Sheet Music
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General Information
Work Title
Lead kindly light
Alternative. Title
Freeman, James J.
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No.
None [force assignment]
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period
Piece Style
piano (or organ) (arranged)
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WorldCat has over 950 entries for songs and pieces by this title, many by different composers. If a match can be found, and IMSLP by chance has it, this arrangement should be moved to the page for the original work.
Solved I think: see See Wikipedia: hymn written in 1833, "It is usually sung to the tune Lux Benigna, composed by John Bacchus Dykes in 1865, to Alberta by William H Harris, or as a choral anthem by John Stainer (1886)". Youtube suggests that this is indeed Dykes' Lux Benigna; if this can be confirmed entirely... (We don't otherwise have John Bacchus Dykes's Lux Benigna as yet as of 2017-10-8 ... just two works of his (Melita and Te Deum Laudamus (p.432 in a collection).) Not positive what the original instrumentation of Lux Benigna is meant to be, though I am guessing chorus. Probably resolved as hymns, arranged as pieces in this solo instrumental version...