(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Kokoschka, Oskar.)
Original works by this person are generally still subject to copyright. Submissions of copyrighted works are allowed only with the permission of the copyright holder. In the US, all works published in 1929 and earlier in the public domain; works first published afterwards may be protected by copyright (with some exceptions). See public domain and the licensing policy for more information.
Oskar Kokoschka
(1 March 1886 — 22 February 1980)
Name in Other Languages: أوسكار كوكوشكا, اوسكار كوكوشكا, Oskar Kokoşka, Оскар Какошка, Оскар Кокошка, Όσκαρ Κοκόσκα, اسکار کوکوشکا, אוסקר קוקושקה, Օսկար Կոկոշկա, オスカー・ココシュカ, 오스카르 코코슈카, Anscharius Kokoschka, Oskars Kokoška, ඔස්කාර් කොකොෂ්කා, Oskar Kokoška, 奥斯卡·柯克西卡, 奧斯卡·柯克西卡
Aliases: 柯克西卡, 奥斯卡·考考斯卡, קוקושקה, 코코슈카, Oscar Kokoschka, Kokoschka, ココシュカ, オスカル・ココシュカ, Όσκαρ Κόκοτσκα, Кокошка Оскар, Kokoşka, Кокошка, O. Kokoschka, kokoschka, o. kokoschka, О. Кокошка
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 31998450, LCCN: n80032699, ISNI: 0000000121266113, GND: 118564722, SELIBR: 249785, SUDOC: 026951991, BNF: 11909937v, BIBSYS: 90058307, ULAN: 500024536, HDS: 011640, NLA: 36559517, NKC: jn19990004509, ICCU: CFIV024440, BNE: XX1137364, CiNii: DA02017569, SIKART: 4025660, KulturNav: 68781b20-9f4d-4de5-8a39-34c06627cf9e, RKD: 45471, IATH: w6cc12m9
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