(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Fuzelier, Louis.)
Louis Fuzelier
(1672 — 19 September 1752)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Fuselier, Fusellier, Fusillier, Fuzellier
Name in Other Languages: Луї Фюзельє, ルイ・フズリエ, لويس فوزيلير
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 19687346, LCCN: n83177901, ISNI: 0000000083620416, GND: 132469871, SELIBR: 313865, SUDOC: 028060636, BNF: 11997130m, BIBSYS: 1046901, MusicBrainz: 30cdccc5-859b-41c4-82e7-1a74b0b27684, NKC: mzk2009529309, BNE: XX1757207, IATH: w6ng6jt6
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Pages in category "Fuzelier, Louis/Librettist"
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