(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Bouchor, Maurice.)
Maurice Bouchor
(18 November 1855 — 18 January 1929)
Name in Other Languages: Морис Бушор, موریس بوشور, モーリス・ブショール, ماوريس بوتشور
Aliases: Bouchor, Maurice Bouchoir, Бушор, Морис
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 71423079, LCCN: n82271074, ISNI: 0000000121387281, GND: 11930418X, SELIBR: 355237, SUDOC: 029597897, BNF: 121189963, MusicBrainz: fc95f397-fb08-40bc-a108-8441efed0030, NLA: 35466449, NKC: mzk2012678608, Léonore: 19800035/242/32205, BNE: XX1241950, IATH: w6ht31vh
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External links
- Detailed biography: Wikipedia (citing an extremely outdated source)
See also
Pages in category "Bouchor, Maurice/Translator"
The following 8 pages are in this category, out of 8 total.