Songs Compleat, Pleasant and Divertive (D'Urfey, Thomas)

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Publisher. Info. London: William Pearson for J. Tonson, 1719
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Work Title Songs Compleat, Pleasant and Divertive
Alternative. Title
Composer D'Urfey, Thomas
Title-page Details Title-page transcription
Songs compleat, pleasant and divertive; set to musick by Dr. John Blow, Mr. Henry Purcell, and other excellent masters of the Town. Ending with some orations, made and spoken by me several times upon the Publick Stage in the Theater. Together with some Copies of verses, prologues and epilogues, as well for my own Plays as those of other Poets, being all Humerous and Comical. Written by Mr. D'Urfey.</span>
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. None [force assignment]
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 5 volumes (presumably):
  • Volume 1
  1. Purcell: From rosy bowers from Don Quixote
  2. Purcell: Where oxen do low from The Bath (1701)
  3. Corelli: The Moderate Man (English text likely set to a violin tune)
  4. D'Urfey: The Saint at St. James’s Chapel
  5. Anonymous: Giovanni amanti voi chi sapete/Ye beaus of pleasure
  6. D'Urfey: Great Lord Frog to Lady Mouse
  7. Pepusch: Ocean’s Glory
  8. English Folk Music: Twangdillo
  9. Anonymous: Welfare, trumpets, drums, and battling too (dialogue from an unknown opera)
  10. Anonymous: Britons now let joys increase
  11. Anonymous: Now, now comes on, the glorious year from The Modern Prophets (1709)
  12. D'Urfey: The Fart
  13. D'Urfey: The Second Part of the Fart (The Beef-eaters’ Appeal to Mr. D’Urfey)
  14. Folk Songs: The Northern Resenter
  15. D'Urfey: The parson among the peas
  16. Anonymous: A New Health to the Duke of Marlborough
  17. Folk Songs: When love fair Psyche made his choice
  18. Anonymous (possibly Haym): Conjugal Love (based on an aria in Pyrrhus, possibly Pyrrhus and Demetrius (1708)?)
  19. Akeroyde: What beauty do I see from The Bath (1701)
  20. Purcell: Let the dreadful engines from Don Quixote
  21. Weldon: From glorious toils of war (Ode/Dialogue between Mars and Plutus/Mammon)
  22. Folk Songs: The Scotch Lover at Epsom
  23. Anonymous (possibly Purcell): Maiden fresh as a rose from The Richmond Heiress (1693)
  24. Anonymous: Now cannon smoke clouds all the sky
  25. D'Urfey: As far as the glittering god of day (Lyrical Verses)
  26. Purcell: Arise my Muse
  27. Corbett: A Mock Address to the French King
  28. Anonymous: Love of no party
  29. Blow: The glorious day is come (Ode for St. Cecelia’s Day 1691)
  30. Courteville: Vertumnus, Flora, you that bless the fields from Don Quixote
  31. Purcell: Behold the man from The Richmond Heiress (1693)
  32. Eccles: I Burn, I Burn
  33. Anonymous: Remarks for the French King
  34. Anonymous: What are these idiots doing from Wonders in the Sun (1706)
  35. Anonymous: The Nightingale from Wonders in the Sun (1706)
  36. Blow: Church scruples and jars
  37. Purcell: Since times are so bad from Don Quixote
  38. Anonymous (possibly Purcell): Come all, great, small (Stool-ball) from Don Quixote
  39. Purcell: Blow, blow, Boreas, blow (The Storm) from Sir Barnaby Whigg (1681)
  40. D'Urfey: A Poole at Piquette
  41. Anonymous: Oh love, if a god thou wilt be from Wonders in the Sun (1706)
  42. Anonymous: The British Muses
  43. Anonymous: We prophets of the modern race from The Modern Prophets (1709)
  44. Anonymous: Draw, draw the curtain, fie, make haste
  45. Purcell: Clemene, pray tell me from Oroonoko (1695)
  46. Handel: The Happy Country Gentleman (English version of “Il tricerbero humiliato” from Rinaldo)
  47. Blow: Behold, how all the stars give way (A Pindarick Ode on New Year’s Day)
