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Works Listed by Opus Number
For Piano Unless Otherwise Noted
- Op.1 - Variations concertantes for violin and piano
- Op.2 - Rondeau brillant sur une Cavatine de Carafa in F major for piano 4 hands
- Op.3 - Fantaisie et variations brillantes sur une romance de Blangini for piano and strings
- Op.4 - Le souvenir
- Op.5 - Grand rondeau No.1 (for piano with quartet accompaniment ad lib.?)
- Op.6 - Valses ou Exercices
- Op.7 - Piano Sonata No.1 in A♭ major
- Op.8 - Amicitiæ. Andantino with Variations
- Op.9 - Variations brillants et faciles sur un Thème favori / Variations sur un air allemand
- Op.10 - Grande sonate brillante in C minor for piano 4 hands
- Op.11 - Divertissement brillant in G major for piano 4 hands
- Op.12 - Variationen über einen beliebten Wiener-Walzer
- Op.13 - Piano Sonata No.2 in A minor
- Op.14 - Variations brillantes for 2 pianos (?)
- Op.15 - Amusement pour le carneval. Choix de valses brillantes et faciles. 2 Books - Listed in 1825 AMZ Intelligenz-Blatt No.2 (Mar)
- Op.16 - Introduction et Variations sur l'Air favori 'O cara memoria' [from Adele di Lusignano?] for cello (ad lib.) and piano
- Op.17 - Rondo brillant über ein Menuett von C. Kreutzer / Rondo brillant sur un menuet de C. Kreutzer
- Op.17 - Fantaisie de A. Delaseurie sur un Air suisse for piano 4 hands
- Op.18 - Grande polonaise brillante in B major for 2 pianos (1 ad lib.), or for quartet ad lib. and piano
- Op.19 - Variations sur la Barcarolle napolitaine favorite 'O pescador dell'onda' in A major
- Op.20 - Variations sur la marche favorite de 'La donna del lago'
- Op.21 - Introduction et variations sur 'Sorte secondami'
- Op.22 - Rondino No.1 sur 'Cara deh attendimi' (for piano with quartet accompaniment ad lib.?)
- Op.23 - Rondo brillant No.2 in G major for piano 4 hands
- Op.24 - Presto caratteristico in A minor. Duet for piano 4 hands
- Op.25 - Variations brillantes sur une Cavatine ('Ah come nascondere') de Corradino for piano 4 hands
- Op.26 - Rondo quasi Capriccio
- Op.27 - Fantaisie
- Op.28 - Piano Concerto in F major
- Op.29 - Rondino No.2 sur un thème favori de 'Corradino'
- Op.30 - Rondino No.3 sur un thème favori de 'Armide'
- Op.31 - 3 Fugues
- Op.32 - Les étrennes
- Op.33 - Variations on a theme by Rode
- Op.34 - Duet after Piano Trio No.1 by Mayseder for piano 4 hands (arrangement)
- Op.35 - Valse(s) di bravura in C major. Exercice
- Op.36 - Impromptus ou variations brillantes
- Op.37 - Fantaisie et Romance variée
- Op.38 - Potpourri No.1 for 2 pianos 6 hands
- Op.39 - Rondino No.4 sur un air favori de Fesca
- Op.40 - Variations brillantes sur une Marche favorite / la Marche du Ballet 'La danseuse d'Athènes' (Weigl) for piano 4 hands
- Op.41 - Rondino No.5 sur une thème / un motif be Beethoven in F major
- Op.42 - Rondino No.6 sur un motif original
- Op.43 - Divertissement brillant No.2 sur la Cavatine 'Aure felice'. Thema de Carafa for piano 4 hands
- Op.44 - Violin-Romanze / Romance de Beethoven (Romance in F major, Op.50) arrangée en Rondo brillant for piano 4 hands
- Op.45 - Les charmes de Bade in D major. Rondo pastoral
- Op.46 - Variations sur un thême original de La Bohème
- Op.47 - Grand exercice di bravura en forme d'un Rondo brillant - Reviewed in AMZ 1824/752
- Op.48 - Die Schiffende for voice and piano
- Op.48 - Variations extraites de l'opus 48 de Beethoven
- Op.49 - 2 Sonatinas faciles et brillantes
- Op.50 - 2 Sonatinas faciles et brillantes for piano 4 hands
- Op.51 - 2 Duets for violin and piano - Reviewed in AMZ 1824/672
- Op.52 - Variations in an Easy Style on the Concluding Air from 'Die Fee aus Frankreich'
- Op.53 - Rondoletto scherzando
- Op.54 - Ouverture caractéristique et brillante for piano 4 hands (Probst) - Listed in 1824 AMZ Intelligenz-Blatt No.6 (Jul); Reviewed in AMZ 1825/172
- Op.55 - Les charmes de l'amitié
- Op.56 - Introduction et Variations dans le style élégant sur une danse nationale de la Bohème
- Op.57 - Piano Sonata No.3 in F minor
- Op.58 - Leggerezza e bravura. Rondo brillant with quartet accompaniment ad lib. - Listed in AMZ Intelligenz-Blatt 1824 No.10 (Dec) and 1825 No.5 (June)
- Op.59 - Introduction, Variations brillantes et Rondo sur la Marche favorite de Roland
- Op.60 - Introduction, Variations and Rondo on Weber's Hunting Chorus from the Opera 'Euryanthe' for piano and orchestra
- Op.61 - Präludien, Cadenzen und kleine Fantasien im brillianten Style
- Op.62 - Cavatine/Caprice et Variations sur 'An Alexis send' ich dich' de Himmel in A major
- Op.63 - Toccatina brillante et facile sur le Motiv de la Tarantelle favorite, tiré du Ballet 'La fée et le chevalier' ('Die Fee und der Ritter') in C major - Listed in 1825 AMZ Intelligenz-Blatt No.11 (Dec)
- Op.64 - Fantaisies dans le style moderne, ou Potpourri brillant sur des Motifs favoris in B♭ major
- Op.65 - Piano Sonata No.4 in G major
- Op.66 - Rondeau en valzer in C major - Listed in 1824 AMZ Intelligenz-Blatt No.6 (Jul)
- Op.67 - Variations concertantes suivies d'un Rondeau de chasse sur la Marche du Ballet 'Barbe-bleue' for piano 4 hands - Announced in AMZ Intelligenz-Blatt 1826 No.13 (Sept)
- Op.68 - Rondeau passioné
- Op.69 - Allegretto grazioso sopra 'Barbe-bleue'
- Op.70 - Romance
- Op.71 - Nocturne brillant sur 'Das waren mir selige Tage'
- Op.72 - 2 Rondeaux mignons (No.1 in C major, No.2 in G major)
- Op.73 - Variationen über 'Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser' (with Quartet or Orchestral Accompaniment)
- Op.74 - Rondoletto brillant sur la Cavatine favorite de Raimond in E♭ major
- Op.75 - 3 Grands allegros
- Op.76 - Piano Sonata No.5 in E major
- Op.77 - 'God Save the King' varié
- Op.78 - Piano Concertino in C major
- Op.79 - 3 Grandes marches (Solo & Duet versions)
- Op.80 - Introduction, Variations et Finale sur un Thème favori / Introduzione, 7 Variazioni e Finale sopra un Tema favorita for flute/violin and piano
- Op.81 - Variations on the Grenadier's March - Reviewed with Op.82 in AMZ 1825/737-739
- Op.82 - Grand exercice
- Op.83 - Romance from W. Scott's 'Fraulein vorn See' for Voice & Piano (Steiner) - reviewed in AMZ 1827/212
- Op.84 - Potpourri No.2 for 2 pianos 6 hands
- Op.85 - 3 Polonaises - Listed in 1825 AMZ Intelligenz-Blatt No.11 (Dec)
- Op.86 - Introduction, Variationen und Finale über den beliebten Baierischen Volksgesang
- Op.87 - Introduction et Variations Faciles sur une Valse de Gallenberg for piano 4 hands
- Op.88 - Rondino No.7 sur un thème/motif de 'Elisa e Claudio' de Mercadante in D major - Listed in 1825 AMZ Intelligenz-Blatt No.11 (Dec)
- Op.89 - Capriccio à la fuga
- Op.90 - 6 Rondeaux mignons for piano 4 hands - Listed in 1825 AMZ Intelligenz-Blatt No.11 (Dec) - only Nos.1–3
- Op.91 - 'Es ritten drei Reiter'. German Air with Variations - Listed in 1825 AMZ Intelligenz-Blatt No.9 (Oct)
- Op.92 - Toccata
- Op.93 - Rondos espressivos / Rondo espressivo in E major
- Op.94 - 2 Grandes marches for piano 4 hands - Listed in 1825 AMZ Intelligenz-Blatt No.9 (Oct)
- Op.95 - Grand nocturne brillante for flute, clarinet, bassoon, horn, violin, viola, cello, double bass, and piano
- Op.96 - Rondino No.8 sur un thème/motif original in E♭ major (alla Polacca)
- Op.97 - Rondino No.9 de chasse
- Op.98 - Rondino No.10 sur un motif de Mozart
- Op.99 - Rondino No.11 sur un thème/motif de l'Oratoire 'La création' de J. Haydn in F major
- Op.100 - Rondino No.12 on a Theme of Cherubini
- Op.101 - Krönungsmarsch Piano 4-Hands
- Op.102 - Rondeau brillante No.3 for Piano 4-Hands (Steiner) - Reviewed in AMZ 1826/544
- Op.103 - Variations brillante sur un Air militaire française
- Op.104 - 3 Sonatines faciles et brillantes for Piano with Violin & Cello Accompaniment ad libitum
- Op.105 - Piano Trio No.1 in E♭ major
- Op.106 - Introduction & Variations on an Original Theme for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.107 - Rondeau brillante dans le Style française in D minor (published 1826)
- Op.108 - Caprice in E minor
- Op.109 - 5 Unvergängliche Blümchen for voice and piano
