(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Doles, Johann Friedrich.)
Johann Friedrich Doles
(23 April 1715 — 8 February 1797)
Name in Other Languages: ヨハン・フリードリヒ・ドーレス, Γιόχαν Φρίντριχ Ντολς, Иоганн Фридрих Долес, چوهان فريدريتش دوليس
Aliases: Doles, Johann Friedrich, Долес, Иоганн Фридрих
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 275683, LCCN: nr92034823, ISNI: 000000005940342X, GND: 123906970, SUDOC: 158679636, BNF: 14798580k, BIBSYS: 90244405, MusicBrainz: 3c70f8a3-7ac9-4142-b9b7-687507b9e2d6, NKC: xx0189603, BNE: XX1760038, IATH: w6n02x13
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Pages in category "Doles, Johann Friedrich/Collections"
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