  48. Anonymous: From azure plains blest with eternal day from The Famous History of the Rise and Fall of Massaniello (1700)
  49. Purcell: Of old when heroes thought it base
  50. D'Urfey: Vive le Roy
  51. D'Urfey (possibly): Now some years are gone
  52. D'Urfey: The Coronation Health
  53. Folk Songs: Musidora
  54. D'Urfey: On the Warwickshire Peers
  55. D'Urfey: Reflecting on the Party Humours
  56. Anonymous: Love and Gratitude (The Parallel)
  57. Anonymous: The Yeoman of Kent
  58. Anonymous: The Courtier and Country Maid
  59. Anonymous: Would ye have a young virgin of fifteen years from The Modern Prophets (1709)
  60. Anonymous: On Young Olinda
  61. Croft: An Ode on Musidora Walking in the Spring-Garden
  62. Anonymous: A Farewell to the Town
  63. Lully: Pray now John let jug prevail (English text set to the cibell from Atys) from Wonders in the Sun (1706)
  64. Anonymous: The Playhouse Saint
  65. Purcell: As soon as the chaos from The Marriage-hater Match’d (1693)
  66. Anonymous: The Queen’s Health
  67. Corbett: Mad Loons of Albany
  68. D'Urfey: Of all noble sports
  69. Eccles: Sleep, sleep poor youth (A Dirge) from Don Quixote
  70. Anonymous: One morn as lately musing (A Satyr, or Ditty)
  71. Clarke: Lord! what’s come to my mother from The Bath (1701)
  72. Purcell: Sing, sing all ye Muses from Don Quixote
  73. Anonymous: The Peroquette
  74. Anonymous: Monsieur looks pale, and Anjou quakes from The Modern Prophets (1709)
  75. English Folk Music: The Fond Keeper’s Relapse
  76. Purcell (possibly): If you will love me, be free in expressing it (text set to a minuet from Don Quixote)
  77. Purcell (possibly): The Lady’s Answer (text set to a minuet from Don Quixote)
  78. Anonymous: Love and Satyr
  79. Folk Songs: The Willoughby Whim
  80. Anonymous: The Song of Orpheus from Wonders in the Sun (1706)
  81. Anonymous: We London valets are all creatures from The Modern Prophets (1709)
  82. D'Urfey: The Bell Assembly
  83. Croft: I hate a fop that at his glass from The Modern Prophets (1709)
  84. Anonymous: Celladon, when spring came on from The Old Mode and the New (1703)
  85. Anonymous: Que chacun remplisse son verre/Fill every glass, and recommend ‘em
  86. Handel: The Solemn Lover
  87. Anonymous: The Jolly Miller
  88. D'Urfey: Now is the sun from the horizon gone
  89. Anonymous: Le printemps rapelle aux armes/Spring invites, the troops are going
  90. Italian Folk Music: Blowzabella, my bouncing doxie (set to Pastorella)
  91. Italian Folk Music: Pastorella, inspire the morning (set to Pastorella)
  92. Purcell: An Ode on Queen Anne (set to “Sound, Fame, thy brazen trumpet, sound” from Dioclesian)
  93. Anonymous: The Occasional Ballad
  94. Anonymous: The Mournful and Passionate Complaint or Petition of Mademoiselle Gallia
  95. Anonymous: Mac Ballor
  96. Anonymous: A new health to Prince Eugene from The Old Mode and the New (1703)
  97. D'Urfey: The New Blackbird
  98. D'Urfey: A Satyr upon London and in Praise of the Country
  99. Anonymous: The Dame of Honour from Wonders in the Sun (1706)
  100. Purcell: Genius of England from Don Quixote
  101. D'Urfey: Sonnet Royal
  102. Lully (possibly): Life’s short hours too fast are hasting (English text possibly set to “Scocca pur tutti tuoi strali (LWV 76/3))
  103. Anonymous: To shew Tunbridge Wells
  104. D'Urfey: Grand Louis falls head-long down
  105. D'Urfey: From Dunkirk one night
  106. English Folk Music: The Court Lunaticks
  107. Eccles: ‘Twas early one morning, the cock had just crow’d from Don Quixote
  108. D'Urfey: The Wedding, or the Farmer’s Holiday
  109. English Folk Music: Windsor Tarrass
  110. Anonymous: Silvander, royal by his birth