- Op.110 - Décaméron musical
- Op.111 - Décaméron musical, for piano 4-hands (different pieces from Op.110)
- Op.112 - Galoppe varié No.2
- Op.113 - Variations on an Original Theme - Announced in AMZ Intelligenz-Blatt 1826 No.9 (May) and No.17 (Nov)
- Op.114 - Valse varié - Announced in AMZ Intelligenz-Blatt 1826 No.9 (May) and No.17 (Nov)
- Op.115 - Variationen, im leichten Style, auf ein beliebtes Thema aus der Posse (Farce): "Staberls Reise-Abentheuer in Frankfurt und München" (von Carl & Bäuerle, premiered 1816) (Diabelli, ca.1826)
- Op.116 - Impromptu brillant
- Op.117 - 3 Rondeaux: Tendresse, Amitié, & Confiance - Announced in AMZ Intelligenz-Blatt 1826 No.9 (May) and No.17 (Nov)
- Op.118 - Grande Polonaise brillante (with string quartet ad libitum) - Announced in AMZ Intelligenz-Blatt 1826 No.11 (July)
- Op.119 - Sonate militaire et brillante
- Op.120 - Sonate sentimentale for Piano 4 Hands
- Op.121 - Sonate pastorale for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.122 - Grand Divertissement en forme de rondeau brillant with Orchestral Accompaniment
- Op.123 - Variations brillantes sur un thême Allemand favori
- Op.124 - Piano Sonata No.6 in D minor
- Op.125 - Variations brillantes on a Theme from the Opera 'Il Crociato' for Piano 4-Hands - Announced in AMZ Intelligenz-Blatt 1826 No. 18 (Dec)
- Op.126 - Grande Serenade concertante for Clarinet, Horn, Cello, & Piano - a March 1827 performance reviewed in AMZ 1827/232, "a new composition"; pub. announced in AMZ's Intelligenz-Blatt 1826 No.17 (Nov) and 1827 No.7 (July)
- Op.127 - Rondino for Piano Quintet Rondino No.13 on a Theme from Auber's Opera "Le maçon", for Piano Quintet
- Op.128 - Rondeau brillante in A major
- Op.129 - Duo Concertant in G major for Flute (or Violin) & Piano
- Op.130 - Variations brillantes on 2 Themes from the Opera 'L'Ultimo Giorno di Pompei' for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.131 - Première & Seconde Fantasie élégante (or Potpourri brillant) on Themes from the Opera 'La Dame Blanche' (Haslinger) - reviewed in AMZ 1827/176, 1828/233-239 (with Op.144)
- Op.132 - Variations brillantes sur "Dépêchons, Travaillons" de l'opéra 'Le Maçon' (Solo & Duet Versions)
- Op.133 - Introduction & Variations on the Cavatine from the Opera 'L'Ultimo Giorno di Pompei'
- Op.134 - Impromptu or Variations on a Theme from 'Oberon'
- Op.135 - Variations on a Theme from the Opera 'Oberon' (Artaria) - reviewed in AMZ 1827/176, mentioned in BdlF 22 Dec. 1827
- Op.136 - Hommage aux dames: 1. Églantine ou rondeau brillant; 2. Rondeau ou Polonaise for Piano 4-Hands; 3. Rondeau concertant for Cello & Piano
- Op.137 - Allegro affetuoso for Piano 4-Hands - pub. announced in AMZ's Intelligenz-Blatt 1827 No.7 (July), with Opp. 134 and 126
- Op.138 - Variations de concert sur 'Le siège de Corinthe'
- Op.139 - 100 Progressive Studies
- Op.140 - Introduction and Variations on an Air from 'Das Mädchen aus der Feenwelt'
- Op.141 - Variations on the Favorite Duet "Bruderlein Fein" (from the same opera as in Op.140) for Piano 4-Hands (published by 1828)
- Op.142 - Overture for Orchestra in C minor (pub.1835 or earlier)
- Op.143 - Piano Sonata No.7 in E minor (Grande Fantaisie en forme de Sonate)
- Op.144 - Piano Sonata No.8 in E♭ major (Grande Fantaisie en forme de Sonate)
- Op.145 - Piano Sonata No.9 in B minor (Grande Fantaisie en forme de sonate)
- Op.146 - Marcia funebre sulla morte di Luigi van Beethoven (Solo & Duet Versions)
- Op.147 - Variations à capriccio on 2 Themes from the Opera 'Oberon' for Piano 4-Hands - Listed in AMZ Intelligenz-Blatt 1828 No.14 (Oct)
- Op.148 - Piano Quartet No.1 in C minor
- Op.149 - Rondoletto Concertant in F major - Listed in AMZ Intelligenz-Blatt 1828 No.9 (Jun)
- Op.150 - 3 Polonaises sentimentales
- Op.151 - Grand Exercice de trilles en forme de rondeau brillant
- Op.152 - Grand exercice dans tous le tons majeurs et mineurs
- Op.153 - Concerto for Piano 4 Hands and Orchestra in C major
- Op.154 - Graduale Pastorale in F major, "Hodie Christus Natus Est", for 4 Voices, 2 Violins, Viola, 2 Clarinets, 2 Horns, Cello, Double Bass, & Organ
- Op.155 - Exsulta filia Sion, Offertorium Pastorale
- Op.156 - 3 Sonatinas for Piano 4-Hands Belohnung der fleissigen Jugend
- Op.157 - Der Brand in Mariazell (Richault, 1827 or 1828)
- Op.158 - Rondeaux et sonatines faciles instructives et doigtees Livraison 1: Rondeaux, piano seul
livraison 2: Rondeaux pour duet
livraison 3e: Sonatines - piano seul
livraison 4e: Sonatines pour duet
- Op.159 - Rondeau brillant Di bravura in A major (for Piano) with Orchestral Accompaniment (published 1828 by Richault)
- Op.160 - Introduction, variations et polonaiseFor piano and orchestra
- Op.161 - 48 Etudes in the Form of Preludes
- Op.162 - Fantaisie sur themes suisses et tiroliens
- Op.163 - 6 Easy Sonatinas
- Op.164 - Rondino No.14 sur 'Ma quell'amabile' dans 'Il Pirata' de Bellini (pub.1828, Richault)
- Op.165 - Grand Nocturne Brillant for Piano 4-Hands, with 2 horns ad lib. - Listed in AMZ Intelligenz-Blatt 1828 No.19 (Dec)
- Op.166 - Piano Trio No.2 in A major
- Op.167 - Sonatina in A major
- Op.168 - 2 Rondeaux
- Op.169 - Rondino No.15 sur un thème favorit de Paganini
- Op.170 - Grandes Variations Brillantes on Paganini's "La Campanella"
- Op.171 - Fantasy on 3 Themes by Haydn, Mozart & Beethoven for Timpani and Strings (see RISM 453011214)
- Op.172 - Gran Capriccio in C minor
- Op.173 - Piano Trio No.3 in E major
- Op.174 - 14 Ecossaises brillantes
- Op.175 - Décaméron musical
- Op.176 - Décaméron musical
- Op.177 - Allegro Fugato in Quintetto for Strings
- Op.178 - Grand Sonata in F minor for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.178 - Rondeau en Bollerò
- Op.179 - Introduction, Variations, & Polacca on 2 Favorite Airs from "Der Alpen Konig und der Menschenfried"
- Op.180 - Introduction & Variations on a Favorite Air from "Der Alpen Konig und der Menschenfried" (Solo & Duet Versions)
Opus Numbers 181-192 are collectively entitled "12 Grand Rondeaux Nationaux Brillants et Caracteristiques"
- Op.200 – Systematische Anleitung zum Fantasieren auf dem Pianoforte The Art of Improvisation (or The School of Extemporaneous Performance)
- Op.201 - 6 Rondeaux d'amusement
- Op.202 - Introduction, Variations Brillantes et Rondeau de Chasse
- Op.203 - Valse Autrichienne
- Op.204 - Divertissement de concert for Piano & Orchestra (or Adagio, variations et rondeau)
- Op.205 - Impromptu brillant sur un motif à la Rossini
- Op.206 - Theme Russe, variée
- Op.207 - Rondoletto sur le Theme hollandis Favori, "Wien Neelands Bloed in de Aders Vloeit"
- Op.208 - Introduction et variations sur 'La muette de Portici'
- Op.209 - Divertissement brillant et facile
- Op.210 - Concertino for Piano with Orchestral Accompaniment in C major (solo part published by Pleyel, then parts published by Haslinger ca.1829. These still exist at at least two or three libraries)
- Op.211 - 2 Trios for Piano, Violin, & Cello (pub.1833, Richault)
- Op.212 - 6 Grands Potpourris brillants et concertants (Versions for Piano, Violin, & Cello or 2 Pianos)
- Op.213 - Andante und Rondo with Orchestral Accompaniment in C major
- Op.214 - Piano Concerto No.1 in A minor
- Op.215 - Rondoletto brillant sur Plusiers Motifs tires des Romances Francais
- Op.216 - Rondoletto Brillant on 2 Favourite Motifs on Rossini's "Guillaume Tell"
- Op.217 - Rondeau de chasse on "Quelle Savage Harmonie" from 'William Tell'
- Op.218 - Potpourri brilliant on Themes from Spohr’s Faust
- Op.219 - Introduction et variations sur le 'Pas de trois favori'
- Op.220 - Variations brillantes sur la 'tirolienne favorite' from 'William Tell'
- Op.221 - 2 Grandes fantaisies sur les motifs de 'Guillaume Tell' (No.1 E minor, No.2 A major)
- Op.222 - Impromptu brillant
- Op.222a- Variations in A major (may be the same as Op.222?) - see RISM 455000640 - variations in A major for piano and orchestra
- Op.223 - Variations Brillantes on "Das wandern ist des Müllers lust" of Schubert (Solo & Duet Versions) (published by Richault in 1832)
