Cassiopeia's Exploding Organ (Drehmer, Earl Richard)




MP4 file (audio/video)
Pseudotonal (2023/12/8)

Publisher Info. Earl Richard Drehmer, 2023.
Performers Earl Richard Drehmer, Sr., Casio
Misc. Notes performed on a Casio keyboard, recorded by Audacity, video created with Windows Movie Maker
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TN-PMLP1396470-Cassiopeia's Exploding Organ-1029.png


MP3 file (audio)
Pseudotonal (2023/12/8)

Publisher Info. Earl Richard Drehmer, 2023.
Performers Earl Richard Drehmer, Sr., Casio
Misc. Notes performed on a Casio keyboard and recordied by Audacity
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TN-PMLP1396470-Cassiopeia's Exploding Organ-2871.png
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General Information

Work Title Cassiopeia's Exploding Organ
Alternative. Title
Composer Drehmer, Earl Richard
I-Catalogue NumberI-Cat. No. IED 38
Year/Date of CompositionY/D of Comp. 1984 ca.
First Performance. 2023/03/12
First Publication. 2023
Average DurationAvg. Duration 0.7 minutes
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Modern
Piece Style Modern
Instrumentation synthesizer: Casio sounds
Extra Information Improvised. I had the blessing of playing around with my housmate Brian Martinson's mini-Casio keyboard. In conjunction with my awesome TEAC 4-track reel-to-reel tape recorder, I created a lot of experimental "music". Many of these pieces of music and their titles are whimsical, like this one. The organ sound on this keyboard and my subsequent creation of an explosion sound using my 4-track gave me the idea for this silly title. The exploding object was actually a piano, though not my piano.