Adolf Ruthardt
(9 February 1849 — 12 September 1934)
Name in Other Languages: Адольф Рутхардт, ادولف روثاردت, アドルフ・ルタルト
Aliases: Рутхардт Адольф, アドルフ・ルートハルト, アドルフ・ルータルト
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 17490260, LCCN: n85024291, ISNI: 000000012099408X, [8 more...]GND: 117749532, SUDOC: 123595738, BNF: 148220480, MusicBrainz: 773ea576-7718-40d1-8d1d-4f5ca02707f2, NLA: 35722801, NKC: ola2003172191, ICCU: MUSV057492, BNE: XX4581153
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- Student of Sigmund Lebert. Son (according to Wikipedia-EN) of Carl Friedrich Ruthardt (1800?–1862), composer and solo oboist in the Stuttgart orchestra and dedicatee of works by Molique and others.