- Op.224 - 2 Quatuors brillants for Piano Quartet (No.1 in F major, No.2 in G major)
- Op.225 - Variations Brillantes on a Romance from Ivanhoe's Opera 'Templar & Judinn' for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.226 - Fantaisie à quatre mains in F minor
Opus Numbers 227–229 & 295–297 are part of the Collection "Les Pianistes Associes, ou Compositions Brillant et Concertant
- Op.227 - Bk.1 - Rondeau Brillant for Piano 6-Hands
- Op.228 - Bk.2 - Variations Brillante on a Tyrolien Theme from the Opera 'La Fiancee' for Piano 6-Hands
- Op.229 - Bk.3 - Divertissement militaire for Piano 6-Hands
- Op.230 - Quatuor concertant No.1 Concerto for 4 Pianos in C major
- Op.230(a) - Morceau de concert très brillant sur des motif (sic) favoris pour le piano (pub.1831, Richault)
- Op.231 - 3 Rondeau Mignons Facile & Brillantes on Favorite Themes (Solo & Duet Versions)
- Op.232 - Grandes variations di bravura on 'Fra Diavolo'
- Op.233 - Rondeau brillante (For Piano Solo or with Orchestral Accompaniment)
- Op.234 - Introduction et variations brillantes sur 'Gli arabi nelle Gallie' (piano and orchestra) (pub.1831, Richault)
- Op.235 - Rondino No.18 on a Theme of Auber
- Op.236 - Variations Brillantes on the Petit Tambour (For Solo Piano or with Orchestral Accompaniment)
- Op.237 - Einzugs Marsch, Performed at the Opening of the Hungarian Diet, Sept. 13, 1830 (Solo & Duet Versions)
- Op.238 - March Performed on the Occasion of the Coronation of His Imperial Majesty Ferdinand as King of Hungary, Sept. 28, 1830 (Solo & Duet Versions)
- Op.239 - 50 Vierhändige Übungsstücke
- Op.240 - Fantasy Romantique No.1 on Sir Walter Scott's 'Roman Waverley' for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.241 - Fantasy Romantique No.2 on Sir Walter Scott's 'Guy Mannering' for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.242 - Fantasy Romantique No.3 on Sir Walter Scott's 'Rob Roy' for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.243 - Fantasy Romantique No.4 on Sir Walter Scott's 'Ivanhoe' for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.244 - Grand exercice de la gamme chromatique : avec toutes les differentes manières du doigté
- Op.245 - Grand exercice Grand Exercice des Gammes en Tierces & des Passages Doubles
- Op.246 - Introduction, Variations, & Finale on a Choeur de l'Opera 'Fra Diavolo'
- Op.247 - Souvenir théâtral (ca.50 Fantasies each with solo & duet versions)
- Op.248 - Introduction & Variations concertant on a Tirolienne in F minor for Piano & Cello
- Op.249 - Charmant Variationen
- Op.250 - Festal March in A major
- Op.251 - Décaméron musical
- Op.252 - 3rd Décameron musical, 10 Bks. for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.253 - Le Golfe de Naples, Tableau Nocturne ou Fanasie Pittoresque
- Op.254 - Grand Rondeau brillant in F major for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.255 - Rondeau à la Barcarolle in A major
- Op.256 - Fantasia Concertante for Piano, Flute, & Cello
- Op.257 - Grand polonaise in C major
- Op.258 - 2 Thèmes originaux variés
- Op.259 - Grand Rondeau militaire & brillante for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.260 - Rondo in F major
- Op.261 - 125 Passagenübungen
- Op.262 - 3 Piano Quartets brillantes & non difficiles (C, E♭, & F) (pub.1832 by Richault) (Handbuch der musikalischen Literatur 1834 has this, lists keys as D, E♭ and F)
- Op.263 - Variations precédés d'une introduction sur 'La fiancée'
- Op.264 - Introduzione ed allegro agitato in G minor for Piano Duet
- Op.265 - Rondeau précédé d'une introduction
- Op.266 - Variations Brillantes & non difficiles on a Original Valse for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.267 - Allegro en galopp in F major
- Op.268 - Piano Sonata No.10 (Grande Sonate d'Etude)
- Op.269 - Grande Polonaise Brillante for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.270 - 3 Thèmes originaux, variés
- Op.271 - La Joyeuse et la sentimentale, 2 Rondos
- Op.272 - Rondo Polacca
- Op.273 - Impromptu sur un thème favori de Paganini
- Op.274 - Souvenir de Contemporains, 3 Rondeaux Brillante & Facile sur des Motifs Favoris de Notre Tems (Solo & Duet Versions)
- Op.275 - 3 Thèmes choisis de 'Robert le Diable'
- Op.276 - Sérénade vénitienne, Divertissement Concertant on a Barcarolle for 3 Voices - Accompanied by Variations brillantes For Piano, Flute, Clarinet, & Cello in A major (listed in Handbuch der musikalischen Literatur 1834)
- Op.277 - Le Chiron Musical (or Collection des Compositions Instructives) for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.278 - Rondo en Bolero in D major
- Op.279 - Rondino No.19 on 2 Favorite Motifs from the Opera 'Zampa'
- Op.280 - Variations brillantes on an English March in E major
- Op.281 - Introduction, variations et presto finale sur 'Norma' in F major for piano and orchestra or string quartet ad libitum
- Op.282 - Le Cornet de Postillon, Variations on a Theme of Rossini
- Op.283 - Grand rondeau brillant for piano and orchestra in F major
- Op.284 - Rondino No.20 on Schubert's 'Das Ständchen' in C major
- Op.285 - Grandes variations brillantes sur un Thême favori de l’Opéra Montecchi e Capuleti in B♭ major (2 Piano & Piano Solo Versions)
- Op.286 - Grand Rondo Brillante in C major
- Op.287 - 3 Ariette Italienne for Tenor Voice & Piano
- Op.288 - 6 Divertissements en forme de Rondeaux
- Op.289 - Piano Trio No.4
- Op.290 - La Douceur, Rondo Elegant
- Op.291 - Grand Rondo for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.292 - Variations brillantes sur un thême original in F major
- Op.293 - La Rivalité for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.294 - Grand Potpourri in A Major for Piano, Flute, Violin, Alto, & Cello
Opus Numbers 227–229 & 295–297 are part of the Collection "Les Pianistes Associes, ou Compositions brillants et concertants
- Op.300 - The Art of Preluding L'Art de Preludier
- Op.301 - Variations on a Waltz of Reissenger
- Op.302 - Italian Theme & Variations
- Op.303 - Introduction & Variations Brillantes on a Theme of Mr. Rudolphe de Vivenot
- Op.304 - Variations on a Theme of Lafont in D Major for Violin & Piano
- Op.305 - Variations on a Spanish Theme in A Major for Violin & Piano
- Op.306 - Souvenirs du jeune âge
- Op.307 - Variations brillantes sur le choeur final de l'opéra 'Le Serment' for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.308 - Variations on an Original Theme
- Op.309 - Introduction & Variations in G major on a Theme from 'Le Pre aux Clercs' for Piano, Violin, & Cello (Herold)
- Op.310 - Variations brillantes sur le chœur de 'Le serment'
- Op.311 - 2 Rondeaux on Themes from 'Le Pré aux Clercs'
- Op.312 - Variations on 'A la Fleur du Bel Age' from the Opera 'Le Pre aux Clercs' for piano 4 hands
- Op.313 - The Young Pianist, 2 Sonatines Faciles (C major, & G major)
- Op.314 - Grand Polonaise Brillante in A Major for Piano & Violin
- Op.315 - Cadenzen zu Ludwig van Beethovens Concerten
- Op.316 - 10 Petits rondeaux
- Op.317 - Introduction et variations brillantes in A major
- Op.318 - 6 Gradualien for Soprano, Alto, Tenor, & Bass with ad lib Accompaniment for Piano/Organ
- Op.319 - Variations sur la Valse de Robert le diable
- Op.320 - Variations
- Op.321 - Rondo for Piano 4-Hands in B♭ Major
- Op.322 - Rondo in Bb Major for Piano Solo
- Op.323 - L'Allegresse Rondo in B♭ major
- Op.324 - Variations Brillantes on a Waltz of Lanner
- Op.325 - 3 Fantasies on Themes from Donizetti's Opera 'L'Elisir d'Amore' (Solo & Duet Versions)
- Op.326 - 3 Themes Favoris from the Opera 'Zampa'
- Op.327 - 3 Fantasies on Donizetti's Opera 'Parisina' (Solo & Duet Versions)
- Op.328 - 3 Fantasies on 'Il Furioso all' Isola di St. Domingo' Solo & Duet Versions
- Op.329 - Variations on a Theme from De Marschner's Opera 'Hans Heiling' for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.330 - Tausend Tonblumen
- Op.331 - Grande Sonata No.3 in B♭ major for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.332 - Variations brillantes sur 'Robert le diable'
- Op.333 - Les Elegantes (3 Bks.)
