Songs and Romances (Dargomyzhsky, Aleksandr)



Sheet Music

Scores and Parts

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Kirillkuzmin (2021/5/9)

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Asj (2009/1/27)

Editor Mikhail Pekelis (1899–1979)
Translator Lyubov Solovtsova, Russian text (Nos. 3, 3a, 5, 39, 40)
Publisher. Info. Moscow: Muzgiz, 1947. Plate M. 16123 Г.

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PDF scanned by Unknown
Asj (2009/1/28)

Translator Lyubov Solovtsova, Russian text (No. 69)
Publisher. Info. Moscow: Muzyka, 1971. Plate 6651.

This is an urtext/critical/scholarly/scientific edition (or a simple re-engraving). Any commentary or critical apparatus, if protected by copyright, should not be included in the scan(s) available here.

In Canada, new editions/re-engravings of public domain works (when not including new original material) should be in the public domain due to failing to meet the threshold of originality. In most European Union countries, these editions (except new original material) are generally protected for no more than 25 years from publication (30 years in Poland), and only if the edition is published after the copyrights of the original creator(s) have expired. In the United States, copyright can only apply to new creative work, and the re-engraving of a public domain piece (not including new additions of creative material) should not qualify for a new copyright, despite copyright claims (which properly would only apply to new material).

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Dom (2015/1/31)

Editor Dom
Publisher. Info. Dom
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Arrangements and Transcriptions

Vol.1 No.42: Discretion

For Cello and Piano (Salter)

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Generoso (2010/6/1)

PDF scanned by US-R
Generoso (2010/6/1)

Arranger Norbert Salter (d.1935)
Publisher. Info. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1896. Plate V.A.1572.
Misc. Notes This file is part of the Sibley Mirroring Project.
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Vol.1 No.17: Elegy

For Violin, Viola and Piano ( Ritter)
See: Hermann Ritter's Repertorium für die Viola alta (Trio No.4)

Vol.2 No.64: Elegy

For Cornet and Piano

PDF scanned by Ivan Demchenko
Trumpettune (2024/6/15)

PDF scanned by Ivan Demchenko
Trumpettune (2024/6/15)

Arranger Vasily Vurm (1826–1904)
Publisher. Info. St. Petersburg: A. Büttner, n.d. Plate 1385.
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General Information

