(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Landowska, Wanda.)
Works by this person are generally in the public domain in Canada. Works by this person are not in the public domain in countries with a life+70 copyright term (including all EU countries), unless an exception applies. In the United States, all works first published before 1930 are in the public domain; works first published afterwards may be protected by copyright. See public domain for more information.
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Wanda Landowska
(5 July 1897 — 16 August 1959)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Wanda Aleksandra Landowska
Name in Other Languages: واندا لاندوسكا, واندا لاندوسکا, Ванда Ляндовска, Wanda Landowská, Βάντα Λαντόβσκα, ונדה לנדובסקה, Վանդա Լանդովսկա, ワンダ・ランドフスカ, 반다 란도프스카, Ванда Ландовска, Ванда Ландовська, 旺达·兰多芙丝卡, 旺達·蘭多芙絲卡
Aliases: Ландовска Ванда, Ландовская, Ванда, Ванда Ландовская, Ландовска В., Ландовска, Ландовска, Ванда, Wanda Louise Landowska, Ландовська Ванда, Landowska, Wanda Aleksandra Landowska, ランドフスカ, ヴァンダ・ランドフスカ, Alexandra Landowska, W.-L. Landowski, Wanda Alexandra Landowska
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 66652279, LCCN: n83121776, ISNI: 0000000115732085, GND: 119037890, SUDOC: 031025536, BNF: 13896314s, BIBSYS: 4074845, MusicBrainz: 39bba85f-e589-4a35-8388-259195fe9c5b, NLA: 35377314, NDL: 00446789, NKC: jx20120418001, ICCU: LO1V158197, BNE: XX849060, CiNii: DA00391349, IATH: w6vd78z7
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Pages in category "Landowska, Wanda/Arranger"
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