- Bk.1 - Sur la Tyrolienne Favorite, Almalied
- Bk.2 - Sur la Sonnambula
- Bk.3 - Sur un Valse Favorite
- Op.334 - Souvenir de Peste, Variations sur un Valse: Erinnerung an Pest de J. Strauss
- Op.335 - Die Schule des Legato und Staccato
- Op.336 - Fantasie on Cherubini's Opera 'Ali Baba'
- Op.337 - 40 Tägliche Studien
- Op.338 - Grandes variations de concert sur un thême original in D major
- Op.339 - 3 Brilliant Fantasies on Themes of F. Schubert Several Versions for Different Combinations of Instruments)
- Op.340 - Variations of J. Strauss's 'Pfennig Waltz'
- Op.341 - Variations brillantes sur un thême de 'Hans Heiling'
- Op.342 - 3 Fantasies on Bellini's Opera 'Beatrice di Tenda' (Solo & Duet Versions)
- Op.343 - 3 Thêmes Favoris de l'Opéra 'L'Estocq' variés (1.G, 2.F, 3.C)]]
- Op.344 - 3 Rondinos from the Opera 'Lestocq'
- Op.345 - Die Ruinen von Neustadt, Fantasia in D minor
- Op.346 - Fantasie on the Opera 'Lestocq'
- Op.347 - Variations on a Theme from 'Lestocq' in A major
- Op.348 - Grand exercice en forme de fantaisie improvisée in E minor
- Op.349 - 3 Sonatines instructives
- Op.350 - Le Dernier Soupir de Hérold, Variations on a Theme of Hérold
- Op.351 - Neujahrgeschenk Fantasie
- Op.352 - Souvenir de Boieldieu (Variations in B♭ Major)
- Op.353 - Variations Brillantes on 'Conversations Walzer'
- Op.354 - Amusement des Pianistes, Collection de Morceaux Agreables & Brillantes, 8 Bks.
- Op.355 - The School of Embellishments Ecole des Ornamens
- Op.356 - Variations Brillantes on the Theme 'Vien qua Dorina Bella'
- Op.357 - 3 Themes Italiens, Variations for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.358 - Duo Concertant in Bb Major for 2 Pianos
- Op.359 - First Lessons for Beginners, 50 Exercises, Studies, & Preludes, 2 Bks.
- Op.360 - Grande Fantasie on the Opera 'Gustave'
- Op.361 - Introduction & Variations Brillantes on a Theme from the Opera 'La Medicine sans Medecin'
- Op.362 - Rondo brillante & non difficile on a Theme from the Opera 'La Medicine sans Medecin'
- Op.363 - Introduction & Variations on the Duo "Suoni la Tromba e Intrepido" from the Opera 'I Puritani'
- Op.364 - Grand Exercise in A minor
- Op.365 - Schule des Virtuosen The School of the Virtuoso, 60 Studies on Bravura Playing
- Op.366 - Variations brillantes de concert on a Theme from Lobe's Opera 'La Princesse de Grenade' in C major (1841, Schonenberger)
- Op.367 - Rondoletto élégant on a Theme from 'La Princesse de Grenade'
- Op.368 - 8 Nocturnes
- Op.369 - Gran capriccio di bravura ossa studio in F minor
- Op.370 - Variations brillantes on a Theme from the Opera 'I Puritani'
- Op.371 - 2 Rondolettos faciles on Themes from 'I Puritani'
- Op.372 - 6 Galops en forme de Rondeaux
- Op.373 - 10 Rondeaux for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.374 - 3 Rondeaux faciles et brillans for Piano & Flute
- Op.375 - Introduction & Variations Brillantes on a Theme from the Opera 'I Puritani'
- Op.376 - Fantaisie et variations sur 'I puritani' for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.377 - Fantaisie et Variations brillantes sur un Thême de Madame Malibran
- Op.378 - Valse brillante in A♭ major
- Op.379 - Flore théâtrale (or Fantasies Brillantes) on Modern Operas
- Op.380 - Grosse Übung der Terzenläufe
- Op.381 - 3 Serenades on Themes of Rossini
- Op.382 - 2 Fantasies Brillantes on Themes from 'La Prison d'Edimbourg'
- Op.383 - 3 Fantaisies on Themes from Donizetti's Opera 'Lucia di Lammermoor'
- Op.384 - Grand Variations on an Air from 'Le Cheval de Bronze'
- Op.385 - 12 Rondeaux Amusantes & Instructives on Favorite Themes
- Op.386 - Souvenir de Bellini
- Op.387 - 3 Fantaisies on Themes from Donizetti's Opera 'Lucrezia Borgia'
- Op.388 - Etudes Preparatoires et Progressives
- Op.389 - Hommage aux Graces, 3 Rondeaux on Favorite Themes
- Op.390 - 3 Sonatinas for Piano & Violin
- Op.391 - Grande Rondeau-Polonaise in Eb Major for Piano & Orchestra
- Op.392 - Der Abend und die Nacht
- Op.393 - 3 Fantaisies sur le motifs du 'Marino Faliero'
- Op.394 - Fantasie & Variations on the l'Air National Russe 'Dieu Conserve l'Empereur'
- Op.395 - Fantasia and Variations on a Theme from 'Le Cheval de Bronze' for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.396 - Impromptu on a Theme from Halevy's Opera 'La Juive'
- Op.397 - Bijoux Teatrales (or Nouvelle Collection de Rondeaux, Variations, & Impromptus on Themes from New Operas, Comprised of Many Books)
- Op.398 - Le Goût Moderne for Piano 4-Hands (Comprised of Many Books.)
