(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Lefroid de Méreaux, Nicolas-Jean.)
Nicolas-Jean Lefroid de Méreaux
(1745 — May 1797)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Nicolas-Jean Le Froid de Méreaux
Name in Other Languages: Никола Жан Лефруа де Меро, Nicolas-Jean Le Froid de Méreaux, Nicolas-Jean Lefroid de Mereaux, نيكولاس چين ليفرويد د ميرايوكس
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 37069585, LCCN: n97863675, ISNI: 0000000116215602, GND: 122074262, SUDOC: 156785536, BNF: 14983183f, MusicBrainz: 39fba8b8-3b76-4d57-b037-805e516d3f6c, BNE: XX1692346, IATH: w6862m9m
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