Madrigali a 4 voci, Libro 1 (Rore, Cipriano de)

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Feduol (2018/6/29)

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Feduol (2018/6/29)

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Feduol (2018/6/29)

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Feduol (2018/6/29)

Publisher. Info. Venice: Antonio Gardano, 1569.
Misc. Notes Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich (D-Mbs): RISM A/I: R 2508
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Carolus (2018/6/9)

Publisher. Info. Venice: Angelo Gardano, 1575.
Misc. Notes The British Library, London (GB-Lbl): RISM A/I: R 2510
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Vangi (2019/7/19)

Publisher. Info. Venezia: Angelo Gardano, 1582.
Misc. Notes Bibliothèque royale de Belgique, B-Br 1562504 ... 1562508 - 3 parties séparées, l'alto manque - RISM A/I/7 R2511
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Feduol (2018/6/26)

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Feduol (2018/6/29)

Copyist Master of the Acquavella Still Life
Publisher. Info. Still-Life with a Violinist, after the 1569 edition.
Oil on canvas, n.d.(ca.1620).
Misc. Notes See also Rore's Anchor che col partire.
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General Information

Work Title Madrigali a 4 voci, Libro 1
Alternative. Title Di Cipriano de Rore il primo libro de madrigali a quattro voci
Composer Rore, Cipriano de
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. None [force assignment]
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 21 madrigals:
  1. A la dolce ombra de le belle frondi
    Non vidde’l mondo si leggiadri rami (seconda parte)
    Un Lauro mi diffese’all’hor dal cielo (terza parte)
    Pero piu ferm’ogn’hor di tempo’in tempo (quarta parte)
    Selve sassi campagne fiumi’e poggi (quinta parte)
    Tanto mi piacque prima’il dolce lume (sesta & ultima parte)
  2. Signor mio caro
  3. Charita di Signore Amor di donna son le cathene
  4. Io canterei d'amor sì novamente
  5. Non è ch'il duol mi scemi
  6. La bella netta ignuda
  7. La giustitia immortale
  8. Anchor che col partire
  9. Amor, ben mi credevo
  10. Com’havran fin le dolorose tempre
  11. Io credea ch’el morire
  12. Quel foco che tanti anni
  13. L’inconstantia che seco han le mortali cose
  14. Donna ch’ornata sete
  15. Di tempo in tempo mi si fa men dura
  16. Se’l mio sempre per voi donna languire
  17. Non gemme, non fin'oro
  18. Qual’ e piu grand’o amore
  19. En voz a dieux dames cesses voz pleurs (not by Rore)
  20. Hellas comment voules vous que noz yeulx (not by Rore)
  21. Chi con eterna legge
First Publication. 1550, Ferrara: Giovanni De Buglhat & Antonio Hucher
Language Italian
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Renaissance
Piece Style Renaissance
Instrumentation 4 voices
Authorities RISM