(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Ritter, Alexander.)
Alexander Ritter
(27 June 1833 — 12 April 1896)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Alexander Sascha Ritter
Name in Other Languages: Александр Риттер, アレクサンダー・リッター, الکساندر ریتر, اليكساندر ريتير, 亞力山大·瑞特
Aliases: Риттер Александр, アレクサンダー・ザッシャ・リッター, Alexander Sascha Ritter, W. Ehm, Sascha Ritter
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 3278109, LCCN: no93005658, ISNI: 0000000066321684, GND: 119322897, SUDOC: 242020224, BNF: 14802755s, BIBSYS: 90980323, MusicBrainz: ac67341a-824a-4f99-b34c-869953de0628, NKC: xx0079220, ICCU: MUSV055626, BNE: XX1337192, IATH: w6f481rj
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Pages in category "Ritter, Alexander/Arranger"
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