List of works by Leo Ornstein

This list is manually maintained, therefore some of the available pieces may not yet be linked from this page. For an automatically generated alphabetical list of all available pieces, please see
Category:Ornstein, Leo.

A list of works in the composer category that are not included here can be found on this page.
Please consult the manual of style for creating composer work lists.

All of Ornstein's works are categorized by S-numbers. The S-numbers that bear letters are ones that have been corrected and have been given new S-numbers to indicate new versions.


Piano Works (000 - 599)

Early Published (050-099)

Named and Dated (100-149)

Named and Undated (150-199)

Metaphors (200-299)

Impromptus (300-319)

Intermezzos (320-329)

Journal Pieces (330-349)

Legends (350 - 359)

Sonatas (360 - 379)

Vignettes (380 - 399)

Waltzes (400 - 439)

Fantasy Pieces (440-459)

Four Hand (including the 2-piano version of the piano concerto) (550-559)

Chamber Works (600 - 699)

Vocal Works (700 - 799)

Orchestral Works (800 - 899)

  • S821 - Nocturne
  • S822 - Dance of the Fates
  • S823 - Five Songs for Voice and Orchestra
  • S824 - Piano Concerto
  • S825 - Incidental Music for Lysistrata
  • S826 - Lysistrata Suite