication.
1902 or earlier
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period
Early 20th century
Piece Style
2 Pianos
Related Works
No.2 in E-flat major from 4 Impromptus, D.899 (Op.90) ; 3rd Movement from Fantasie in C major, D.760, by Franz Schubert
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another copy of the same work has a copyright mark with date 1897, apparently, or so University of Newcastle Auchmuty Library via. Worldcat claims. from the plate table, however, having serious doubts about that (as about similar uses of "©" in Worldcat. It doesn't appear in HMB, either. Caveat...) Or rather it does: HMB 1902, page 517. Which seems -much- more likely based again on the plate table, too.-Schissel