Dioclesian, Z.627 (Purcell, Henry)




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First Musick

For Oboe and Harpsichord (Rondeau)

MP3 file (audio)
Michrond (2018/3/11)

Publisher Info. Michel Rondeau, 2018.
Performers MIDI
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
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Chaconne - Two in One upon a Ground (Act III)

For 2 Alto Recorders, Tenor Recorder and Bass Recorder (St. Pierre)

MP3 file (audio)
Antonpetrus (2022/7/1)

Publisher Info. Anthony St. Pierre, 2022
Performers The Prince Consort
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For 3 Recorders (Tennent)

MID file (audio/video)
Rdtennent (2013/5/24)

Publisher Info. R. D. Tennent
Performers PhotoScore
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For Harpsichord (Teuling)

MID file (audio/video)
wrshannon (2012/5/16)

Publisher Info. Albert den Teuling
Performers Albert den Teuling
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
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Sheet Music

Full Scores


PDF scanned by CDN-Lu
Fynnjamin (2018/5/22)

PDF scanned by J-Tn
Music Addict (2018/3/13)

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Fynnjamin (2011/4/10)

PDF scanned by J-Tn
Fynnjamin (2011/4/10)

Publisher. Info. London: J. Heptinstall, for the author, 1691.
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PDF scanned by Unknown
Feduol (2022/10/24)

Editor Frederick Bridge (1844–1924)
John Pointer (?–1934)
Publisher. Info. The Works of Henry Purcell, Vol.IX
London: Novello, Ewer & Co., 1900. Plate 10570.
Misc. Notes This file is part of the Submission Project.
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Incrediblebulk (2020/4/27)

Editor Johannes Bulk (b. 1998)
Publisher. Info. Johannes Bulk, 2020.
Misc. Notes Modern clefs, following the printed edition by Heptinstall, London 1691
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First Musick

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Amatus (2014/8/5)

Editor Luca Albanese
Publisher. Info. Luca Albanese
Misc. Notes Modern clefs, following the printed edition by J. Heptinstall.
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Make room for the great god of wine

Publisher. Info. Manuscript, n.d.
Misc. Notes From Royal College of Music Library, London (GB-Lcm): MS 1121
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Marc-philippe (2021/8/9)

Editor Andrew Spencer
Publisher. Info. Andrew Spencer, 2021.
Misc. Notes String band music for the Overture, Preludio, Song Tune, Trumpet Tune, Country Dance, Aire 1, Hornpipe, Butterfly Dance, Aire 2, Dance of the Furies, Chair Dance, Last Act Dance
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First Musick

PDF typeset by Unknown
Amatus (2014/8/5)

PDF typeset by Unknown
Amatus (2014/8/5)

PDF typeset by Unknown
Amatus (2014/8/5)

PDF typeset by Unknown
Amatus (2014/8/5)

Editor Luca Albanese
Publisher. Info. Luca Albanese
Misc. Notes Modern clefs, following the printed edition by J. Heptinstall.
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Marc-philippe (2021/8/9)

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Marc-philippe (2021/8/9)

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Marc-philippe (2021/8/9)

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Marc-philippe (2021/8/9)

Editor Andrew Spencer
Publisher. Info. Andrew Spencer, 2021.
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Vocal Scores


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Carolus (2012/9/21)

PDF scanned by US-R
Carolus (2012/9/21)

Editor Frederick Bridge (1844-1924)
John Pointer (d.1934)
Publisher. Info. London: Novello, n.d. Plate 11233.
Misc. Notes This file is part of the Sibley Mirroring Project.
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Aria: Since from my dear Astrea's sight (Act V, No.31)

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Gaba (2016/3/12)

Publisher. Info. Orpheus Britannicus (pp.190-91)
London: J. Heptinstall, n.d. Plate 1698.
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Gaba (2016/3/12)

ZIP typeset by editor
Gaba (2016/3/12)

Editor Gaba
Publisher. Info. Gaba
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Arrangements and Transcriptions


For 3 or 4 Recorders (Tennent)

