(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Schünemann, Georg.)
Georg Schünemann
(13 March 1884 — 2 January 1945)
Name in Other Languages: جورج شونمان, גאורג שונמן, Георг Шюнеман, Georg Schunemann, 乔治·舒内曼
Aliases: Шюнеман, Георг
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 76447025, LCCN: n86142900, ISNI: 0000000110298021, GND: 117132926, SUDOC: 06703019X, BNF: 12966937h, NKC: xx0058917
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Pages in category "Schünemann, Georg/Arranger"
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