Alte Meister für Viole d'Amour (Goldis, M.L.)

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Sheet Music


PDF scanned by US-PRV
WilliamBunting (2011/8/12)

Editor M.L. Goldis
Publisher. Info. Leipzig: Josef Weinberger, No.99, 1917. Plate J.W. 2119.
Misc. Notes Color pdf.
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General Information

Work Title Alte Meister für Viole d'Amour
Alternative. Title Viola d'Amore Pieces by the Great Masters
Composer Goldis, M.L.
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. None [force assignment]
First Publication. 1917
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Early 20th century
Piece Style Baroque
Instrumentation Viola d'amore (or viola d'amore duet)

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Some of the pieces are suitable for the viola. Some of the duets are suitable for violin and viola.