(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Palmgren, Selim.)
Selim Palmgren
(16 February 1878 — 13 December 1951)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Selim Gustaf Adolf Palmgren
Name in Other Languages: 塞利姆·帕尔姆格伦, 塞利姆·帕爾姆格倫, セリム・パルムグレン, Селим Пальмгрен, סלים פלמגרן, سيليم پالمجرين, Селім Пальмґрен, 셀림 팔름그렌
Aliases: 帕尔姆格伦, パルムグレン, Palmgren, Selim Gustaf Adolf Palmgren, Пальмгрен, Селим
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 12492370, LCCN: n81081337, ISNI: 0000000107773864, GND: 119142457, SELIBR: 235094, SUDOC: 251432750, BNF: 13898210m, BIBSYS: 97019825, MusicBrainz: cf70e8e8-224b-4abe-b87b-9b4f096f4b7b, NLA: 35139876, NDL: 01217267, NKC: mzk2010615589, ICCU: MUSV074874, BNE: XX1065404, CiNii: DA10746101, IATH: w62g285k
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Pages in category "Palmgren, Selim/Dedicatee"
The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.