- Op.399 - Die Schule der linken Hand 10 Grand Studies for the Improvement of the Left Hand
- Op.400 - The School of Fugue Playing The School of Fugue Playing, 24 Grand Studies
- Op.401 - Les charmes de l'opéra 4 Divertissements
- Op.402 - Encouragement for the Young, 6 Rondos Faciles
- Op.403 - Romance & Rondo on Themes from the Opera 'Les Huguenots'
- Op.404 - Introduction et variations brillantes sur 'Les Huguenots'
- Op.405 - Grand Rondeau
- Op.406 - Festal March, on the Opening of the Booksellers' Exchange in Leipzig (Solo & Duet Versions) (published as Op.409)
- Op.407 - Scherzo Brillante on Themes from the Opera 'Les Huguenots'
- Op.408 - Andante Sentimental on Themes from the Opera 'Les Huguenots'
- Op.409 - 50 Grandi Studi di Perfezionamento
- Op.410 - 6 Sonatines faciles et doigtées
- Op.411 - Introduction & Rondo
- Op.412 - 3 Rondos brillantes on Russian National Themes
- Op.413 - Souvenir de mon premier voyage
- Opus Numbers 414-416 Comprise the collection "Album Musical"
- Op.414 - Bk.1 - Rondo élégant
- Op.415 - Bk.2 - Rondo militaire
- Op.416 - Bk.3 - Rondo gracieux
- Op.417 - Rondo Brillante on Themes from the Opera 'Les Huguenots'
- Op.418 - Impromptu in the Form of a Rondo on a Theme from the Opera 'Les Huguenots'
- Op.419 - 8 Rondinos agréables et brillans
- Op.420 - Soixant Exercices pour les Commencans comme Supplement pour Chaque Methode de Pianoforte
- Op.421 - Introduction & Rondo martial on a Theme from the Opera 'Les Huguenots'
- Op.422 - Introduction & Rondo brillante on a Theme from the Opera 'Les Huguenots' for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.423 - Rondoletto on a Theme from the Opera 'Les Huguenots'
- Op.424 - Caprice brillant sur motifs de 'Les Huguenots'
- Op.425 - Rondino scherzando on a Theme from the Opera 'Les Huguenots'
- Op.426 - Rondo sentimental on the English Air "Isle of Beauty, Fare Thee Well"
- Op.427 - Introduction & Variations brillantes on Themes of Reissiger
- Op.428 - ?
- Op.429 - L'écho des Alpes Suisses
- Op.430 - Nachtwändler, Variations on a Waltz of Strauss
- Op.431 - Eisenbahn Variationen Variations on a Waltz by Strauss
- Op.432 - 24 Canzonette italiane(??) for Voice & Piano
- Op.433 - Etudes progressives & préparatoires
- Op.434 - Les quatre saisons
- Op.435 - Recreations Musicales, 6 Melodies of Bellini
- Op.436 - Rondoletto Scherzando
- Op.437 - Fantaisie on Themes from Donizetti's Opera ' La Campanello' (Solo & Duet Versions)
- Op.438 - Les Progres du Pianiste, 8 Favorite Themes with Variations in an Easy Style
- Op.439 - 4 Sonatines Faciles & Progressives
- Op.440 - 4 Melodies Varies
- Op.441 - Fantaisie on Donizetti's Opera 'Betly' (Solo & Duet Versions)
- Op.442 - Introduction & Variations Brillantes on 'Choeur du Pirate'
- Op.443 - Variations Brillantes on a Theme from Halevy's Opera 'L'Eclair'
- Op.444 - Rondo Brillant on a Favorite Italian Theme
- Op.445 - Introduction & Variations on Themes from the Opera 'Beatice di Tenda'
- Op.446 - 3 Fantasies Brillantes on Themes of Mercadante
- Op.447 - Introduction & Variations Brillantes on the Cavatine "Senti tu Comeio Sento"
- Op.448 - Caprice & Variations Brillantes on a Theme from Donizetti's Opera 'Torquato Tasso'
- Op.449 - Improvisation on J. Strauss's Kronungs-Walzer
- Op.450 - Fantasie Lyrique on a Swiss Theme
- Op.451 - Impromptu brillant et militaire sur la Marche Favorite du Sultan Mahmoud
- Op.452 - Introduction & Grand Variations on an Original Theme
- Op.453 - 110 Progressive Excercises
- Op.454 - 18 Rondeaux et variations sur des thêmes favoris
- Op.455 - 24 National Airs
- Op.456 - Rondo Brillant, "Son nom"
- Op.457 - The Spirit's Song by Shakespeare
- Op.458 - 3 Rondinos élégans sur des motifs favoris de Beethoven
- Op.459 - 5 Original Quadrilles
- Op.460 - Rondo on 'Wo der Wiese grünes Band'
- Op.461 - 3 Duos 3 Morceaux Faciles for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.462 - Rondo on 'Que ces murs coquets'
- Op.463 - Musikalische Theater-Bibliothek für die Jugend 24 Bks
- Op.464 - 2 Rondinos Brillantes on Themes from Auber's 'L'Ambassadrice'
- Op.465 - Fantaisie brillante sur des thêmes de 'L'ambassadrice'
- Op.466 - Hommage a Beethoven, 6 Rondos
- Op.467 - Fantaisie sur Air Ecossais
- Op.468 - Fantasie brillante sur des airs Irlandais
- Op.469 - Divertissement Brillant on a Theme from Auber's 'L'Ambassadrice' for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.470 - Souvenir du Voyage du Rhin, Fantasie Brillante
- Op.471 - Souvenir de Paris, Fantasie
- Op.472 - Recompenses Musical for the Young for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.473 - Rondo Elegant on a French Romance
- Op.474 - Fantasia and Variations on Favorite Airs from 'Le postillon de Lonjumeau'
- Op.475 - Rondoletto Brillante on "La Cachucha"
- Op.476 - Divertisement Brillante on Adam's 'Postillon de Longjomeau' for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.477 - Introduction & Variations Brillantes on Adam's 'Postillon de Longjomeau' for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.478 - Rondo Brillant on Adam's 'Postillon de Longjomeau' for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.479 - 3 Rondos Faciles & Brillantes on Favorite Themes
- Op.480 - 6 Rondos for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.481 - 50 Übungsstücke für Anfänger
- Op.482 - Invitation à la danse Divertimento
- Op.483 - 2 Esquisses charactéristiques sur des Thèmes de Bellini
- Op.484 - Rondino grazioso (1838, Schonenberger)
- Op.485 - Variations brillantes
- Op.486 - Rondino brillant
- Op.487 - Rondeau brillant sur la 'Marche du Mariage du Duc d'Orléans'
- Op.488 - Marche du Cournonnement de la Reine Victoria
- Op.489 - Quick Step du Couronnement de la Rein Victoria
- Op.490 - Introduction & Variations Brillantes on a Galop from Donizetti's Opera 'Lucia di Lammermoor'
- Op.491 - Rondeau brillant sur des Walses favorites de Jos. Lanner
- Op.492 - Variations sur Rosa Valse
- Op.493 - Fantasie Brillante sur des motifs d'opéra ‘Le nozze di Figaro’
- Op.494 - Fantasie Brillante sur Motifs de l'Italiana in Algeri
- Op.495 - 42 Etudes for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.496 - Rondo Valse Facile
- Op.497 - Rondo on Hummel's Waltzes
- Op.498 - Les plaisirs du salon
- Op.499 - Exercise in 2 Octaves
- Op.500 - Pianoforte-Schule Vollständige Theoretisch-Practische Pianoforte-Schule (Royal Pianoforte School & Supplement, 4 Vols.)
- Op.501 - 24 Very Easy Preludes in the Most Useful Keys
- Op.502 - 3 Themes Varies
- Op.503 - Badinage Musical, Rondo de Galop
- Op.504 - Fantaisie sur la marche de 'Moïse'
- Op.505 - 6 Rondeaux Instructifs et agréables
- Op.506 - 3 Rondos caracteristiques sur 'Le domino noir'
- Op.507 - Fantaisie romantique sur des Motifs de l'Opéra Le domino noir
- Op.508 - Rondino Gracieux on Lanner's Waltzes
- Op.509 - Caprice on a Theme from Auber's 'Le Domino Noir'
- Op.510 - Fantasie on Haydn's 'The Seasons'
- Op.511 - Duo on Auber's 'Le Domino Noir' for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.512 - Grande Fantasie for Piano & Harp
- Op.513 - Marche pour La Jour de Naissance de S.M. la Reine Victoria
- Op.514 - Quickstep pour La Jour de Naissance de S.M. la Reine Victoria
- Op.515 - Fantasie on Haydn's 'The Creation'
- Op.516 - Reminiscences from the Opera 'Guido et Geneva', 2 Bks.
