12 Pieces, Op.40 (Tchaikovsky, Pyotr)




Chanson triste (No.2)

For Orchestra

MP3 file (audio)
Vangi (2018/7/8)

Publisher Info. Guilde internationale du disque V-13, 195 ..
Performers Orchestre des Concerts Varieton, George Walter (conductor)
Misc. Notes Collection personnelle. Version masterisée.
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TN-PMLP45130-03 Chanson triste (Piotr Ilitch Tchaïkovski) Guilde int. du disque V-13¤-1080.jpg


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Sheet Music



PDF scanned by US-R
Yoder (2013/5/8)

Publisher. Info. Hamburg: D. Rahter, n.d. Plate 2902.401-412.
Misc. Notes This file is part of the Sibley Mirroring Project.
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PDF scanned by tchaikovsky.pro
P.davydov (2022/10/1)

Editor Anatoly Drozdov (1883–1950)
Publisher. Info. Complete Collected Works (Полное собрание сочинений), vol.52
Moscow: Muzgiz, 1948. Plate M. 18608 Г.
Misc. Notes

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PDF scanned by Unknown
Peter (2009/7/15)

Publisher. Info. Unidentified Publisher, n.d.
Misc. Notes This file is from the MIT archive project.
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IgorCello (2019/9/28)

Publisher. Info. Moscow: P. Jurgenson, n.d.(ca.1878). Plate 3350.
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PMac (2020/8/18)

Publisher. Info. Berlin: Scheithauer, n.d.(ca.1891). Plate B.S.426.
Misc. Notes Actually Op.2 No.3
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PDF scanned by Unknown
Hobbypianist (2011/5/19)

Publisher. Info. Hamburg: D. Rahter, n.d.
Reprinted Neue Musik-Zeitung, 1891.
Stuttgart/Leipzig: Carl Grüninger, 1891. Plate C.G. 91.
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PDF scanned by NESMS
Ejahrig (2021/5/30)

Editor Archibald Martin Henderson (1879–1957)
Publisher. Info. Masterpieces of Russian Piano Music, 4th Series (pp. 45-49)
London: Bayley & Ferguson, 1924. Plate R.A.4.
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Arrangements and Transcriptions

Chanson triste (No.2)

For Strings (Howells)

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Violin21 (2020/2/26)

4 more: Violins I • Violins II • Violas • Cellos

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Violin21 (2020/2/26)

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Violin21 (2020/2/26)

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Violin21 (2020/2/26)

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Violin21 (2020/2/26)

Arranger Kristina Howells (b. 1972)
Publisher. Info. Allies Presse, 2020.
Misc. Notes Op 40 no 2
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For Strings (Weiner)

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Geniusboy98 (2022/6/22)

6 more: Violins I • Violins II • Violins III (alternate for Violas) • Violas • Cellos • Basses

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Geniusboy98 (2022/6/22)

PDF scanned by Unknown
Geniusboy98 (2022/6/22)

PDF scanned by Unknown
Geniusboy98 (2022/6/22)

PDF scanned by Unknown
Geniusboy98 (2022/6/22)

PDF scanned by Unknown
Geniusboy98 (2022/6/22)

PDF scanned by Unknown
Geniusboy98 (2022/6/22)

Arranger Leó Weiner (1885–1960)
Publisher. Info. Budapest: Editio Musica Budapest, 1961. Plate Z. 3202.
Reprinted Boca Raton: Edwin F. Kalmus, n.d.(1987-2018). Catalog A7690.
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For 5 Cellos (Lima)

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Bruno David (2019/5/11)

4 more: Cello 1 • Cello 2 • Cello 3 • Cello 4

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Bruno David (2019/5/11)

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Bruno David (2019/5/11)

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Bruno David (2019/5/11)

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Bruno David (2019/5/11)

Arranger Bruno Lima (b. 1996)
Publisher. Info. Bruno Lima, 2019.
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For Oboe and Piano (Brunet)

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Alex'Not (2020/3/22)

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Alex'Not (2020/3/22)

Arranger Alain Brunet (b. 1967)
Publisher. Info. Alex'Not
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For Wagner Tuba and Piano (Mason)

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QuinnMason (2014/5/11)

