(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Praetorius, Jacob.)
Jacob Praetorius
(8 February 1586 — October 1651)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Jakob Praetorius, Jacobus Praetorius, Jakob Schultz, Jacobus Schultz, Jacob Praetorius the Younger, Jacob Praetorius der Jüngere
Name in Other Languages: Jacob Praetorius der Jüngere, Jacob Praetorius la pli juna, ヤーコプ・プレトリウス, Jacob Praetorius le Jeune, Jacob Praetorius den yngre, چاكوب پرايتوريوس
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 49488178, LCCN: n86024783, ISNI: 0000000117624520, GND: 103814000, SELIBR: 348148, SUDOC: 178360864, BNF: 14794349x, MusicBrainz: 005f3b94-121e-4c74-9fd8-a389c167f136, NKC: xx0029217, BNE: XX1779721, IATH: w68d2m13
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