- Op.517 - Reminiscences from the Opera 'Le Domino Noir', Fantasie for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.518 - Rondinetto on El Zapateado
- Op.519 - Réminiscences de Johann Strauss (6 Rondinos Faciles on Waltzes of J. Strauss)
- Op.520 - 3 Rondeaux brillants sur des airs nationaux (3 Rondinos Brillants on Russian, Spanish, & Norwegian Themes)
- Op.521 - Rondinetto Facile on a March of J. Strauss (Solo & Duet Versions)
- Op.522 - 3 Rondinos Faciles on 'Gemma & Giuramento'
- Op.523 - Impromptu sentimental sur 'O nume benefico'
- Op.524 - Variations Faciles on "Gott Erhalte" for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.525 - 3 Quadrilles (Solo & Duet Versions)
- Op.526 - Coronation Quadrille (Solo & Duet Version)
- Op.527 - Variations Faciles on a Theme from Haydn's 'The Creation' for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.528 - Rondino Facile on a Theme from Haydn's 'The Creation' for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.529 - 3 Morceaux de Salon, Brillants, & Caracteristiques
- Op.530 - Marche pour le Prince de Cambridge (Solo & Duet Versions)
- Op.531 - Marche pour la Coronation de S.M. l'Empereur d'Autriche a Milan (Solo & Duet Versions)
- Op.532 - Fantasie Expressive on 'Torquato Tasso'
- Op.533 - Rondino Facile on a Theme Militaire of Beethoven (Solo & Duet Versions)
- Op.534 - 3 Fantasies Brillant sur Robert Devereux
- Op.535 - 2 Airs russes variés for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.536 - 12 Rondinos Faciles on Ecossais Themes
- Op.537 - Nocturne sentimental on a Theme of Strauss
- Op.538 - 3 Rondolettos faciles on Favorite Themes
- Op.539 - 1st Grande Overture, Irlandaise (Solo & Duet Versions)
- Op.540 - 3 Brillante Fantasien über 'Bäbu'
- Op.541 - 2 Prussian National Themes with Variations
- Op.542 - Variations & Finale on a Prussian National Theme
- Op.543 - 2nd Grand Overture, Scotch (Solo & Duet Versions)
- Op.544 - 3rd Grand Overture, English (Solo & Duet Version)
- Op.545 - Hommage a la Reine Victoria, Fantasie Brillante
- Op.546 - 12 Rondinos faciles sur fleurs anglais, ecossais, & irlandais
- Op.547 - 3 Rondolettos élégans on Diverse Themes
- Op.548 - Rondo on Themes from the Opera 'Czaar et Zimmermann'
- Op.549 - Fantasie über 'Zar und Zimmermann'
- Op.550 - Impromptu über den Walzer aus 'Zar und Zimmermann'
- Op.551 - Rondoletto on a Theme from the Opera 'Czaar et Zimmermann'
- Op.552 - 3 Themes & Variations for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.553 - 6 Exercises in Octaves
- Op.554 - 6 New Royal Quadrilles (Solo & Duet Versions)
- Op.555 - 8 Scherzi capricciosi (Breitkopf, 1839)
- Op.556 - 3 Favorite Airs & Variations
- Op.557 - Variations élégantes sur des Airs ecossais nationaux (Simrock, 1842 or earlier)
- Op.558 - 6 Songs for Voice & Piano (Words by Mrs. Hemans)
- Op.559 - Impromptu varié on a Theme of Mozart
- Op.560 - Le Coureur Exercise Brillante
- Op.561 - 3 Rondolettos Faciles on Favorite Themes (Solo & Duet Versions)
- Op.562 - Collection of Sacred Music for Voice & Piano
- Op.563 - Impromptû brillant sur les Danses nationales éspagnoles : La Tiranna de Cadiz et la Gitana, dansée par Dlle Marie Taglioni (Breitkopf, 1839)
- Op.564 - Rondoletto on "Sound the Loud Timbrel" (Solo & Duet Versions)
- Op.565 - 2 Spanish Marches with Variations (Solo & Duet Versions)
- Op.566 - Variations brillante on "Adeste Fideles"
- Op.567 - 6 Fantasies brillantes on Themes Ecossais & Irlandais (Solo & Duet Versions)
- Op.568 - 2 Rondinos Faciles sur Mazurka et Carneval
- Op.569 - 2 Fantasies on Handel's 'Alexander's Feast' & 'Messiah'
- Op.570 - Rondino brillant sur le choeur 'A travers ces rochers'
- Op.571 - Impromptu sur la choeur des Fées
- Op.572 - Grande fantaisie sur le 'Lac des fées'
- Op.573 - Reminiscences on the Opera 'Le Lac de fées', Morceau de Salon
- Op.574 - Reminiscences de l'Opéra 'Le Lac des Fées'
- Op.575 - Die Schule des Vortrags und der Verzierungen
- Op.576 - Morceaux élégans on Favorite Themes
- Op.577 - 3 Amusements de Salon
- Op.578 - 6 Galops
- Op.579 - 2 Original Quadrilles
- Op.580 - Impromptu Sentimental on a Religious Song
- Op.581 - Rondino Facile on a Pastorale from Handel's 'Messiah' for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.582 - Rondo Elegant on the Opera 'Zanetta'
- Op.583 - 12 Rondeaux amusans et instructifs for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.584 - Kleine theoretisch-praktische Pianoforte-Schule für Anfänger Pianoforte Primer, an Easy Instruction Book
- Op.585 (Simrock) - La Cracovienne en Rondeau (Rondino facile on 'Le Krakoviac') (Solo & Duet Version)
- Op.585 (Schott) - Rondeau Elegant sur une Cavatine De Zanetta
- Op.586 - 3 Rondinos on the Opera 'Zanetta'
- Op.587 - Fantasie brillante on the Opera 'Zanetta' for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.588 - Variations faciles on the Russian Theme "Dieu Conserve" (Solo & Duet Versions)
- Op.589 - 4 Morceaux faciles on English Themes for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.590 - 3 Themes & Variations on the Opera 'Le Sherif'
- Op.591 - Scherzo brillant on the Opera 'Le Sherif' for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.592 - Impromptu pastoral, "Poor Shepherd's Maid"
- Op.593 - 12 Rondino's faciles et doigtès sur des motifs favoris
- Op.594 - Victoria Quadrille Quadrille pour les Noces de S.M. la Reine Victoria (Solo & Duet Versions)
- Op.595 - Marche Solenne pour les Noces de S.M. la Reine Victoria (Solo & Duet Versions)
- Op.596 - Der Engel der Geduld, Chanson Allemande Voice & Piano
- Op.597 - 2 Rondeaux élégants
- Op.598 - Galop Brillant
- Op.599 - Practical Exercises for Beginners Sequel to the Pianoforte Primer, Op.584
- Op.600 - Die Schule der Praktischen Tonsetz Kunst (The School of Practical Composition)
- Op.601 - Fantasia on Beethoven's 'Fidelio'
- Op.602 - Reverie sur la Romance Napolitaine Beppa
- Op.603 - 6 Preludes and Fugues for Organ
- Op.604 - 8 Nocturnes romantiques de différents caractères
- Op.605 - 2 Grand Fantasies on Nicolai's Opera 'Templario'
- Op.606 - 18 Petits rondeaux et variations sur des mélodies allemagnes
- Op.607 - Prelude & Fugue for Pedal Organ
- Op.608 - Variations Brillantes sur Derniere Pensee de Weber
- Op.609 - 24 Airs populaires en rondeaux The Pianist's Library, 24 Very Easy Pieces (Solo, 4-Hand, & 6-Hand Versions)
- Op.609 also - Les trois Sœurs, 45 rondinos for piano 6-hands based on music by various composers
- Op.610 - Rondo élégant
- Op.611 - Fantasie marine on Italian Themes
- Op.612 - Impromptu sentimental
- Op.613 - School of Expression (On National Airs, 4 Bks.)
