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Hannah Smith
(1849 — 1939)
External links
- Detailed biography: None given
See also
Miscellaneous information
- Hannah Smith was a representative of American ideas in musical work, for her childhood as well as adult life belonged to New York City and vincinity, and her musical education was received in that city, with the exception of one season spent in Berlin, where she studied piano playing with Oscar Ralf and harmony with Robert Keller. Her Professional activity in New York City was limited to piano and harmony teaching, but added to this was considerable work of a literary character, which resulted in two books, „Music: How it Came to be What it is,“ and „Founders of Music,“ two little books of verses with music, for children, as well as a number of compositions for piano and voice.
Compositions (7)
Compositions by: Smith, Hannah
The following 7 pages are in this category, out of 7 total.