(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Richter, Christian Friedrich.)
Christian Friedrich Richter
(5 October 1676 — 5 October 1711)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Christoph Friedrich Richter ; Christianus Fridericus Richterus
Name in Other Languages: Christoph Friedrich Richter, Christoph Friedrich (unidentified) Richter, كريستوف فريدريك ريختر
Aliases: Richter, Christian Friedrich
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 32799794, LCCN: n85809621, ISNI: 0000000071004296, GND: 119127652, SELIBR: 316543, SUDOC: 155387677, BNF: 166526304, ULAN: 500043826, NKC: mzk2009510787
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Pages in category "Richter, Christian Friedrich/Librettist"
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