(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Pilkington, Francis.)
Francis Pilkington
(ca.1565 — 1638)
Name in Other Languages: フランシス・ピルキントン, فرانسيس بيلكنجتون
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 198144928971554440511, LCCN: n85006874, ISNI: 000000007329117X, GND: 134485211, SUDOC: 225777819, BNF: 13898493p, MusicBrainz: 0c833beb-4352-4330-b062-eb0503dcf931, NLA: 36179494, NKC: xx0251439, BNE: XX1767999
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Pages in category "Pilkington, Francis/Collections"
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