(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Eichner, Ernst.)
Ernst Eichner
(15 February 1740 — 1777)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Ernst Dieterich Adolph Eichner; Ernst Dietrich Adolph Eichner; Ernesto, Erneste
Name in Other Languages: Эрнст Айхнер, Ερνστ Άιχνερ, إرنست أيشنر, ارنست ايشنر
Aliases: Айхнер, Эрнст, Эрнст Эйхнер, Ernst Dietrich Adolph Eichner, Ernst Dieterich Adolph Eichner
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 39575829, LCCN: no89017593, ISNI: 0000000081187903, GND: 118688308, SUDOC: 162336322, BNF: 14023820p, BIBSYS: 9007818, MusicBrainz: 23dc066f-3c04-42e5-a238-7f2bbfa93a38, NLA: 36043345, NKC: jx20100302003, BNE: XX914271, CiNii: DA10744751, IATH: w6rf60f7
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