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QuinnMason (2014/5/11)

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QuinnMason (2014/5/11)

Arranger Quinn Mason
Publisher. Info. What I Make of It Publications, 2014
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For Violin and Piano (Kelley)
See: Graded Pieces for Violin and Piano (Vol.2, No.28)
For Violin and Piano (Moffat)
See: Bayley and Ferguson's Violin Album (No.28)
For Violin and Piano (Nachéz)

PDF scanned by afp0815
Afp0815 (2016/5/27)

Arranger Tivadar Nachéz (1859–1930)
Publisher. Info. Leipzig: Anton J. Benjamin, n.d.[1894]. Plate A.J.B. 2794.
Misc. Notes Benjamin also published another arrangement for violin and piano by F. Seitz: Musikalisches Universum no.1006, and for theater orchestra by Weninger
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Alex'Not (2020/3/26)

Arranger Tivadar Nachéz (1859–1930)
Editor Alain Brunet
Publisher. Info. Alex'Not
Misc. Notes fac-simile "moderne" : gravure identique à l'original
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For Violin and Piano (RSB)

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RSB (2013/1/7)

Arranger RSB
Publisher. Info. RSB, 2013.
Misc. Notes The violin part from Moffat's arrangement can be used.
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For Violin and Piano

PDF scanned by Schalltrichter
Schalltrichter (2014/3/28)

Editor Gustav Saenger (1865–1935)
Publisher. Info. New York: Carl Fischer, 1911. Plate S 3139.
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For Viola and Piano (Hermann)

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Schalltrichter (2012/10/10)

Arranger Friedrich Hermann (1828–1907)
Publisher. Info. Album for Viola and Piano, Book 2, No.1
London: Augener, n.d. Plate 11229.
Misc. Notes The piano accompaniment from RSB's violin arrangement can be used.
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For Cello and Piano (Popper)

PDF scanned by US-GRB
Schalltrichter (2017/10/22)

Arranger David Popper (1843–1913)
Publisher. Info. Perles Musicales, No.9
Offenbach: Johann André, 1896. Plate 14778.
Misc. Notes color scan
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For Cello and Piano (Verzhbilovich)

PDF scanned by Unknown
Mark.churchill (2024/6/26)

Arranger Aleksandr Verzhbilovich (1850–1911)
Publisher. Info. Moscow: P. Jurgenson, n.d. Plate 16939.
Misc. Notes Transcription dedicated to Arcady Bauler
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For Piano 4 hands

PDF scanned by Unknown
IgorCello (2019/12/29)

Arranger Unknown
Publisher. Info. New York: Unidentified publisher, n.d.(ca.1946).
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For Concertina (Rawlings)

PDF scanned by Phillip21
Phillip21 (2019/8/1)

Arranger Charles Arthur Rawlings (1857–1919)
Publisher. Info. English Concertina Music, Book 6 (pp.4)
London: J. H. Larway, 1928. Plate L.2855.
Misc. Notes From uploader's collection. Published under pseudonym 'Faulkner Brandon'.
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For Harmonium (Reinhard)

PDF scanned by RTM
Ralph Theo Misch (2010/4/8)

PDF scanned by RTM
Ralph Theo Misch (2010/4/6)

Arranger August Reinhard (1831–1912)
Editor Sigfrid Karg-Elert (1877–1933)
Publisher. Info. 12 beliebte Stücke von Peter Tschaikowsky für Harmonium bearbeitet.
Leipzig: C.F. Peters, n.d.(ca.1900). Plate 9400.
Misc. Notes Scanned at 600dpi, cleaned with 2-point algorithm, additional manual cleaning.
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For Guitar (Apke)

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Stefan Apke (2022/1/1)

Arranger Stefan Apke (b. 1963)
Publisher. Info. Vlotho: Stefan Apke, 1998/2022.
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For Guitar (Grayson)

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Martin Grayson (2011/3/12)

Arranger Martin Grayson
Publisher. Info. Martin Grayson
Misc. Notes It may be an amateur piece on the piano but it is hard on the guitar.
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Marche funèbre (No.3)

For Organ or Harmonium (Raffy)

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Cypressdome (2016/4/2)