Work Title Songs and Romances
Alternative. Title
Composer Dargomyzhsky, Aleksandr
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. None [force assignment]
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 2 volumes
  • Volume I
1. [Только узнал я тебя]
2. [В тёмну ночку в чистом поле]
3. O ma charmante! [Друг мой прелестный!] (earlier version)
3a. O ma charmante! [Друг мой прелестный!] (later version)
4. [Лезгинская песня]
5. La Sincere [Искреннее признание]
6. [Каюсь, дядя, черт попутал (Признание)]
7. [Голубые глаза]
8. [Владыко дней моих]
9. Bayu-bayushki-bayu (Lullaby) Баю-баюшки-баю]
10. [Ты хорошенькая]
11. Privet (Romance) (Portugal Song) [Привет]
12. Svadba (Fantasy) [Свадьба]
13. [Я вас любил]
14. [Оделась туманами Сиерра-Невада] (Bolero - The Sierra Nevada is covered with Fog) (earlier version)
14a. [Оделась туманами Сиерра-Невада] (Bolero) (later version)
15. [Баба старая (Тоска)]
16. Kak mila ee golovka (Romance) [Как мила её головка]
17. Ona pridet (Elegy), for medium voice with viola (or cello) obligato [Она придёт]
18. [Скрой меня, бурная ночь] (earlier version)
18a. [Скрой меня, бурная ночь] (later version)
19. Vertograd [Вертоград] (Oriental Romance - The Garden)
20. Ya umer ot schastya (earlier version)
20a. Ya umer ot schastya (later version)
21. Moi suzhenyi, moi ryazhenyi "Dream" (Ballade)
22. Vlyublen ya, deva-krasota (Romance)
23. Sleza
24. Ty i Vy
25. Ne sprashivai, zachem (Elegy)
26. Lileta (Romance)
27. V krovi gorit ogon zhelanya
28. Nochnoi zefir struit efir (Spanish Romance) (earlier version)
28a. Nochnoi zefir struit efir (Spanish Romance) (later version)
29. Shesnatsat lyet (Sixteen years) (Last Encounter)
30. Yunosha i deva (The youth and the maiden)
31. Tuchki nebesnye (The Clouds in the Sky) (for high voice)
31а. Tuchki nebesnye (for contralto voice)
32. V minutu zhizni trudnuyu (Prayer)
33. Ty skoro menya pozabudesh
34. I skuchno, i grustno
35. Ne nazyvai ee nebesnoi (Romance) (earlier version)
35a. Ne nazyvai ee nebesnoi (Romance) (later version)
36. Mne grustno (Otchego)
37. Ya skazala, zachem (for soprano)
37а. Ya skazala, zachem (for contralto)
38. Ne sudite, lyudi dobrye (Song)
39. Dieu qui sourit [Бог всем дарит]
40. Ballade (from 'Catherine Howard')
41. Slyshu li golos tvoi
42. Ne skazhu nikomu
43. Dushechka devica (Song)
44. Daite krylya mne
45. Likhoradushka (Song)
46. Melnik
47. Bog pomoch vam!
48. Mechty, mechty (Romance)
49. K druzyam (Romance)
50. Potselui (Romance)
  • Volume II
51. [Я все еще его люблю!]
52. [Бушуй и волнуйся, глубокое море]
53. [К славе]
54. [Кудри (Песня)] Ольге В...
55. [Застольная песня]
56. [Восточный романс]
57. [Ох, тих, тих, тих, ти]
58. [На смерть молодой девушки (Эпитафия)] Н.Н.Сабанееву
59. [Я затеплю свечу]
60. [Камень тяжелый] Э...
61. [Старина]
62. [О милая дева]
63. [Любила, люблю я, век буду любить] Любови Ивановне Беленицыной
64. [Я помню, глубоко] Ольге Николаевне Шелашниковой
65. [Моя милая, моя душечка]
66. [Песня (Без ума, без разума)]
67. Olga's Song [Как у нас на улице] (from opera "Rusalka") Дарг.
68. Jamais! [Никогда] перевод Лидия Андреевская-Левенстерн
69. Au Bal [На балу] Wiers
70. [Испанский романс] (Лауры из Кам. Г.)
71. [Притворство (Как часто слушаю...)] посв. кн. Зинаиде Павл. Манвеловой
72. [У него ли русы кудри (Цыганская песенка)]
73. [Вызов (Русая головка)]
74. [Что мне до песней]
75. Vanne, O Rosa Fortunata [О, счастливица ты, Роза] пер. М. и Е. Бурнашевых
76. [Старый капрал]
77. [Червяк] (The Worm)
78. [О дева-роза, я в оковах]
79. [В разлуке (Расстались гордо мы...)]
80. [Что в имени тебе моём?] (Беленицыной)
81. [Мне всё равно]
82. [Паладин (Баллада)]
83. [Титулярный советник]
84. [Мчит меня в твои объятья]
85. [Колыбельная песня] М.Я.
86. [Песнь рыбки]
87. [Ты вся полна очарованья!] (Речитатив)
88. [Чаруй меня, чаруй!]
89. [Ещё молитва]
90. Don't Believe, Brave Lad (Song) [Ты не верь, молодец...]
91. [Южная ночь (На раздолье небес)]
92. [Ножки]
93. [Вы не сбылись!] (Элегия) Марии Ив. Мухиной
94. [В аду нам суждено]
95. [Цветы полей]
96. [Что делать с ней!]
97. [Как пришёл муж из-под горок]
98. [Я здесь, Инезилья] (романс Лауры из Кам. Г.)
99. [Ратибор Холмогорский] (из неок. оп. Рогдана)
100. Jaloux du bel objet [Ревнуешь ты]
Librettist see below
1, 18, 21, 26, 54-55, 58. Anton Delvig
2, 9. Maria Dargomyzhskaya (1788-1851)
3, 39. Victor Hugo
4. Dmitry Kropotkin (16..-17..)
5. Marceline Desbordes-Valmore
6, 12, 15, 38, 61. Aleksey Timofeyev (1812—1883)
7, 16. Vasily Tumansky
8, 13, 19, 23-25, 27-28, 30, 46-49, 56, 78, 80, 92. Aleksandr Pushkin
10, 63, 68, 70, 74, 90, 96, 100. unknown
11. Ivan Kozlov, after George Gordon Byron
14. Valerian Shirkov (1805–1856)
17, 22, 87, 93. Nikolay Yazykov
20. from Ludwig Uhland
29. Anton Delvig, after Matthias Claudius
31-32, 34, 36, 41, 86. Mikhail Lermontov
33, 51, 71, 88-89. Yulia Zhadovskaya
35. Nikolai Pavlov (1803–1864)
37, 44, 52. Yevdokiya Rostopchina
40. Alexandre Dumas
42, 57, 59, 66. Aleksey Koltsov
43, 45. Folk
50. Yevgeny Baratynsky
53. P. Obleukhov
62. Mikhail Kubarovsky, after Adam Mickiewicz
64-65. Denis Davydov (1784-1839)
72. Solovey Budimirovich
73. Yakov Polonsky
75. Pietro Metastasio
76-77. Vasily Kurochkin (1831-1875), after Pierre-Jean de Béranger
79, 84. Vasily Kurochkin (1831-1875)
81. Fyodor Miller (1818-1881)
82. Vasily Zhukovsky, after Ludwig Uhland
83. Pyotr Veinberg
91. Nikolay Shcherbina
94-95. Nikolay Grekov, after Pedro Calderón de la Barca
97, 99. Composer.
98. Aleksandr Pushkin, Barry Cornwall
Language Russian, French (Nos. 3, 3a, 5, 39, 40, 68, 69, 100), Italian (No. 75)
Dedication see below
24. To Yekaterina Yakovlevna Bilibina (1805-1888)
31. To Aleksandra Yakovlevna Bilibina (1819-after 1872)
37. Maria Verderevskaya 1825 or 1830-1879)
To my sister Erminia (Erminia Kashkarova, 1827-1860)
49. to Vladimir Opochinin (1810—1889)
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Romantic
Piece Style Romantic
Instrumentation voice, piano