  111. Anonymous: Fly, fly from my sight
  112. Eccles: Ye nymphs and sylvan gods (The Bonny Milk-Maid) from Don Quixote
  113. Anonymous: A Rapture on Albion and Celia
  114. Anonymous: Fate had design’d this worst of all ages
  115. Irish Folk Music: Hark Lewis goans, good fador wat ailsh him
  116. “Signior Opdar:” Advice to the City
  117. Anonymous: The Mouse Trap from The Country Wake (1696)
  118. Folk Songs: Farewell my bonny, bonny witty, pretty Moggy
  119. Folk Songs: Twanty years and mear at Edinborrow
  120. Morgan: Damon turn your eyes to me from Don Quixote
  121. English Folk Music: Whilst favour’d bishops new sleeves put on (Greensleeves)
  122. D'Urfey: Bright was the morning, cool was the air
  123. D'Urfey: The Disappointment
  124. Purcell: Young Philander woo’d me long from The Famous History of the Rise and Fall of Massaniello (1700)
  125. Leveridge: Of all the world’s enjoyments (The Fisherman’s Song) from The Famous History of the Rise and Fall of Massaniello (1700)
  126. Weldon: Beat the drum
  127. Purcell: Whilst wretched fools sneak up and down from The Famous History of the Rise and Fall of Massaniello (1700)
  128. English Folk Music: The Winchester Wedding
  129. Anonymous: Ah! Phillis why are you less tender
  130. William Mountfort (possibly): Great Jove once made love like a bull
  131. D'Urfey: Dear pinckaninny, if half a guinny
  132. Purcell: And in each track of glory, since from Of old when heroes thought it base
  133. Anonymous: Now, now winter is retreating (A Prophetick Sonnet)
  134. Folk Songs: Jockey was a dawdy lad
  135. Purcell: Young Colin cleaving of a beam
  136. Anonymous: Come Jug, my honey, let’s to bed
  137. Folk Songs: De’il take the war, that hurry’d Willy from me
  138. Anonymous: How vile are the sordid intrigues of the town from The Marriage-hater Match’d (1693)
  139. “A Person of Quality”: Hampton Court
  140. D'Urfey: Hark the thundering cannons roar
  141. Purcell: On the brow of Richmond Hill
  142. Folk Songs: Lads and lasses blithe and gay
  143. Folk Songs: In January last
  144. Purcell: My dear cockadoodle from The Campaigners (1698)
  145. Clarke: Hark the cock crow’d, ‘tis day all abroad
  146. Anonymous: Rise Bonny Kate
  147. Anonymous: Royal and fair, great Willy’s dear blessing from Love for Money (1691)
  148. Folk Songs: Sawney was tall and of noble race from The Virtuous Wife (1679)
  149. Anonymous: ‘Twas when the sheep were shearing
  150. English Folk Music: The sun had loos’d his weary team
  151. Anonymous: Joy to the bridegroom! fill the sky
  152. D'Urfey: The night her blackest sable wore
  153. English Folk Music: ‘Twas within a furlong of Edinburgh town
  154. John Gilbert: Chloe found Amyntas lying
  155. Folk Songs: When Phillida with Jockey play’d at Pam (A Game at Pam)
  156. D'Urfey: To horse, brave boys of Newmarket, to horse
  157. Anonymous: When first Amyntas su’d for a kiss
  158. Anonymous: Aminta one night had occasion to piss
  159. Various orations, poems, prologues, and epilogues for different occasions (spoken)
  • Volume 2
  1. Anonymous: Caponides (set to a tune from Antiochus)
  2. D'Urfey: When Harrold was invaded
  3. Leveridge: The Men of Kent
  4. Purcell: High on a throne of glittering ore
  5. Anonymous: Advice to the Ladies of London
  6. Anonymous: Advice to the Beaus
  7. Anonymous: The Wanton Virgins Frightened
  8. Anonymous: Royal Flora dry up your tears
  9. Eccles: The Parallel
  10. Anonymous: The Ballad of Andrew and Maudlin from The Intrigues at Versailles (1697)
  11. Purcell: When the world first knew creation from Don Quixote
  12. D'Urfey: Pretty Kate of Windsor
  13. Anonymous: Tom and Doll (The Modest Maid’s Delight)
