Longman & Broderip




English music publishing house, music retail shop and instrument seller founded in London in 1767 by James Longman. In 1769, Lukey joined the firm and in 1775, Francis Broderip became shareholder of the company. In 1798 the company became insolvent and the former owners went on seperately:

1. John Longman (who had succeeded James Longman) and M. Clementi ran the business at Cheapside No.26 until 1801 (Longman, Clementi & Co.), when Clementi left to set up his own business at 26 Cheapside. Longman proceeded on his own at 131 Cheapside until 1816, succeeded by Giles Longman and James Herron who continued until 1822 (Longman & Herron).
2. Broderip and Ch. Wilkinson started an own business at Haymarket No.13 until 1807 (Broderip & Wilkinson) when Broderip died. Wilkinson went on until 1810 (Wilkinson & Co.).

The relationship (if any) to George Longman is unclear - he began publishing with Theodor Charles Bates as Longman & Bates at 6 Ludgate Hill from 1824. Samuel Chappell briefly joined the firm in 1829, to become Chappell, Longman & Bates. This partnership dissolved about 1833, and George Longman continued his business alone at the earlier Longman premises, 131 Cheapside. Chappell started his own business, and T. C. Bates continued alone at the Ludgate Hill premises.
There certainly seems to be no relation between this firm and the book publisher Thomas Longman (1699-1755), whose name is still used as an imprint (by Pearson).


Imprints, Addresses, Agencies


  • J[ames] Longman & Co. (1767-1769)
  • Longman, Lukey & Co. (sometimes Longman & Lukey) (1769-1775)
  • Longman, Lukey and Broderip (1775-1776)
  • Longman & Broderip (1776-1798)
London, Printed by Longman and Broderip No. 26 Cheapside and No. 13 Haymarket. Manufacturers of Musical Instruments in general, and Music Seller to Their Majesties, His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, the Dukes of York and Clarence, and all the Royal Family.
  • Longman, Clementi & Co. (1798-1801)
  • J[ohn] Longman (sometimes John Longman & Co.) (ca.1801-1816)
  • [Giles] Longman & Herron (ca.1816-1822)
  • Broderip & Wilkinson (1798-1808)
  • Wilkinson & Co. (1808-1810)


  • 26, Cheapside (ca.1769-1798)
  • 45, St. Paul's Churchyard (1771-1772 while the Cheapside premises were being rebuilt)
  • 13, Haymarket (1782-1798; 1798-1808 as Broderip & Wilkinson; 1808-1810 as Wilkinson & Co.)
  • 131, Cheapside (c.1801-c.1820 - J. Longman; Longman & Herron)


  • 1782-1798 : Longman & Broderip, 13 Haymarket (including a rental library)
  • 1786-1798 : Kalkutta
  • 1789-1798 : Margate and Brighthelmstone (Brighton)

Plate Numbers

Plate Composer Work Year
58 Borghi Sei divertimenti per due violini, op. 3a 1777

IMSLP Entries

Sources Consulted

  • Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart. 2., neu bearb. Ausg. ed. Ludwig Finscher. Kassel: Bärenreiter, Stuttgart: Metzler 2006. Personenteil Bd. 11, S. 441
  • Sadie, Stanley. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. New York and London: Macmillan Publications, 1980.
  • Edition: Trois duos pour deux violons, tirés des oeuvres de Mr. Pleyel, arrangés par Mr. Fodor, op. 30
  • Humphries & Smith, 1970. Music publishing in the British Isles.