PDF typeset by arranger
Rdtennent (2012/5/14)

10 more: First Music • First Act Tune (Hornpipe) • Charon the Peaceful Shade Invites • Symphony for Flutes; With Dances and Song • Second Act Tune • Chaconne for Flutes • The Chair Dance • What Shall I Do to Show How Much I Love Her? • Third Act Tune • Dance

PDF typeset by arranger
Rdtennent (2012/5/14)

PDF typeset by arranger
Rdtennent (2012/5/14)

PDF typeset by arranger
Rdtennent (2012/5/14)

PDF typeset by arranger
Rdtennent (2012/5/14)

PDF typeset by arranger
Rdtennent (2012/5/14)

PDF typeset by arranger
Rdtennent (2012/5/14)

PDF typeset by arranger
Rdtennent (2012/5/14)

PDF typeset by arranger
Rdtennent (2012/5/14)

PDF typeset by arranger
Rdtennent (2012/5/14)

PDF typeset by arranger
Rdtennent (2012/5/14)

Arranger R.D. Tennent
Publisher. Info. R. D. Tennent
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection, and are also included in the Mondrup Recorder Collection.
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First Musick

For Oboe and Harpsichord (Rondeau)

PDF typeset by arranger
Michrond (2018/3/11)

ZIP typeset by arranger
Michrond (2018/3/11)

Arranger Michel Rondeau (b. 1948)
Publisher. Info. Michel Rondeau, 2018.
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
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Symphony for Flutes; With Dances and Song

For 4 Recorders (Tennent)

PDF typeset by arranger
Rdtennent (2012/5/14)

4 more: Soprano Recorder Part • Alto 1 Recorder Part • Alto 2 (or Tenor) Recorder Part • Bass Recorder Part

PDF typeset by arranger
Rdtennent (2012/5/14)

PDF typeset by arranger
Rdtennent (2012/5/14)

PDF typeset by arranger
Rdtennent (2012/5/14)

PDF typeset by arranger
Rdtennent (2012/5/14)

Arranger R.D. Tennent
Publisher. Info. R. D. Tennent
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection, and are also included in the Mondrup Recorder Collection.
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Chaconne - Two in One upon a Ground (Act III)

For 6 Recorders and Continuo (Teuling)

PDF typeset by arranger
Arranger (2011/10/11)

PDF typeset by arranger
Arranger (2011/10/11)

Arranger Arnold den Teuling
Publisher. Info. Arnold den Teuling
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection, and are also included in the Mondrup Recorder Collection.
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For 5 Recorders and Continuo (Teuling)

PDF typeset by arranger
Arranger (2011/10/11)

PDF typeset by arranger
Arranger (2011/10/11)

Arranger Arnold den Teuling
Publisher. Info. Arnold den Teuling
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection, and are also included in the Mondrup Recorder Collection.
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For 2 Alto Recorders, Tenor Recorder and Bass Recorder (St. Pierre)

PDF typeset by arranger
Antonpetrus (2022/7/1)

Arranger Anthony St. Pierre
Publisher. Info. Anthony St. Pierre
Misc. Notes Tenor part is editorial. Bass part is editorially embellished.
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For 2 Recorders and Continuo (Anonymous)

PDF scanned by Unknown
Feduol (2017/5/23)

Publisher. Info. London: Unidentified publisher, n.d.[1691].
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Rshann (2017/5/24)

PDF typeset by editor
Rshann (2017/5/24)

PDF typeset by editor
Rshann (2017/5/24)

Editor Richard Shann
Publisher. Info. Richard Shann
Misc. Notes Music input with Denemo, typeset by LilyPond. The bass figures are editorial.
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Editor (2011/10/11)

PDF typeset by arranger
Editor (2011/10/11)

Arranger Arnold den Teuling
Publisher. Info. Arnold den Teuling
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection, and are also included in the Mondrup Recorder Collection.
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For 3 Recorders (Tennent)

PDF typeset by arranger
Rdtennent (2012/5/14)