- Op.614 - 3 Grand Fantasies on 'La vestale' (Solo & Duet Versions)
- Op.615 - Rondo de Salon
- Op.616 - 6 Rondos brillantes
- Op.617 - Variations brillants
- Op.618 - 12 Rondeaux amusans sur des thêmes allemands et italiens for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.619 - Variations faciles, March in Blue Beard (Solo & Duet Versions)
- Op.620 - Grande Fantasie on the Opera 'Oberto'
- Op.621 - 12 Grande Fantasies on the Opera 'Cristina di Svezia'
- Op.622 - Les Fleurs d’Angleterre. Variations brillantes sur trois Airs nationaux p. Pfte (Simrock, 1842)
- Op.623 - 3 Melodies variées, Les Fleurs d'Ecosse
- Op.624 - Les Fleurs d’Irlande. Variations brillantes sur des Airs nationaux p. Pfte (Simrock, 1842)
- Op.625 - Productions de salon (also L. Herz Op.16) (Mechetti, 1842) (possibly the same as 6 Fantasies brillantes for Piano & Violin)
- Op.626 - 3 Fantaisies on Donizetti's Opera 'La fille du Regiment' (Solo & Duet Versions)
- Op.627 - 12 Soft Voluntaries for the Organ
- Op.628 - 2 Rondo Brillants
- Op.629 - 6 Amusings Rondolettos
- Op.630 - Grande Fantasie (2nd Irish Fantasia)
- Op.631 - Grande Fantasie (2nd Scotch Fantasia)
- Op.632 - 12 Etudes
- Op.633 - Air Varie
- Op.634 - Air Varie
- Op.635 - 18 Rondos Faciles
- Op.636 - Die Vorschule der Fingerfertigkeit
- Op.637 - 4 Fantasies brillantes sur les Motifs de l’Opéra : Rolla de M. T. Mabellini p. Pfte. (or Piano Duet) (Ricordi, 1842)
- Op.638 - Collection of Variations Faciles as Duets: The Annen Polka with 3 Other Airs
- Op.639 - Grand Duet
- Op.640 - Grand Duet
- Op.641 - Fantasie Brillante, Hommage au Prince Albert
- Op.642 - Grand Morceaux de Concert
- Op.643 - Grande Fantasie
- Op.644 - Grande Fantasie
- Op.645 - Fantasie sur Cimarosa
- Op.646 - 6 Rondeaux militaires
- Op.647 - Nocturne Nocturne in E♭ major
- Op.648 - Impressions des Opéras. 3 Fantaisies sur les Motifs favoris chantés par célèbres Artistes p. Pfte. Oe. 648. Cah. 1, Bijoux à la Grisi et Persiani. Cah. 2, Bijoux à la Malibran et Pauline Garcia. Cah. 3, Bijoux à la Pasta et Rubini. (Mechetti, 1842)
- Op.649 - Variations Brillantes
- Op.650 - Concertino for Piano & Orchestra
- Op.651 - Charmes de la Danse
- Op.652 - Réminiscences de l’Opéra. Deux Fantaisies sur les Motifs les plus favoris de l’Opéra : Les Martyrs (Les Romains à Melltène) p. Donizetti. (Solo & Duet Versions) (Mechetti, 1842)
- Op.653 - Fantasie Brillante on English Airs
- Op.654 - Grand Fantasia (3rd Irish Fantasia)
- Op.655 - 3 Fantasies Brillantes on the Opera 'Adelia'
- Op.656 - 3 Rondos Faciles
- Op.657 - 6 Rondos Brillantes
- Op.658 - Impromptu sur la Romanesca for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.659 - Grand Fantasia (3rd Scotch Fantasie)
- Op.660 - Rondo de Chasse
- Op.661 - 10 Rondolettos
- Op.662 - Graduale for Soprano & Organ
- Op.663 - Fantasie Brillante
- Op.664 - Fantasie Brillante
- Op.665 - 6 Rondinos
- Op.666 - 6 Rondos Brillantes
- Op.667 - Tableaux Mélodiques
- Op.668 - Souvenir de Weber Fantaisie Brillante sur 'Der Freyschutz'
- Op.669 - La Mazurka
- Op.670 - 12 Ecossais Brillantes
- Op.671 - Scherzo
- Op.672 - 24 Etudes élégantes
- Op.673 - 2 Rondinos sur Les Diamans de la Couronne
- Op.674 - Fantasie Brillante
- Op.675 - Fantasie Brillante
- Op.676 - Fantaisie Pour le Piano Sur Les Diamans de la Couronne
- Op.677 - Frère et Soeur
- Op.678 - Bijoux a la Sontag
- Op.679 - Reminiscences de Rossini, 6 Fantasias
- Op.680 - Variations concertantes for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.681 - Souvenir de Labitzky 3 Rondinos
- Op.682 - 3 Airs Varies
- Op.683 - Mariner's Fantasia
- Op.684 - L'Encouragement à l'Etude 24 Etudes on Irish Airs
- Op.685 - 6 Menuets
- Op.686 - Grande Sonate for violin and piano in B minor, published 1842
- Op.687 - 3 Pièces fugitves de Salon
- Op.688 - Mélodie sentimentale et Cadence agitée (Spehr, 1843)
- Op.689 - 2 Grandes fantaisies sur des motifs favoris de 'Norma' for Piano 6-Hands
- Op.690 - 12 Rondinos
- Op.691 - 3 Rondos
- Op.692 - Grandes études caractéristiques
- Op.693 - 4 Airs Varies
- Op.694 - Etudes for the Young, 24 Preludes
- Op.695 - 12 Rondinos
- Op.696 - 60 Preludes
- Op.697 - Fantasie
- Op.698 - 20 Preludes
- Op.699 - Collection of Rondos Brillantes
- Op.700 - Délassement de l'Etude, 12 Rondos Faciles
- Op.701 - 6 Rondinos on the Opera 'Le Duc D'Olonne'
- Op.702 - Impromptu brillant sur divers motifs de l'opéra Le Duc D'Olonne
- Op.703 - Fantasie on the Opera 'Duc d'Olonne' for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.704 - 3 Rondos Brillantes
- Op.705 - 3 Rondos Brillantes
- Op.706 - Variations élégantes pour servir d'Ëtude 24 New Etudes on English Airs
- Op.707 - 4 Fantasias on Scotch and Irish Airs
- also? - fantasy "Nobles voyageurs"
- Op.708 - 4 Fantasies on Donizetti's Opera 'Linda di Chamounix'
- Op.709 - 18 Rondinos
- Op.710 - Amusements de la Jeunesse. 6 Ouvertures sur des Airs nationaux. (Simrock, 1843)
- Op.711 - Rondino Brillant sur la Favorite
- Op.712 - Rondino Brillant sur Reine de Cypre
- Op.713/712a - Pensee Fugitive
- Op.714 - 24 Rondinettos
- Op.715 - Impromptu Orageux
- Op.716 - Grand Duo for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.717 - Grandes Variations for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.718 - 24 Piano Studies for the Left Hand
- Op.719 - Duo for Piano & Harp
- Op.720 - 3 Morceaux brillantes
- Op.721 - 50 Rondos, La Jeunesse Docile
- Op.721a - Rondeaux chinois (Simrock, 1843)
- Op.722 - 10 Petite Fantaisies on Airs from Mercadantes Operas
- Op.723 - 6 Rondos de Salon
- Op.724 - Fantaisie brillante sur des airs chinois
- Op.725 - 3 Rondos
- Op.726 - Salve Regina, Offertorio per Coro et Orchestra
- Op.727 - 12 Etudes for 2 Pianos
- Op.728 - 3 Bluettes de Salon (Mechetti, 1843 or 1844)
- Op.729 - Panorama beliebter Melodien aller Nationen Collection of Morceaux brillantes
- Op.730 - Piano Sonata No.11
- Op.731 - Souvenir des Soeurs Milanollo. 2 Fantaisies brillantes et non difficiles sur les Motifs les plus éxécutés par ces deux jeunes Artistes. (Simrock, 1843)
- Op.732 - German Chorus with Solos, "Geist der Harmonie"
- Op.733 - 6 Rondeaux brillants et faciles sur des motifs favoris for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.734 - 3 Aries variés
- Op.735 - 2 Études pour la main gauche seule
- Op.736 - 3 Fantasias
- Op.737 - Benedicat, Offertorio for 4 Voices & Orchestra
- Op.738 - Quadrille
- Op.739 - Rondoletto facile sur des motifs de l'Opéra La Part Du Diable
- Op.740 - The Art of Finger Dexterity 50 Etudes
- Op.741 - 6 Fantaisies brillantes sur des mélodies favorites for Piano 6-Hands
- Op.742 - 2 Rondeaux brillants sur 'La Part du Diable'
- Op.743 - German Chorus
- Op.744 - Impromptû de Salon sur un motif de 'La Part Du Diable'
- Op.745 - Reminiscences de l'opéra La Part Du Diable
- Op.746 - 2 Divertissements sur Part du Diable for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.747 - 3 Divertissements
- Op.748 - 25 Fortschreitende Übungen für kleine Hände
- Op.749 - Le Progrès, 1er Livre - 25 Studies for Small Hands (Rather More Difficult)
- Op.750 - 10 Morceaux Faciles
- Op.751 - Scale Exercises as Piano Duets
- Op.752 - Fantaisie sur des mélodies de Beethoven
- Op.753 - Le Progrès, 2eme Livre - 30 Etudes Brillants
- Op.754 - 6 Etudes de Salon
- Op.755 - Le Perfectionnement
- Op.756 - Grandes études de salon of the Highest Degree of Difficulty
- Op.757 - Offertorio for Soprano & Orchestra
- Op.758 - 6 Rondos on the Opera 'Rienzi'
- Op.759 - Variations brillantes et non difficiles Variations on a Theme from the Opera 'Rienzi'
- Op.760 - Ave Maria, Offertorie for Soprano & Orchestra
- Op.761 - Impromptu
- Op.762 - Allegro de salon
- Op.763 - Scherzino alla Tarentella
- Op.764 - Religion for tenor and piano
- Op.765 - Etude Courrante
- Op.766 - Les Guirlandes, 12 Rondinos Faciles & Brillantes on Favorite Themes
- Op.767 - Les fleurs des ornemens - 50 Etudes
- Op.768 - Esercizio Fugato
- Op.769 - 48 Rondinos on Favorite Themes
- Op.770 - 2 Rondolettos on the Opera 'Stradella'
- Op.771 - 24 Rondinos for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.772 - 2 Rondolettos on the Opera 'Les Puits d'Amour'
- Op.773 - Les Premiers Progres des Commencans, 6 Rondinos for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.774 - 2 Fantasies Brillantes
- Op.775 - 24 Rondinettos très faciles for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.776 - Impromptu Fugué
- Op.777 - Les Cinq Doigts Five Finger Exercises
- Op.778 - 6 Rondinos on the Opera 'Stradella'
- Op.779 - L'Infatigable Grand Etude de Velocité
- Op.780 - Grande Sinfonie No.1 in C minor (performed 1845? published 1847 by Häslinger) (Fleisher has edited score & parts.)
