Historical Publication Info
Jean-Georges Sieber (1738-1822) was a horn player, trombonist, and harpist who moved to Paris in 1758. He was regularly employed by opera houses, but became well known as a publisher. In 1770-1771 he briefly took over the publisher Huberty, but subsequently, Huberty resumed his business. Sieber, not to be deterred, continued, and established his business elsewhere in Paris. In 1795, his son, Georges-Julien (1775-1847) started working in the business, whereupon a name change occured to Sieber Père et Fils. In 1799, Georges-Julien left and started his own business, hence the name change to Sieber Père.
Sieber Sr. was known for his taste in music, inasmuch as he published, for the vast majority, "serious" music - J.C. Bach, Dittersdorf, Eichner, Gossec, Haydn, Schobert, Stamitz, Boccherini, Cambini, Pugnani, Tessarini, Viotti, Pleyel, Vanhal, and Wranitzky. He also published several first editions of works by Mozart, and over 50 symphonies of Haydn in Parts, in addition to chamber music, and operas by the likes of J.C. Bach, Cimarosa, and Kreutzer, in addition to the mangled first edition of The Magic Flute as Les Mystères d'Isis.
In 1824, Sieber Jr. took over his father's business, and continued to publish a good deal of foreign music, retiring in 1834. His son Adrien took over at that time. Sieber published, in addition to all else, a large amount of piano music, including Clementi, Dussek, Steibelt, and his own works. All publications by every Sieber were engraved. Sieber sold instruments, owned a lending library, and ran a music binding business out of the same shop as his publishing firm.
- chez Sieber Musicien
- chez le Sr. Sieber Musicien
- chez Sieber
- chez Sieber père
- chez Sieber père, Editeur et M[archan]d de Musique
- chez Sieber et Fils
- chez Sieber fils (gendre de le Duc)
- Sieber; le Sr Sieber
- Paris, Rue [St.] Honoré, vis-à-vis la maison d'Aligre, No.85
- Paris, Rue [St.] Honoré, la Porte entre celles des Vieilles Étuve et d'Orléans, No.85
- Paris, Rue St. Honoré, vis-à-vis l'hôtel d'Aligre chez l'Apothicaire, No.92
- Paris, Rue St. Honoré, entre la rue des Vieilles Étuves et celle d'Orléans, No.92
- Paris, Rue St. Honoré, entre celles des Vieilles Étuve et d'Orléans, No.87 et ci-devant 92
- Sieber père
- Paris, Rue Coquillière, No.22, pres celle J.J. Rousseau (ci-devant Rue St. Honoré hôtel d'Aligre)
- Sieber et fils (in 1823, according to Bibliographie de la France)
- Paris, Rue des Filles-Saint-Thomas, No.21, Quartier Feydeau
- Sieber fils
- Paris, Magazin de Musique et d'Instruments, à la Flûte enchantée, Rue de la Loi (ci-devant Richelieu) vis-à-vis la Fontaine Traversière, No.1245
Plate Numbers
0017 |
Haydn |
Symphony No.41 in C major, Hob.I:41 (parts) |
0026 |
Saint-Georges |
6 String Quartets, Op.1 (parts) |
0057 |
Haydn |
Symphony No.45 in F-sharp minor, Hob.I:45 (parts) |
0325 |
Mozart |
Serenade in D major, K.250/248b (parts) |
0327 |
Mozart |
Symphony No.38 in D major, K.504 (parts) |
0463 |
Haydn |
Symphony No.83 in G minor, Hob.I:83 (parts) |
0968 |
Grétry |
La caravane du Caire (parts) |
1001 |
Pichl |
3 String Quartets, Op.13 (parts) |
1025 |
Mozart |
Symphony No.35 in D major, K.385 (parts) |
1155 |
Wranitzky |
6 String Quartets, Op.10 (parts) |
1191 |
Kozeluch |
3 Trio Sonatas, Op.34 |
1413 |
Dussek |
Piano Concerto No.5, Op.22 (piano part) |
1416 |
Clementi |
2 Capriccios, Op.35 |
1439 |
Mozart |
Symphony No.40 in G minor, K.550 (parts) |
1479 |
Mozart |
Symphony No.36 in C major, K.425 (parts) |
1488 |
Haydn |
Sinfonia Concertante in B-flat major, Hob.I:105 (parts) |
1490 |
Fiorillo |
3 String Quartets, Op.23 (parts) |
1508 |
Haydn |
Symphony No. 100 (parts, as op.91) |
1545 |
Haydn |
Symphony No.101 in D major, Hob.I:101 (parts) |
1614 |
Mozart |
Don Giovanni, K.527 (overture, parts) |
1615 |
Mozart |
Le nozze di Figaro, K.492 (overture, parts) |
1671 |
Paër |
Camilla (overture)
1819 |
Haydn |
Il Ritorno di Tobia, Hob.XXI:1 (Overture) |
1827 |
Mozart |
Symphony No.39 in E-flat major, K.543 (parts) |
1833 |
Kalkbrenner |
Piano Quartet, Op.2 (parts) |
1844 |
Mozart |
Symphony No.41 in C major, K.551 (parts) |
2076 |
Kalkbrenner |
Rondo, Op.52 (1st ed.) |
2090 |
Winter |
La grotta di Calipso (overture) |
Sieber fils Plates
| | Bach, Johann Christian | 6 Keyboard Concertos, Op.13 | #743027 | | |
| | Bach, Johann Christian | 6 Keyboard Sonatas, Op.17 | #96405 | | |
| | Bach, Johann Christian | 6 Quintets, Op.11 | #398323 | n.d. | |
| | Bach, Johann Christian | Amadis de Gaule, W.G 39 | #536113 | | |
| | Barrière, Étienne Bernard Joseph | Violin Concerto in D major | #884752 | | |
| | Boccherini, Luigi | 6 String Quartets, G.189-194 | #205844 | | |
| | Borghi, Luigi | 6 Violin Sonatas, Op.1 | #342496 | | |
| | Borghi, Luigi | 6 Violin Sonatas, Op.1 | #58714 | | |
| | Bruni, Antonio Bartolomeo | 6 Duets for Violin and Viola, Op.2 | #541134 | | |
| | Bruni, Antonio Bartolomeo | 6 String Quartets, Book 4 | #229758 | | |
Sources Consulted
- 1. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, edited by Stanley Sadie.
- New York and London: Macmillan Publications, 1980.
Authority control
- VIAF (Sieber, Jean-George, 1738-1822)