(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Vaet, Jacobus.)
Jacobus Vaet
(ca.1529 — 8 January 1567)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Jacob Vaet, Jacobo Vaet, Jakob Vaet, Jacob Wert
Name in Other Languages: ヤコブス・ファート, چاكوبوس ڤايت
Aliases: Jakob Vaet, Jacobo Vaet
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 107585159, LCCN: nr88008708, ISNI: 0000000109305853, GND: 123928389, SUDOC: 076060950, BNF: 155308147, BPN: 15934884, MusicBrainz: a123cf6f-1cf1-43e7-8cbc-dafcef943e32, NKC: xx0000155, BNE: XX936605, IATH: w6f777kf
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Pages in category "Vaet, Jacobus/Collections"
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