  14. D'Urfey: The Lovers’ Whims
  15. Folk Songs: Pretty Kate of Edenbrough
  16. Anonymous: The Jilts
  17. Anonymous: State and ambition, alas! Will deceive ye (To Sylvia)
  18. Blow: The Perfection
  19. Lenton: The Distrust
  20. Akeroyde: The Passion
  21. Anonymous: Joy after Sorrow (text set to the Duke D’Aumond’s minuet)
  22. Purcell: New Reformation begins thro’ the nation from The Campaigners (1698)
  23. English Folk Music: Gillian of Croyden
  24. Anonymous: Ah, tell me no more of your duty or vow (A Song to Celia)
  25. English Folk Music: The golden age is come (Newmarket)
  26. Turner: Love Unblinded
  27. Purcell: Farewell, ye rocks (The Storm)
  28. Purcell: Sit down, my dear Sylvia
  29. Draghi: On Augustus and Sophronia
  30. D'Urfey: The Coquet New Moulded
  31. Anonymous: The Church Jockey (A Comick Satyr)
  32. English Folk Music: The Country Sheep-Shearing
  33. Purcell: Crown your bowls, loyal souls (Text set to Trumpet Tune in C major)
  34. Anonymous: Lewis Upon the Fret
  35. D'Urfey: The Franck Lover
  36. Purcell: The National Quarrel (Parody of A New Irish Tune)
  37. Anonymous: Alba victorious, Alba fam’d in story
  38. “A Man of Quality:” Puss in a Corner
  39. Folk Songs: The Loyal Scot
  40. Anonymous: Flora, beauteous Queen of May
  41. Anonymous: Trooping with bold commanders (The Pigg’s March) from an unknown play
  42. Thomas Farmer: Why! why! oh ye pow’rs that rule the sky!
  43. Folk Songs: King George was crown’d with much Glory (A Satyrical Ditty)
  44. Paisible: The King’s Health
  45. Croft: Ye pretty birds that chirp and sing
  46. Anonymous: Dear Jemmy when he sees me upon a holiday (The Country Lass)
  47. Anonymous: Memorials of London and Westminster
  48. D'Urfey: The New Windsor Ballad
  49. Anonymous: Mirtillo, darling of kind fate from an unknown play
  50. Anonymous: High renown and martial glory
  51. Purcell: A Welcome to the Happy Peace (parody of “Come unto these yellow sands” from The Tempest)
  52. English Folk Music: The Female Quarrel
  53. Anonymous: Mundunga was as feat a jade from an unknown play
  54. Courteville: Here is Hymen, here am I from Don Quixote
  55. Anonymous: Bright honour provokes me, farewell jolly Kate
  56. Anonymous: Ye Britains, how long shall I tire my brains from an unknown play
  57. Bononcini: The Consolatory Muse (English version of “Pastorella spera spera” from Il trionfo di Camilla
  58. Barrett: The Duke of Ormond’s Health
  59. Anonymous: When vile Stella kind and tendre
  60. Anonymous: Pretty Pegg of Wandsor
  61. Anonymous: In vain, in vain fantastic age
  62. English Folk Music: London’s Loyalty
  63. Akeroyde: The Law of Nature
  64. Anonymous: The Curtain Lecture
  65. D'Urfey: Steer, steer the yacht to reach the strand (A Royal Song)
  66. Anonymous: Me send you, sir, one letter (The Authentick Letter)
  67. Akeroyde: Ah! my dearest, my dearest Celide
  68. Courteville: Cease Hymen, cease thy brow from Don Quixote
  69. Anonymous: Apelles told the painters fam’d in Greece
  70. Clarke: Whilst the French their arms discover (text set to King's March)
  71. Purcell: A Lad of the Town
  72. Anonymous: If my addresses are grateful (To Chloris)
  73. Anonymous: Abroad as I was walking (A Scotch Song) from Trick for Trick (1678)
  74. Anonymous: If beauty by enjoyment can (To Cynthia)
  75. Farinel: The King’s Health (text set to Faronells Division on a Ground)
  76. Farinel: Mars now is Arming (A Royal Ode) (text set to Faronells Division on a Ground)
  77. Anonymous: Wae is me, what ails our northern loons (The Scotch Lasses Song)
  78. Dowland: The Crafty Mistress’s Resolution (parody of “Can she excuse my wrongs” from The Firste Booke of Songes)
  79. Anonymous: Prattles and tattles o’er bottles (The Toper)
