(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Linley, Thomas.)
Thomas Linley
(17 January 1733 — 19 November 1795)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Thomas Linley the Elder, Thomas Linley Sr.
Name in Other Languages: Thomas Linley senior, トーマス・リンリー・ジ・エルダー, Thomas Linley d.ä., Thomas Linley the elder, Thomas Linley (lahir 1733), 托馬斯·林利, A. Thomas Linley the elder, توماس لينلى (ملحن), Thomas Linley den ældre, Томас Линли, תומאס לינלי, Thomas Linley (aita)
Aliases: Линли, Томас (старший), Thomas Linley père, Thomas Linley l'ancien, Thomas Linley de Oudere
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 37107056, LCCN: n82225780, ISNI: 0000000081161631, GND: 102411255, SELIBR: 137473, BNF: 13944598v, MusicBrainz: a591d129-9945-4571-b719-329ea7c13ef0, NLA: 50625478, ICCU: MUSV039080, CiNii: DA06838239, IATH: w60g4f84
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