(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Buttstett, Johann Heinrich.)
Johann Heinrich Buttstett
(25 April 1666 — 1 December 1727)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Buttstädt, Buttstedt, Butstaett
Name in Other Languages: Johann Buttstedt, Бютштедт, Johann Heinrich Buttstedt, ヨハン・ハインリヒ・ブットシュテット, Γιόχαν Χάινριχ Μπούτστετ, چوهان هينريخ بوتستيت, Буттштетт, Иоганн Генрих
Aliases: Johann Heinrich Buttstädt, Buttstett, Buttstädt
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 277313, LCCN: nr93024877, ISNI: 0000000119459004, GND: 118665618, SELIBR: 344382, BNF: 148271892, MusicBrainz: 029c6be0-3e5b-4651-bae9-d313666452d6, NKC: xx0166202, CiNii: DA11479984, IATH: w6qj7t81
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Pages in category "Buttstett, Johann Heinrich/Collections"
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