  80. Folk Songs: The Politick Club
  81. English Folk Music: The Farmer’s Daughter
  82. English Folk Music: A little of one with t’other
  83. D'Urfey: Make your honour, miss, tholl loll loll from Love for Money (1691)
  84. English Folk Music: Of noble race was Shinking
  85. Anonymous: Forc’d by a cruel lawless fate
  86. Anonymous: When Sylvia in bathing, her charms does expose
  87. Anonymous: Upon a sunshine summer’s day
  88. Blow: Stubborn church-division (text set to a ground)
  89. English Folk Music: The Moderator’s Dream
  90. Anonymous: Boast no more fond love, thy power
  91. Anonymous: Brother Solon’s Hunting Song from The Marriage-Hater Matched (1692)
  92. Anonymous: When for air I take my mare
  93. English Folk Music: Did you not promise me when you lay by me (The Blacksmith)
  94. Anonymous: ‘Twas when summer was rosie (Willey’s Intreague)
  95. Colonel Simon Pack: The larks awake the drowzy morn (The Serenade) from The Injured Princess (1682)
  96. Anonymous: Why are my eyes still flowing
  97. Folk Songs: Walking down the highland town (Catherine Logy)
  98. Anonymous: The Scotch Parson’s Daughter
  99. Anonymous: Room, room, room for a rover (The Blackbird)
  100. Anonymous: Whilst content is wanting (The New Blackbird) from Wonders in the Sun (1706)
  101. Anonymous: Brute who descended from Trojan stem (The Cambrian Glory)
  102. Anonymous: I follow’d fame and got renown
  103. Anonymous: Go silly mortall, and ask thy creator
  104. English Folk Music: In the fields in frost and snows from Wonders in the Sun (1706)
  105. Anonymous (possibly Purcell): I love thee well (To Chloris) (text set to a rigadoon, possibly Rigadoon in C major)
  106. English Folk Music: Strike up drowsie gut-scrapers
  107. Barrett: The Three Goddesses (The Glory of Tunbridge Wells)
  108. Clarke: A Health to the Imperialists (text set to March and Air in C major)
  109. Barrett: Prince Eugene’s Health
  110. Folk Songs: Valiant Jockey’s march’d away (The Scotch Virago)
  111. Anonymous: On the Queen’s Progress to the Bath
  112. Anonymous: Now the summer solstice does scorching come
  113. Anonymous: The Comical Dreamer
  114. Anonymous: Elevate your joys, ye inspired of the town from The Modern Prophets (1709)
  115. Anonymous: Salley’s Answer to Sawney
  116. Anonymous: Chloris, for fear you should think to deceive me (To Chloris)
  117. Anonymous: These, these are fit members my brethren, don’t lose ‘em
  118. Anonymous: The instrument with which to sing
  119. Anonymous: Phillis when your ogling eye (To Phillis)
  120. Anonymous: Yet we love ye most
  121. Anonymous: In a desart in Greenland (A Dialogue Between Philander and Sylvia)
  122. Anonymous: Stella, with heart controlling grace (The Disappointed Beau)
  123. Anonymous: Was it some cherubin
  124. Anonymous: Now second Hannibal is come (The King’s Health)
  125. Anonymous: The thundering Jove in his radiance above
  126. D'Urfey: Dear Miss Bromely (A billet doux in return of her verses)
  127. D'Urfey: A Virgin’s Meditation from The Two Queens of Brentford (masque)
  128. D'Urfey: When I visit proud Celia just come from my glass from an unknown masque
  129. Anonymous: Oh yes! Oh yes! Oh yes! I cry
  130. Anonymous: Run lovers, run before her
  131. Anonymous: A Comical Dialogue Between Blunt English Johnny and his Wife Scotch Gibby
  132. Anonymous: My dear, I’ve sent the letter (A Politick Dialogue)
  133. Folk Songs: The Honest Highlander’s New Health to the Queen
  134. Anonymous: The Fox-Hunter from The Bath (1701)
  135. Anonymous: Chloe’s a nymph in flowry groves (The Mistress)
  136. Anonymous: ‘Tis not a kiss, or gentle squeeze
  137. Anonymous: Damon’s Retirement