Arranger R.D. Tennent
Publisher. Info. R. D. Tennent
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection, and are also included in the Mondrup Recorder Collection.
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For Horn, Trumpet and Euphonium (Messerschmidt)

PDF typeset by arranger
Messerman (2021/4/12)

Arranger Hans Jorgen Messerschmidt (b. 1944)
Publisher. Info. Hans Jorgen Messerschmidt, 2019.
Misc. Notes Chaconne for flutes, Third Act
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For Harpsichord (Teuling)

PDF typeset by arranger
wrshannon (2012/5/16)

ZIP typeset by arranger
wrshannon (2012/5/16)

Arranger Arnold den Teuling
Publisher. Info. Albert den Teuling
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
Javascript is required for this feature.

What Shall I Do? (Act III)

For Violin or Cello and Piano (Popper)

PDF scanned by Unknown
IgorCello (2018/5/3)

Arranger David Popper (1843–1913)
Publisher. Info. Moscow: Triton, n.d. Plate T. 95.
Misc. Notes reprint of Popper arr below, with added violin part, probably from Rossi's Perles Musicales
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For Cello and Piano (Popper)

PDF scanned by Orfeo Mandozzi
cellofan (2012/3/15)

Arranger David Popper (1843-1913)
Publisher. Info. Perles Musicales No.13
Offenbach: Johann André, n.d. Plate 15711.
Misc. Notes Identified only as "Air" in this edition
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General Information

Work Title Dioclesian
Alternative. Title The Prophetess: or, The History of Dioclesian ; Diocletian
Composer Purcell, Henry
Opus/Catalogue NumberOp./Cat. No. Z.627
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. IHP 12
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 5 acts:
1. First Music
2. Second Music
3. Overture
  • Act I
4. First Act Tune (Hornpipe)
  • Act II
5a. Air (Bass): Great Diocles the Boar has kill'd
5b. Chorus: Praise the thund'ring Jove
6a. Air (Soprano): Charon the peaceful shade
6b. Symphony
6c. Duet: Let all mankind the pleasure share
6d. Chorus: Let all mankind the pleasure share
7a. Prelude to Let the soldiers rejoice
7b. Air (contralto): Let the soldiers rejoice
7c. Chorus: Rejoice with a general voice
7d. Ritornello
7e. To Mars let'em raise
8a. Symphony
8b. Air (contralto): Since the toils
8c. Chorus: Let the priests with processions
9. Dance of Furies
10. Second Act Tune
  • Act III
11. Chaconne - two in one upon a Ground
12. The Chair Dance
13a. Prelude to What shall I do
13b. Air (soprano): What shall I do
14. Third Act Tune
  • Act IV
15. Butterfly Dance
16. Trumpet Tune
17a. Air (contralto): Sound, Fame
17b. Chorus: Let all rehearse
18. Fourth Act Tune
  • Act V
19. Country Dance
20. Masque (soprano & chorus): Call the Nymphs
21. Air (soprano): Let the Graces
22. Duet (basses): Come, come away
23a. Prelude to Behold, O mighty'st
23b. Chorus: Behold, O mighty'st
24. Paspe
25. Duet (sopranos): Oh the sweet delights of love
26a. Air (soprano): Let monarchs fight
26b. Chorus: Hear, mighty Love!
27. Duet (basses): Make room
28. Solo, Trio & Chorus: I'm here
29. Dance of Bacchanals
30a. Air (soprano): Still I'm wishing
30b. Ritornello
31. Canaries
32. Dialogue (soprano & bass): Tell me why
33. Dance
34a. Air: All our days and our nights
34b. Chorus: Began importunate reason
35. Dance
36a. Trio: Triumph victorious Love
36b. Chorus: Then all rehearse in lofty verse
  • Appendix
37. Air (soprano): When first I saw
38. Air (soprano): Since from my dear
39. Air (soprano): Let us dance, let us sing
First Performance. 1690-05
First Publication. 1691
Librettist Thomas Betterton (ca.1635-1710)
Language English
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Baroque
Piece Style Baroque
Instrumentation voices, chorus, orchestra, continuo
External Links Wikipedia article