(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Zangius, Nikolaus.)
Nikolaus Zangius
(ca.1570 — ca.1618)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Nicolaus Zangius, Nikolaus Zange
Name in Other Languages: Nicolaus Zangius, نيكولاوس زانجيوس, Nikolaus Zange
Aliases: Zangius
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 29953937, LCCN: n86048795, ISNI: 0000000101782508, GND: 134587928, SUDOC: 242434096, BNF: 13901383q, MusicBrainz: 16b8ff3d-2b12-42ad-8da2-fda614a848e8, NKC: jn20030725002, BNE: XX1768276
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Pages in category "Zangius, Nikolaus/Collections"
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