- Op.781 - Symphony No.2 (pub.1847 by Haslinger, 1858 by Spina)
- Op.782 - 6 Fantasias on Scotch Airs for Piano Duet
- Op.783 - 2 Rondolettos on a Theme from the Opera 'Le Domino Noir'
- Op.784 - De Profundis, for Chorus & Small Orchestra
- Op.785 - 25 Grand Etudes Caracteristiques
- Op.786 - 6 Fantasias on Irish Themes for Piano Duet
- Op.787 - Galop brillant
- Op.788 - Sonata in the Style of Domenico Scarlatti
- Op.789 - Scherzino
- Op.790 - Musicalisches Wochenblatt (Collection of Easy Pieces, 52 Numbers in the Year)
- Op.791 - Fleurs Melodiques, 12 Pieces de Differns Caracteres
- Op.792 - 36 Etudes Melodiques & Progressives
- Op.792b - Grand exercice des arpèges
- Op.793 - Morceau d'Album
- Op.794 - Le Plasir du Jeune Pianiste, 160 Pieces
- Op.795 - 8 Morceaux de salon
- Op.796 - Fantasie sur l'Ode Symphony 'Columbus' de David (Solo & Duet Versions)
- Op.797 - 10 Grandes Fantaisies Concertantes for 2 Pianos
- Op.798 - 6 Divertimentos for Piano 6-Hands
- Op.799 - 6 Pange Lingua for SATB
- Elfin Waltz
- National Schottisch
- Montecchi E Capuletti
- Puritani, Polacca
- Aurora Waltz
- Zapateado
- Russian Hymn
- Magic Flute
- Wm. Tell
- Don Juan
- Petit Tambour
- Carnaval De Venise
- Op.825 (Cranz) - Kinderklavierschule
- Op.825 (Thieme) - Kleine und brillante Unterhaltungstücke, Piano 4 Hands
- Op.826 - ?
- Op.827 - Rondinos & variations, Piano 4 Hands
- Op.828 - Rondinos & variations élégants
- Op.829 - Etudes Melodiques et Brillantes
- Op.830 - Saltarella capriciosa
- Op.831 - ?
- Op.832 - Morceaux Caract
- L'Agitation
- Romance
- Confiance
- Rejouissance
- Persuasion
- Les Chasseurs
- La Mazourka
- Les Papillions
- Courante
- Sonnerie Harmonique
- Jubilation
- Saltarelle
- Polka bohémienne hongroise
- Defilier-Marsch
- Mädele, ruck, ruck, ruck
- Die schönsten Augen (Stigelli)
- Torquato Tasso
- An Alexis (Himmel)
- Barcarolle vénitienne
- Les Yeux bleus (Arnaud)
- Polka (Strauss)
- Galop-Rondino
Works without opus number
Selective list
- These are works uploaded from the WIMA, and most probably are connected to unidentified opuses (if they are by Czerny at all). (Their provenance is often from recent collections and editions (uploaded with editor and publisher information generally nonchalantly unspecified) and much cleanup and copyright-checking is also necessary.)
- In questa tomba oscura for Bass Voice & Piano (1808)
- Variations on a March from Meyerbeer's 'Il crociato in Egitto' for Piano 4-hands (ca.1824; Op.125?)
- Studio generale (ca.1843; a collection of passages for study from well-known composers, compiled by Czerny)
- Ireland: 3 Popular Irish Airs (Op.609 Nos.11, 20, and 15 respectively)
- Briefe über den Unterricht auf dem Pianoforte (1837)
- Erster Clavier-Unterricht in 100 Erholungen (1839). Pazdírek lists among works without opus 100 Récréations for piano.
- Wiener Pfennig-Magazin (1834). 127 Original compositions and arrangements by Czerny and others
- Variations on the Beloved Sehnsucht Waltz by Beethoven (Op.12?)
- Symphonies 3–6 (3 in E♭ major, 4 in B major, 5 in E♭ major (1845), and 6 in G minor), Symphony in D major (1814, not numbered). Only no.5 has been published and that recently.
- Nonet (1850) (Recorded on MDG by the Consortium Classicum)
- Andante e polacca in E major for horn and piano (1848). Referred to as op.posth. with a recording (that of Barry Tuckwell and Daniel Blumenthal made for Etcetera in 1992).
- Beatus vir : for SATB voices, a cappella (published by New York : Lawson-Gould Music Publishers ; Miami, Fla. : Warner Bros. Publications [distributor], 2001.)
- Coronation March for S.M. Victoria, Queen of Britain (published in 4-hand reduction in 1838 by Simrock)
- There is, according to a Canadian Broadcasting recording, a "Grand sonata" for violin and piano written in 1807 in A major recorded which may or may not be that which was published in 1842.
- Prope est Dominus (Nahe ist Gott, der Herr; "Offertorium Nr. 46"), for SATB chorus, string orchestra and organ (winds ad lib.) (September 1844) (first published: Berlin: Dr. J. Butz Musikverlag, 2013)
- Many string quartets (over 20?)
- String quartet in C minor edited by Bernhard Pauler from Sources/Manuscript and published by Amadeus-Verlag, Winterthur in 2006
- String quartet no. 20 in C major, 1849 in parts is at Library of Congress
- Also [1]
- From the Altenberg trio site - several unpublished piano trios.
- Libera me, Domine for TTB and organ (1836)
- Valse Sentimentale; in: Keepsake musical. Collection de morceaux faciles (Berlin: Bote & Bock, 1848)
- A catalog was published in 1834 of "Carl Czerny's sämmtliche Original-Compositionen von opus 1 bis 300" by Diabelli. (The National Library of Canada owns a copy. This is not a combined score of the 300 works, but a list, possibly with incipits - main themes/first lines/first few bars - of each.)
- According to RISM, at least 21 Masses (indeed one- an autograph dated 1854- is called Missa Brevis No.21, suggesting perhaps that he wrote 21 Missae Brev. alone as well as Miss. Solenne etc.).
- Te Deum, June 3 1856 (date of composition or of copy) - see: abschrift at Schottenstift, Musikarchiv, Wien
- More information on Czerny masses from RISM manuscripts -- assuming for now that there is just one sequence of numbers, not two as suggested as a possibility above-
- No.1 in D (St. Augustin, Pfarrarchiv abschrift parts, 223) (autograph (possible) ca.1835 is @ Schottenstift archive Wien, Fonds Doppler 44)
- No.2 Solemnis in C (Schottenstift abschrift parts, Fonds Doppler 45) (ca.1830)
- No.4 in B♭ (Schottenstift abschrift parts, Fonds Doppler 50) (ca.1840)
- No.6 in C minor (Schottenstift abschrift score, Fonds Doppler 12b) (ca.1830. 102 f.)
- No.8 in C (ms. copy parts of Mass No.8 in C also at Schottenstift, Fonds Doppler 52 (there are several sets of ms copy parts of this work @ Schottenstift with various dates, this seems the earliest, dated- on parts or estimated??- 1839))
- No.9 in F (Schottenstift Copy Parts, Fonds Doppler 53) ((copy from) 1839)
- No.10 Brevis in F (Schottenstift abschrift parts, Fonds Doppler 54) (1840)
- No.11 in E♭ (Schottenstift autograph score, Fonds Doppler 39, 1840) (54 f)
- No.15 in C (Partial Autograph sc&pts @ Schottenstift, Fonds Doppler 56) (1854)
- No.17 Brevis in B♭ (abschrift sc&pts, 1854, Fonds Doppler 58&db=251&View=rism&Language=en RISM citation) (32 f score)
- No.20 Solenne in B♭ (Abschrift Score and Parts at Schottenstift, Fonds Doppler 59) (abschrift, 1856)
- No.21 Brevis in G (Schottenstift autograph score & parts, Fonds Doppler 32) (1854 September 2–6) (!)
- A "new mass" is mentioned in 1828 AMZ (page 31)