Arranger Louis Raffy
Publisher. Info. Le Service de l'organiste, Op.73
Arras: Procure générale de musique religieuse (Louis Raffy), 1914. Plate H. 1270 D.
Misc. Notes Original images: ca.400dpi, color jpg files approx. 4200 by 5300 pixels. Editing: re-sampled to 600dpi, converted to black and white tif files, de-skewed, and set uniform margins. This file is based on high-resolution images obtained from the source using a method explained on this page.
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Chant sans paroles (No.6)

For Orchestra (Köhne)

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Koehnem (2019/3/29)

Arranger Michael Köhne
Publisher. Info. Michael Köhne
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For Violin, Cello and Piano (Hansen)
See: Trio-Album (Vol.2 No.6)
For Harmonium (Reinhard)

PDF scanned by uploader
RTM (2010/4/8)

Arranger August Reinhard (1831–1912)
Editor Sigfrid Karg-Elert (1877–1933)
Publisher. Info. 12 beliebte Stücke von Peter Tschaikowsky für Harmonium bearbeitet.
Leipzig: C.F. Peters, n.d.(ca.1900). Plate 9400.
Misc. Notes Scanned at 600dpi, cleaned with 2-point algorithm, additional manual cleaning.
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For Organ (Gaul)

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Coulonnus (2012/11/23)

Arranger Harvey B. Gaul (1881–1945)
Publisher. Info. New York: Schirmer, 1913. Plate 24315.
Misc. Notes This file is part of the Sibley Mirroring Project.
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Danse russe (No.10)

For Violin and piano (Konyus)
See: Paraphrase on a Russian Dance by Tchaikovsky

Rêverie interrompue (No.12)

For Theater Orchestra (Langey)

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Feduol (2020/9/10)

Arranger Otto Langey (1851–1922)
Publisher. Info. New York: G. Schirmer, 1909. Plate 21533.
Misc. Notes This file is part of the Submission Project.
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For Theater Orchestra (Roberts)

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Feduol (2020/10/8)

Arranger Charles J. Roberts (1868–1957)
Publisher. Info. Carl Fischer's Theatre Orchestra Edition, No.1895
New York: Carl Fischer, 1919. Plate 21214-26.
Misc. Notes This file is part of the Submission Project.
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General Information

Work Title 12 Pieces
Alternative. Title 12 Пьес ; 12 Morceaux
Name Translations Douze pièces de difficulté moyenne pour piano; Zwölf Stücke für Klavier; 12 Pieces, Op. 40; Dvanáct skladeb pro klavír; Dotze peces per piano
Name Aliases Douze pièces pour piano (Tchaïkovski); Zwölf Klavierstücke op. 40; Twelve Pieces for Piano, Op. 40; 12 Morceaux de difficulté moyenne; 12 peces piano
Composer Tchaikovsky, Pyotr
Opus/Catalogue NumberOp./Cat. No. Op.40 ; TH 138 ; ČW 136-147
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. IPT 84
Key see below
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 12 pieces:
  1. Etude. Allegro giusto (G major, 114 bars)
  2. Chanson triste. Allegro non troppo (G minor, 68 bars)
  3. Marche funèbre. Tempo di Marcia funebre (C minor, 115 bars)
  4. Mazurka. Tempo di Mazurka (C major, 153 bars)
  5. Mazurka. Tempo di Mazurka (D major, 171 bars)
  6. Chant sans paroles. Allegro moderato (A minor, 110 bars)
  7. Au village. Andante sostenuto (A minor—C major)
  8. Valse. Tempo di Valse (A major, 191 bars)
  9. Valse. Tempo di Valse (F minor, 231 bars)
  10. Danse russe. Andantino (A minor, 120 bars)
  11. Scherzo. Allegro vivacissimo (D minor, 236 bars)
  12. Rêverie interrompue. Andante un poco rubato e con molto espressione (A major, 125 bars)
Year/Date of CompositionY/D of Comp. 1878
First Publication. 1878 (1879?) - Moscow: P. Jurgenson. 63 pages. Plates 3348 to 3359
Dedication Modest Tchaikovsky (1850–1915)
Average DurationAvg. Duration 43 minutes
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Romantic
Piece Style Romantic
Instrumentation piano
External Links Tchaikovsky Research