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Category:Gound, Robert.
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- Hofmeisters Monatsberichte
- Pazdirek
- Ernst-Jürgen Dreyer: Robert Gund - Ein vergessener Meister des Liedes, 1988 (contains work list)
Published Works with Opus number
- Op.5 – 2 Lieder for Voice and Piano (Berte, 1899)
- Op.6 – Piano Trio (Wien: Berte, 1893)
- Op.6bis – Der Tag wird kühl for Voice and Piano (Berte, Text: Heyse)
- Op.10 – 8 Lieder for Voice and Piano (Kistner, 1894)
- Op.12 – 3 Lieder for Voice and Piano (Kistner, 1895)
- Op.16 – 6 Lieder for Voice and Piano
- Op.18 – Romantische Suite for Violin and Piano (Kistner, 1896)
- Op.20 – Suite for String Orchestra or Piano 4 hands (Kistner, 1896)
- Op.22 – 6 Lieder for Voice and Piano (Kistner, 1896)
- Op.23 – 5 Lieder for Voice and Piano (Kistner, 1898)
- Op.29 – 5 Lieder for Voice and Piano (Kistner, 1900)
- Op.32 – 3 Frauenchöre for 3 Voices and Piano (Kistner)
- Op.33 – Violin Sonata No.1
- Op.34 – 8 Lieder for Voice and Piano (Kistner, 1905)
- Op.35 – Piano Quartet
- Op.36 – 5 Lieder for Voice and Piano (Universal-Edition, 1911)
- Op.39 – 6 Lieder for Voice and Piano (Universal-Edition, 1922)
- Op.40 – 6 Lieder for Voice and Piano (Universal-Edition, 1922, Text: Eichendorff)
- Op.43 – Stimme der Seele - 7 Lieder for Voice and Piano (Universal-Edition, 1922)
- Op.44 – Violin Sonata No.2
Published Works without Opus number
- Gavotte und Musette for Piano (Beilage zu 'Neue Musikalische Presse' No.44, 1896)
- 3 Lieder for Voice and Piano (Berte)
- Nelken for Voice and Piano (Wien: Berte, 1891, Text: Storm)
Published Transcriptions
- Schweizer Volkslieder (4 Hefte) for Voice and Piano (Universal-Edition, ca.1918)
- Schumann, Robert: Ouvertures – Reduction for Piano 4 hands by Robert Gound (Universal. Ca. 1920)
- Széchényi-Haas, Gisa: Abendsonne – für die Bühne bearbeitet von Robert Gound (Verlag des Autors, 1912)
- Wöss, Josef V.: Heiliges Lied Op.12 – Piano Reduction by Robert Gound (Universal, 1910)
Unpublished Works
App. 120 works remained unpublished, mostly songs (details see Dreyer). Possibly more?- RISM has 240 works, some of them may be published works or alternate versions of unpublished works.
A symphony in G (minor, according to the records of the Vienna Philharmonic) by Gound was performed in 1899 in a concert with Alexander von Zemlinsky's symphony ("no.2") in B-flat, but seems to have gone walkabout.