  138. Clarke: Young Gustavus, or the King of Sweden’s Health (text set to March and Air in C major)
  139. Purcell: A grasshopper, and a fly (An Allegory)
  140. Anonymous: ‘Tis gone, the black and gloomy year
  141. Blow: Behold, how all the stars give way (A Pindarick Ode on New Year’s Day)
  142. D'Urfey: Whilst abroad renown and glory (The Happy Man)
  143. Anonymous: Let Oliver now be forgotten (Old Tony)
  144. English Folk Music: Now, now the Tories all shall stoop (The Whigs Exaltation)
  145. Anonymous: Clowdy Saturnia drives her steeds apace (An Ode on the King’s Birthday)
  146. Anonymous: The joys of court, or city (The Banditti) presumably from The Banditti (1686)
  147. Anonymous: Monsieur now disgorges fast (Sir Rob. Bedingfield, The Lord Mayor’s Health)
  148. Blow: Bartholomew Fair
  149. Blow: In a seller at Sodom
  150. Anonymous: There’s such religion in my love
  151. Anonymous: Corrinna when you left the town
  152. Courteville: Have you seen Battledore play (The Shuttlecock)
  153. Finger: While I with wounding grief did look from
  154. Anonymous: The world was hush’d, and nature lay (Love’s Revenge)
  155. Anonymous: What’s the worth of health or living (The Moralist)
  156. Anonymous: Born with the vices of my kind (To Cynthia)
  157. Barrett: Liberty’s the soul of living from A Commonwealth of Women (1685)
  158. Akeroyde: Cinthia with an awful power from A Commonwealth of Women (1685)
  159. Anonymous: If gold could lengthen life, I swear
  160. Purcell: The Old Fumbler
  161. Various orations, poems, prologues, and epilogues for different occasions (spoken)
First Publication. 1719
Librettist Thomas D'Urfey (1653–1723)
Language English; Italian; French
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Baroque
Piece Style Baroque
Instrumentation 1-3 voices (many songs written and published elsewhere with a continuo bassline, which is omitted in this collection)

Navigation etc.

"In 1719 Thomas D'Urfey reordered and added to Wit and Mirth, or Pills to Purge Melancholy to produce a new edition (also in 5 volumes) with the title Songs Compleat, Pleasant and Divertive, published by Jacob Tonson. Volumes I and II now consisted entirely of songs with words by D'Urfey, "Set to Musick by Dr. John Blow, Mr. Henry Purcell, and other excellent masters of the town". The edition sold out quickly and in the second printing D'Urfey reverted to the Pills title." (Wikipedia)

A majority of these songs have no composer attribution, often being titled "A Song/A New Song" or something similar. It cannot be assumed that D'Urfey wrote every non-attributed song. The contents listing above is an attempt to match pieces to composers wherever possible. Quite a few of these songs are traditional English/Scottish/Irish tunes set to words by D'Urfey, or songs from D'Urfey's plays, many of which have little surviving information.

Named composers: John Blow, Henry Purcell, Daniel Purcell, Arcangelo Corelli (arranged), John Christopher Pepusch, Richard Leveridge, William Corbett, Ralph Courtivill (Raphael Courteville), John Eccles, William Croft, Jean-Baptiste Lully, Jeremiah Clarke, John Weldon, Samuel Akeroyde, Thomas D'Urfey, Mr Eales (probably mistake for Mr Eagles, i.e. Eccles), Mr Hendell (George Frideric Handel), St Germain, John Lenton, William Turner, Senior Baptist (probably Giovanni Battista Draghi), "a man of quality", Thomas Farmer, Mr Peasible (James Paisible), John Barrett, Colonel (Simon) Pack, Mr J. C. (probably Jeremiah Clarke), Gottfried Finger

The King's Health (Vol.2, p.152), and Royal Ode (Vol.2, p.157) are set to Farinel's Ground, i.e. La Folia. Volume 2 also includes "In the Fields in Frost and Snows," the earliest variant of "Old MacDonald Had a Farm."